I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 362: I see

Latest website: If it was an ordinary Baiyunguan disciple, it would not necessarily be able to beat this mandrill. After all, this mandrill's body was really strong to a certain level, full of blood energy and hard as iron.

However, Lu Zheng is different. His biggest feature is that he has many means.

When he found out that even the immobilization spell didn't work on the mandrill, he remembered the mandrill avoiding Hu Cainiang's eyes.

Could it be that his true spirit realm is not enough?

He tried it when he thought of it, and Lu Zheng directly slashed it with a golden sword.

There is nothing left or right, cut a sword first, it is best to use it, and it is useless to think of other means.

The Jin Que Heart Sword slashed straight at the true spirit, and the mandrill only felt that a golden sword appeared in his mind, slashing towards his soul with a sword.


The mandrill's expression changed in shock, and he kept his spirits tight, then stopped, turned around and left.


Lu Zheng raised the corner of his mouth, wouldn't he try it out?

"It turns out that your soul is so weak!"

Compared to Mandrill, who can fight warriors, monsters, and even qi cultivators by leaps and bounds by virtue of his body, his spirit is relatively weak. If he encounters a cultivator, he will be blinded.

That being the case...

"Jinque Shrine, town!"

Lu Zheng decisively cast the spell in the "Golden Tower Imperial Fayan Mysterious Secret Art".

The Jinque Heart Sword is to break the defense, and the Jinque Shrine is the frontal crush.

The mandrill only felt that a golden palace appeared out of thin air in his sea of ​​consciousness, shining brightly.


The mandrill's eyes were full of horror, his legs kicked, his body was flying, and he crashed into the forest at a faster speed than when he came before, and quickly fled.

"Have you left?"

Lu Zheng sneered and followed.



The crisp sound resounded through the mountains and forests, but the movement that followed was not small. In the deep mountains and old forests, it seemed that a muck truck was rushing forward, causing the ground to shake, trees to break, and smoke to rise.

"Jinque Heart Sword, slash!"

"Jinque Shrine, town!"

"Jinque Treasure Mirror, disperse!"

"Jinque Illusion Realm, confused!"

Lu Zheng experimented with different tricks along the way, "The Mysterious Secret Art of Jinque Yufayan".

Mandrill could only stick to the true spirit, and turned around several times to kill Lu Zheng, but Lu Zheng responded with Yunfa and Feijian, which made him return without success.

Mandrill was helpless, and gradually he only felt a splitting headache, his soul was consumed, and he didn't even have the ability to fight back.


Thirty miles into the deep mountain, Lu Zheng felt that the mandrill had no strength to fight back, and was about to make a final move when he saw that he suddenly turned a mountain corner and broke into a valley.

Lu Zheng followed and went in, and saw that the mandrill got into a cave and disappeared.

In the valley, smoke and clouds curled up, perhaps because of the terrain, Lu Zheng felt that the air was a little lighter than the outside world.

Lu Zheng looked around, and found a lot of broken trees and broken bones in the valley.

This is the nest of the mandrills.


In the cave, the crisp voice of a mandrill came, "Humans! We have eaten all the people in that mountain village, but you came in to avenge them! Hahaha!"

Lu Zheng's eyes narrowed.

The mandrill's voice came from a deep place in the cave, so it could be seen that the cave was not shallow.

As for Lu Zheng, he didn't have the ability to attack the mandrill's soul from such a long distance.

Therefore, the mandrill hoped that Lu Zheng would go deep into the cave and take advantage of the geographical advantage to kill Lu Zheng in the small cave.

When he came to the entrance of the cave, Lu Zheng looked inside the cave, and saw a dark patch inside. He turned to the left when he went in less than three feet, and couldn't see any further inside.

"Tsk tsk, do you think I dare not go in?"

"Then you came in?"

"As you wish, I'm in!"

Lu Zheng's voice fell, and then he entered the cave with one step.

Not only did he enter the cave, but Lu Zheng took out the Seven Star Sword, and with a few backhands, he cut off the surrounding rocks and sealed the entrance of the cave.

Then, Lu Zheng went deep into the cave all the way, and at the same time, the long sword in his hand kept constantly destroying the passage behind him, and he actually sealed the cave more and more dead.

"What are you doing!" The mandrill was a little frightened, and the other party wanted to die with him?

"Hey! Guess what?"

Lu Zheng laughed, and the speed was not fast, he just destroyed all the way to enter.

Seeing that Lu Zheng has already penetrated dozens of feet, the road behind him is blocked for dozens of feet. The mandrill finally couldn't bear it any longer and flew over.

In this three-zhang-high cave, the mandrill almost filled the cave's space, and Lu Zheng had no choice but to retreat.

"Death to me!"

The mandrill roared, as if he had seen himself hammering Lu Zheng into a meat pie.

Then Lu Zheng waved at him and took a step back.


The mandrill couldn't stop, and directly hit the road blocking rock behind Lu Zheng.


"Jinque Heart Sword, slash!"


The mandrill screamed and was about to run deep into the cave, only to see Lu Zheng suddenly appearing on his way, swinging his sword again.

The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, the rocks are broken, and the rocks are falling, blocking his retreat.


"That's right!" Lu Zheng laughed, telling an outdated joke, "No prize!"

Mandrill could not understand this cold joke, but just punched the rock blocking the way, trying to smash a way.

It stands to reason that it should be safer to lead to the outside of the cave, but he clearly knows that Lu Zheng blocked the road of dozens of feet when he came.

So he could only go backwards, before Lu Zheng had time to seal the road, cut through the rocks, and continued to go deep into the cave.


Lu Zheng is no weaker than him. While retreating by walking on the ground, while breaking the rocks and blocking the road, he attacked with a subtle and mysterious method.

The mandrill could not reach Lu Zheng, and was completely crushed and beaten, unable to fight back.




"Uh... woo..."


At the last time, the mandrill pushed the golden mountain down like a jade pillar, and smashed it straight into the gravel pile, with only the air coming out, but not the air coming in.

After confirming that the mandrill's soul and spirit had been wiped out, Lu Zheng appeared and put his body in the storage gourd.


One hundred and forty-one rays of luck are credited to the account~lightnovelpub.net~ No! "Lu Zheng's eyes narrowed.

Don't look at this mandrill as powerful, but in fact it is not very good. Even if there is still potential, it will reach its peak after harvesting seventy or eighty rays of luck, and it will never exceed one hundred.

But Yuyin actually received 141 rays of luck, which means that this mandrill is destined to have a lot of potential in the future, and the opportunity has arrived.

Lu Zheng's eyes flashed, he looked at the dark passage behind him, and then walked in silently.

After walking a few dozen feet along the way, I finally walked out of the cave passage and came to a slightly empty space.

A ray of red light dimly illuminated the cave space, and the situation in the center of the mountainside also came into Lu Zheng's eyes.

"I see!"