I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 522: Forest fire

Latest URL: "Nice job!"

"Pretty, kitty!"

The big wild boar, which was nearly 300 pounds, struggled twice, and then his trachea leaked, and his body gradually became weak.


The Siberian leopard bit him two more times, completely killing the wild boar, and then he relaxed his mouth.

Then, let go, took two steps back, looked at Lu Zheng and Lin Wan, and let go of the big wild boar's body.

"Good boy, really good!" Lin Wan didn't care about the blood on the leopard's mouth, she stepped forward and touched the leopard's head, then patted its head, pointed at the big wild boar, and let him do it.

Northeast Leopard: ? ? ?

Looking at Lin Wan and Lu Zheng, the Northeast Leopard stepped forward decisively, tore open the belly of the wild boar in one bite, and began to eat meat.

Lu Zheng and Lin Wan squatted aside, admiring the picture of the Siberian leopard eating.

It's savage, it's raw, it's bloody.

But it is also very enjoyable, even sacred, and the people watching it are full of blood.

After all, humans, strictly speaking, are also hunters!

The leopard ate most of the wild boar's internal organs and a lot of fresh meat in the abdomen in one go, and finally was full.

In theory, when it hunts a prey, if it can't eat it, it will drag the prey to the tree to store it.


The Siberian Leopard looked at the big wild boar on the ground, and then tried to drag it with its mouth.

No drag!

It has never hunted such a large prey before.

The Northeast Leopard blinked, thinking for a moment what to do.

"Hehe, so cute." Lin Wan said with a smile.

"Would you like to help it?"

"Of course." Lin Wan nodded, then stepped forward and touched the leopard's head, "Where is your home? Let me bring it back for you?"

Of course, the Northeast Leopard couldn't understand it, so he still looked at Lin Wan with a confused expression.

Lu Zheng didn't understand either, "The Northeast Leopard shouldn't have a fixed den, why don't you just find a tree and throw it on it?"

"Alright, anyway, it's freezing cold in this forest, it's the same everywhere."

Lin Wan nodded, then stretched out her hand to carry the wild boar's body, waved it, and threw it onto a tree with a crooked neck, where it landed at the intersection of three branches, a full five meters high.

Pointing to the pork on the tree, Lin Wan looked at the Northeast Leopard, "Can you go up?"

The Northeast leopard swooped out and climbed up in three or two strokes, then looked at Lin Wan, hummed twice to express his thanks, then ran down again in three or two strokes, sticking out his head and rubbing it.

"a ha ha ha!"

Then, Lin Wan and Northeast Leopard played in the snow, while Lu Zheng turned into a photographer to capture various moments.

"You too, you too!"

Lin Wan greeted Lu Zheng, and then changed to continue.

After playing for a long time, I finally enjoyed it. Lin Wan patted the kitten's head, pulled Lu Zheng, and the two hugged the neck of the Siberian leopard together, and took a selfie with it. .

"Oh, it's a pity, this photo can't be posted on the Moments, it's a pity!"

Lu Zheng smiled and said, "Well, let's say it's from PS. We are still in Haicheng, who can come to verify it?"

"Come on." Lin Wan couldn't help but glanced at Lu Zheng, saying it nicely, and she didn't know who was hiding it all day, without revealing it at all.

But this is the only way to feel comfortable and free. If you really want to kill anyone, you won't be suspicious. Otherwise, you will be exposed, and you don't know how many headless koans will be detained.

"Collect it, put it together with the photos of the giant panda, and make a photo album together at that time." Lin Wan said happily.

Lu Zheng nodded, "It's up to you, let's continue looking for the Siberian tiger?"

"Of course!" Lin Wan nodded again and again. How can the Siberian leopard and the Siberian tiger be compared? One is a kitten weighing 70 to 80 pounds, and the other is a brain axe weighing more than 300 pounds.

If you can't get a big cat, you won't be able to achieve your goal this time!

"What happened ahead?"

"What a **** smoke, is this a forest fire?"

Lu Zheng and Lin Wan didn't fly. After all, they flew so high that they couldn't see the specific situation in the forest, and the ability of the Siberian tiger to hide its tracks was first-class.

So they just moved quickly in the forest, and when they came to a certain open area, they found that the sky was billowing with black smoke in the distance.

"Is it still in the country now?" Lu Zheng asked Lin Wan.

They are going all the way east, maybe they have already reached Russia at this time.

Lin Wan nodded, "I didn't see the boundary monument, it's still in the territory."

"Go! Go and see!"

Lu Zheng pulled Lin Wan, and the white cloud appeared at the feet of the two of them, soaring into the sky, straight up into the sky.

In the distance, the fire was looming in the forest, black smoke billowed from the sky, and countless animals were coming out and fleeing.

When Lu Zheng approached, they saw fire trucks coming from the southwest, and many fire trucks had already arrived, starting to pump water from a nearby river and transport it to the fire site.

Lu Zheng also saw some firefighters who had dragged water pipes and charged into the fire.

"The second group, go to the north to set up the defense line! The fifth group of six groups, go to the south to set up the defense line, and never allow the fire line to cross the cordon!"


"One group sprays water! Three groups blow out the surface fire with wind! Four groups continue to go deep!"


"Captain, the helicopter has arrived, but the fire is so smokey that they can't find the exact location of Professor Gu's team!"

"Do you know the general location?"

"Yes, in a valley to the east."

"Call all seven groups, organize the equipment in five minutes, and go in with me to save people!"

"Captain, if you want to take command, let me go!"

"Bullshit! During the meeting, your theories followed suit. It's time to put you to the test. It's up to you now!"

"team leader…"

"This is an order!"


"When I rescue Professor Gu, immediately notify the rear to spray fire extinguishing agent."


When the commander explained the task, he did not know that there were two invisible people listening quietly beside him.

In a valley several kilometers away, a team of seven or eight people is trapped in the valley.

Black smoke billowed, the fire was raging, and the dense trees at the mouth of the valley were all lit, making it impossible for people in the valley to break out.

No, it's not just that they can't break through, but the fire has already spread to them, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is about to burn them.

Although they have built an isolation belt around them, facing the monstrous fire, an isolation belt less than two meters is still a drop in the bucket.

"Hold on! Hold on! Rescue is already on its way!"

"Uuuuu...I don't want to die..."

"Professor, lean a little further inside."

"No, you girls go in, I'll do it outside."

"No! We are all dead and you can't have an accident!"

"Nonsense, your future still has infinite possibilities, no one can give up easily, there is no status at this time, you go back!"

Just when a few people were arguing about who was inside and who was outside, they didn't realize that two people had touched their side.