I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 439: Treasure of the San Miguel


"Hey, I have already sorted out the business relationship of Allen Company. Where are you now?"

"I'm standing outside the Allen Art Co. vault."

Lin Wan, "..."

Lu Zheng smiled, "Have you found any problems?"

Lin Wan said, "On the bright side, no problems have been found, but they have close relationships with several collectors who are suspected of acquiring illegal cultural relics, and there are also a few suspicious foreign trade orders. "

After a pause, Lin Wan continued, "In addition, they are going to pretend to be a businessman who smuggles cultural relics to come and try it out, but I don't think it will work."

Lu Zheng nodded, "The work is too rough, of course it won't be effective."

"How about you? Can you find evidence such as hidden accounts? But these accounts should be in the computer now, can you find them?" Lin Wan asked worriedly.

"Haha! You forgot what major I studied at university?"

"Computers, I know." Lin Wan snickered, "But there is still a gap between computer graduates and professional hackers, right?"

"You're still playing tricks with me?"

"No, no, I just want to ask, is hacking technology also related to the artistic conception of martial arts and fine control of muscles?" Lin Wan joked.

With Lu Zheng following, this case is basically invincible, so Lin Wan's mood is also very relaxed, and she is in the mood to joke.

"Yes!" Lu Zheng nodded solemnly and said, "You are right, looking for flaws in the opponent's thinking, and fast typing on the keyboard, of course, is related to the artistic conception of martial arts and muscle control."

Lin Wan: ←_←

Lu Zheng said, "I'll wait here until they all leave at night, and then look for hidden accounts and possible follow-up plans in their computers.

If there is an offline transaction recently, you can ask the Los Angeles Police Department to come out, and I can give you the USB flash drive with the hidden accounts. "


When all the people from Allen Art Company were gone, Lu Zheng showed himself in the president's office.

Turning on the computer, typing on the keyboard, he even rewrote a search plug-in on the spot.

Then, he decisively found a hidden account, as well as a library of artwork pictures for smuggling transactions, as well as information on the guests who took the cultural relics at the illegal cultural relic auction.

But there is no information about follow-up plans and other illegal groups.

However, this information is enough for Lin Wan to recover the relevant cultural relics from China.

The question now is how to get this thing to the Los Angeles Police Department smoothly.

Eh? correct! Aren't they going to try to pretend to be smugglers?

When they leave, bring them something by the way.

In this way, the evidence was collected by them. Lu Zheng didn't believe that these people did not take credit. When no undercover agent or informant came out to take the credit, of course the credit belonged to them.

And with evidence, you can apply for a search warrant to search the company, so that the illegal cultural relics in the last vault can't be hidden.

As for the follow-up, the transfer of cultural relics has nothing to do with Lin Wan. Naturally, the Chinese embassy and cultural relics bureau will be connected here.

You can start a travel vacation in the Lighthouse Country with Lin Wan by yourself.


Lu Zheng tapped the keyboard cracklingly, and imported all the criminal information into a USB flash drive he picked up from an electronics store during the day.


Just as he was about to pull out the USB flash drive, Lu Zheng suddenly found another encrypted file.


Lu Zheng decisively decrypted it and opened it, and found that there was a photo of a parchment scroll in his hand.

"San Miguel Shipwreck Treasure?"

"What the hell?"

Lu Zheng pulled down, and then he knew the ins and outs of this treasure.

After Spain owned the entire American continent, it plundered more than 50 percent of the world's gold and silver in the past few hundred years. It can be said to be the richest country in the world.

In 1712, the afterglow of Spain was over, and the sun was setting in the west. In order to avoid the forces of the New World, the British finally made dumplings, and their country was also short of money because of the war.

Therefore, Spain set up the largest treasure fleet in this history, preparing to transport all the gold and silver treasures it had left in the New World to the country.

This is a fleet of twenty large ships with a displacement of more than 500 tons, each of which is full of gold, silver, jewelry and other precious items.

In order to prevent pirates from attacking, they are preparing to sail back to Spain in a short time gap before the approach of hurricane season.

But the result was cruel. Seven days after they traveled, they encountered a hurricane that wiped out the entire fleet, and all the treasures on the ship were naturally buried on the bottom of the sea.

For hundreds of years, on the east coast of Cuba or the lighthouse country, occasionally scattered pieces of gold and silver have been washed ashore with the waves, making many lucky people a small fortune.

For hundreds of years, including the Spanish royal family, many treasure hunters have salvaged treasures in the waters involved. Seven treasure ships have been salvaged, and about one-third of the lost treasures have been recovered.

But there are still plenty of treasures still sleeping on the seabed, including this San Miguel.

The San Miguel, one of the largest treasure hunters in the transport fleet at the time, was separated from the fleet when the hurricane approached, and did not sink in the waters involved, and the surviving crew could not tell where they sank.

And according to the treasures salvaged and collected over the centuries, there is nothing on the San Miguel.

Therefore, the San Miguel should have sank the whole ship, and all the treasures on the ship are still together.

The parchment scroll map in front of him was drawn by the chief mate of the San Miguel.

The captain of the San Miguel is dead~lightnovelpub.net~ The most literate and knowledgeable person who was rescued was the first mate, who was also Selfishly, he did not tell the real situation of the royal family, but drew a map in private, and secretly hid it with the records of the boating that he wrote down after the event, and planned to set up a company after the event and salvage it himself.

It's just that things are fickle, and before he resigned from the army to start a company, he died in the Spanish War of Succession, and this treasure map and ship records were passed down from generation to generation in the hands of his descendants.

Until today, three hundred years later, it has flowed into the hands of Alan Carter, the owner of the Allen Art Company.

According to the map and ship records, Alan Carter has locked in a rough area, and the rest is to prepare to contact the salvage ship, form a new treasure hunt company, and then carry out the treasure salvage work.

"Treasures worth more than 300 million yuan? Indian-style and Spanish-style gold and silverware and treasures made of gold?"

"This treasure is destined to me!"

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Thanks to the book friends 160510183645161 Taoist friends, Huaiqing Zhanchen Taoist friends, 08a Taoist friends, Daliang brother Taoist friends, and shallow Taoist friends