I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 30: practice martial arts

Shen Shizhong.

Shen Ying sent Lu Zheng and the Liu sisters all the way outside Taohuaping.

"Sister, if you are free, you can come and chat with her."

"As long as the elder sister doesn't dislike the noise of the younger sister, Qingyan will naturally be willing."

"Peach Blossom Village has been quiet for a long time. With Qingquan there, it's still lively."

Shen Ying watched a few people get on the bus, "By the way, I'm in the village on weekdays, and I don't go out. Only when the moon is dark and the moon is absent, you don't have to come here for those two days."

"Qingyan remembered, goodbye sister!"

"I can't believe that there is such a quiet and elegant Taohuazhuang in the depths of Taohuaping. It seems that people in the county have never mentioned it." Lu Zheng said while flipping through the "Eighteen Forms of Danshan" in his hand.

"Peach Blossom Village is not located in a densely populated area of ​​peach forests, and it has to turn a certain distance to the southeast corner of the mountain. Generally, people who go out on a green tour rarely go there." Liu Qingyan thought for a while and explained.

"It makes sense."

The Dajing Dynasty is not as modern as it is in modern times. There are also roads in the scenic landscape, and all kinds of poisonous insects and beasts have been expelled.

In Dajing Dynasty, even in a tourist-like place like Taohuaping, it is only safe for a few acres of peach forests on the outside. Poisonous beasts haunt.

All the way back to the door of the county seat, he gave Liu Qingquan the rest of the preserved plums, and Lu Zheng said goodbye to the Liu sisters and returned home.

I went back to Hyundai, looked at my phone and no one was looking for me, so I immediately returned and started to learn the martial arts method I acquired today.

"Eighteen Forms of Danshan".

There are a total of 18 basic movements, which are not only the method of cultivation, but also the technique of defending against the enemy.

When cultivating, keep each movement, and then tremble specific muscles, from the outside to the inside, to temper the muscles, blood, internal organs, and bones.

Strengthen the physique and improve the blood.

When defending against the enemy, every action is also the basic move of attacking or defending, and based on this, it is more suitable to mobilize the blood energy cultivated in the "Eighteen Forms of Danshan".

Fortunately, after practising the "Ziwu Jinggong Breathing Method", although Lu Zheng was difficult, he understood this martial arts method without a threshold.

At the same time, the differences between the two exercises were also discovered.

"Ziwu Jinggong Breathing Method" is a Taoist breathing technique. It mainly focuses on true qi. It can slowly improve the meridians in the body, and has limited functions to improve physical fitness, but it is first-class in health preservation.

The function of infuriating qi is more inclined to the spiritual qi of heaven and earth. According to the scriptures, it has various magical effects and is the foundation of magic.

"Danshan Eighteen Forms", the method of martial arts, is much more effective in improving physical fitness than "Midden Meridian Jinggong Breathing Method", and at the same time it mainly increases the strength of the practitioner's qi and blood.

Or in other words, blood!

The blood is like a furnace, the air is like wolf smoke, violent and violent, attacking the unparalleled!

Well, I don't know if there are other types of martial arts in this world, but at least "Danshan Eighteen Styles" is like this.

In addition, fortunately, the cultivation of true qi and blood qi does not conflict, and Lu Zheng can completely cultivate at the same time.

With the light of luck in hand, Lu Zheng doesn't have to worry about limited energy, distractions and other troubles. It's really nice to think about it.

Without further ado, let's start practicing!

"Eighteen Forms of Danshan", as the name suggests, each movement must simulate a mountain being carried on the body.

Or shoulder, or back, or arm.

Based on this imagination, mobilize specific muscles and exertion methods on the body to fight against this imaginary mountain.

Before dinner, Lu Zheng could make three initial movements, and he could simply tremble his muscles and exert force.

Although it is still 108,000 miles away from the perfect display, it has already satisfied the foundation of improving with the light of luck.

The realm that others need to practice for several years to achieve, as long as Lu Zheng has the light of luck, it may only take two days.

After dinner, Lu Zheng continued to practice. Before going to bed, he had already completed the basic practice of the seven movements.

The next day, Lu Zheng didn't go out at all.

until evening...

Lu Zheng was in the backyard, and after a series of 18 moves, he couldn't help sweating and gasping heavily.

"As expected of the method of martial arts, raising qi and blood is too exhausting!"

After eating a whole old hen and four bowls of rice at noon, Lu Zheng's stomach is now growling again.

"Master, it's time to eat!"

Lu Zheng patted his stomach and returned to his bedroom after eating two fish and five big steamed buns.



The jade seal shook slightly, and the last three rays of luck were exhausted.

Then a strong blood energy was created out of thin air in Lu Zheng's body.

At the same time, Lu Zheng's muscles began to tremble, and from the outside in, he began to slowly transform his meridians, bone marrow, and internal organs.

"I'm going..."

Lu Zheng was lying on the bed, shaking like a sieve of chaff, only feeling extremely sour all over his body.

This was the first time he felt such a strong transformation of his body.

You must know that from the beginning of cultivation, an ordinary person uses these actions to exercise himself and improve his blood. Only when he has enough talent and has trained to a certain level, will he begin to generate blood that can be used for attacking and fighting. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Lu Zheng skipped this step directly. The light of luck can directly generate blood energy, but it cannot directly change Lu Zheng's physique in an instant. No matter how fast it is, it will take a process, and Lu Zheng will need to adapt gradually.

In the past, the improvement of the whole body physique, because it involved a wide range and did not improve much, it was easier for Lu Zheng to adapt.

This time, the places for improvement are more concentrated, which is why Lu Zheng's feelings are so strong.

Fortunately, Lu Zheng has improved his whole body a few times before, otherwise, I don't know if this will make him faint.


Lu Zheng tried his best to communicate the jade seal with his mind, and instantly returned to the modern age.


In the early morning of the second day, a pillar lifted up to the sky.

Lu Zheng got up. Although his body was still sore, he felt that he was full of strength.

Standing in front of the full-length mirror, she saw six-pack abs and a streamlined mermaid line. The girl covered her heart when she saw it, and the auntie saw Liu Shui.


Back in ancient times, Lu Zheng played a set of punches in the backyard, he would move his body away, and danced the knife all the way, before he finished his early exercise.

Lu Zheng nodded with satisfaction. No wonder he heard people say that ironing is also addictive. This feeling of getting stronger is really refreshing.

"Now half a month has passed since I obtained the "Midden Meridian Jinggong Breathing Technique", and the light of luck has also been used up, so I can go to Baiyun Temple again."

"I don't know if I can achieve my wish this time."

Lu Zheng ate breakfast in ancient times, and then turned back to modern times.

Wash, change clothes, go out.

Today is another sunny day. After Lu Zheng went out, he sent a message to Du Lin. After getting the exact reply, he took a taxi and drove directly to Wanren Ancient Sword Hall.
