I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 238: Road Encounter Zombies

At the beginning of the day, the weather gradually became hot again, so several people collected the tableware and flower cloth, and returned to Taohuazhuang.

Yan Hongxia is not interested in Mahjong and Go, but is a little interested in Xiao Cui's carving work.

Pick up the carving knife and imitate a little monkey that Xiaocui had carved before.

"Swipe swipe-"

A moment later, an identical little monkey appeared in her hand.

"Simple!" Yan Hongxia picked up another piece of wood, and the carving knife in her hand swirled and danced, and soon another wood carving peach blossom appeared.

Xiaocui: ⊙_⊙

Does Jianxiu have a bonus to carving skills?

Then, in the afternoon, all the wood carvings that Xiao Cui prepared for sale had a half-brother.


After spending an afternoon in the cool of the old peach tree, and having dinner in the Peach Blossom Village, the three of them said goodbye and left, all the way back to Tonglin County.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

Several people were walking through the mountain road, Yan Hongxia gritted her teeth and said as if she had made up her mind, "I'm going to leave tomorrow!"

Liu Qingyan was shocked when she heard the words, "So fast?"

Although she knew that Yan Hongxia would not live long, Liu Qingyan did not expect that Yan Hongxia would leave tomorrow.

"You don't have to be in such a hurry, right?" Liu Qingyan insisted, "There are still a few scenery around, and there are two signature plays in Yuling Garden. Well, I still have a lot of things to ask Hongxia."

Yan Hongxia shook her head and said, "I will teach you everything I can teach you. After all, I don't major in Feijian, and I don't know any secrets of Feiyu Mountain."

in addition……

These three days have been really comfortable. If I stay any longer, I'm afraid I don't want to leave, no no no! Must go!

Uuuu...and...that...can you prepare some food for me? "

Yan Hongxia swallowed her saliva, blinked her eyes, and said expectantly, "For example, chocolate and toffee..."

"Of course." Liu Qingyan stepped forward and grabbed Yan Hongxia, "Qingyan goes back and prepares it for you. Tonight, we will talk in a candlelit night. Also, if you are traveling by the way, come to Tonglin County more often."

Yan Hongxia smiled and said, "You should be like this."

Lu Zheng also smiled, "Let's go tomorrow, I'll prepare something for you too."

Yan Hongxia smiled wickedly, "Okay, then I'll be disrespectful!"


Several people were talking and laughing, and they were speeding on the forest path.

Lu Zheng, who was headed, suddenly stopped, and Yan Hongxia and Liu Qingyan also stopped immediately and turned to the deep forest in the east on the right.

"Aura of Netherworld."

"And corpse gas."

A burst of ghostly aura drifted along with the corpse aura.

"Go and see!"

Yan Hongxia's eyes condensed, sword energy surrounded her body, and then she turned her body up and down, and rushed into the dense forest on the right.

Lu Zheng pulled Liu Qingyan, the two of them fluttered, elegant and light, seemed to be slow and fast, and followed Yan Hongxia tightly.

Liu Qingyan pulled Lu Zheng with one hand and clasped the Ruby Sword with the other, patrolling left and right, ready to strike at any time.

The three of them only advanced for less than two miles before they discovered the source of the ghost and corpse aura just now.

Two corpses, and one with red eyes... a zombie?

Not to mention the two corpses, but to say that the zombie, who was wearing a strong suit, his face was blue and black, his two fangs were slightly exposed, his fingers were sharp, his pupils were pure red, and he seemed to have lost his mind.


Seeing the three of them appear, the zombie let out a low roar, paused, and rushed forward.


Yan Hongxia's figure kept on, and she didn't dodge or evade, but the sandalwood mouth opened slightly, and a cold sword qi shot straight out of her mouth and penetrated the neck of the zombie.

While piercing through the zombie's neck, the sword energy turned slightly as if it were real, and cut the entire neck of the zombie.


The zombie's head rolled off its shoulders and rolled to one side along the slope.


Of course, the zombie's body also fell to the ground, completely motionless.


Yan Hongxia reached the zombie's head in two steps, broke a branch and poked the zombie's head.

"Card it! Card it!"

The zombie head was still opening and closing trying to bite the branch.

Lu Zheng looked at the two corpses, and saw that they were also covered in gray, and they seemed to have been poisoned by corpses, but they did not turn into zombies.

"Their souls were too weak, and they were killed directly by the corpse poison." Liu Qingyan frowned.

Yan Hongxia stretched out her hand to point out a sword qi, and the sword qi sank directly into the zombie's head, destroying its soul and spirit.

"It has been contaminated by corpse poison, and there is no spiritual wisdom at all."

Lu Zheng blinked, "So he's not the first generation of zombies?"

Lu Zheng stayed here for a year and knew that there were also zombies here, but they were ghosts that were still alive, locked in the body, and absorbed the extremely yin energy in the land.

Strictly speaking, in fact, there is no essential difference between giant corpses, water corpses, corpse infants, etc.

Well, the only difference is that zombies have a special corpse poison, which can slowly erode the soul, turning people who were not directly killed by zombies into zombie-like monsters.

But this kind of monster has no intelligence, only instinct, so it is sometimes called a corpse puppet.

But not everyone can be turned into a corpse puppet. For example, the other two people at the scene have already lost their souls and were directly taken away by the corpse poison.

"There is a zombie nearby?" Lu Zheng looked around.

"Zombies should be in the tomb."

Liu Qingyan came to the other two corpses, flipped through it with a branch, and found some miscellaneous small parts, all of which were used for gold fighting.

"Grave robber?"

"It should have touched a tomb~lightnovelpub.net~ I didn't expect that there was a zombie in it."

"Uh... it's also miserable..."

"Burn them, otherwise, whether it is someone passing by or being eaten by beasts, the corpse poison will inevitably spread." Liu Qingyan said.

So the three of them chopped down some branches, found an open space, and burned the three bodies.

"That zombie won't come out, will it?"

"Probably not? We've lived in Tonglin County for a long time, and we haven't seen zombies in trouble."

"However, what if he was asleep before, but now he is awakened by tomb robbers?"


"Can you find his tomb?"

"Can't find it, only corpse poison, there is no breath on these three corpses."

Yan Hongxia replied, "The zombie just now was a warrior before his death, and this place is probably not too close to the tomb."

So the tombs are not easy to find.

Lu Zheng looked around, the mountains were high and the forests were dense, and he really couldn't find it.

"Let's go home first, wait and see, if the zombies are in chaos, there will be news in the county, then we don't need to go to him, he will be delivered to the door."

So several people continued to return to the city.

"I won't leave yet!" Yan Hongxia said suddenly with a serious tone, "Wait for a few days, wait for the news, and see if this zombie can't come out. If it comes out and harms people, then I will deal with this zombie before leaving."

"That's great." Liu Qingyan happily took Yan Hongxia's arm, "Then don't worry, we can't find him anyway, why don't we go to Yuling Garden to watch the performance of "The Legend of Red Rind" tomorrow? "

"Really? Okay, okay!" Yan Hongxia's eyes lit up and she nodded again and again.

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