I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 523: Get rid of the clothes

The latest website: "How is it? Is it in time?"

"Don't worry, thousands of miles of clouds, of course I have to condense for a while, just in such a valley, I will be able to rain heavily in no time."

"It's probably another X-Files."

A whole forest fire, heavy rain in a valley, and a team of people were rescued, it felt very strange no matter how you looked at it.

"Better than knocking them out and moving them out."

If so, it is a full display of supernatural powers.

Lu Zheng shook his head, twisted the seal in his hand, and was about to cast a spell to rain, but was suddenly stunned.

"What's wrong?"

"I seem to have discovered Huadian."

"What is Huadian?"

"It's a blind spot."

Lin Wan was speechless, what kind of meme are you still playing at this time, and she didn't even realize it.

"What blind spot?"

"I have a better way."

"any solution?"

"Fire Avoidance Technique!"


Although the fire avoidance formula in the "Chisongzi Zuojie Yushui Dan Jing" is only a spell cast by practitioners, as long as the practice reaches a profound level, it can naturally be used by analogy and other uses.

As for Lu Zheng, it was obvious that he had already cultivated to a very profound level.


Lu Zheng rose into the air, stretched out his hand gently, and drew a circle along the isolation belt cleaned up by Professor Gu and the others, cast his mana, and attached the Fire Avoidance Charm to it.

Then, there were originally some spark fire snakes breaking into the isolation belt from time to time, but now as long as they touch the center line of the isolation belt, they are all blocked by an invisible wall.

However, Lu Zheng only isolated the flames, but not the heat, so they still felt the heat was unbearable, and they didn't notice that the violent flames just retreated slightly.

Lin Wan reminded, "And those firefighters who rushed in."

Lu Zheng nodded, and then the two left the valley hand in hand.

Not long after, a team of twelve firefighters rushed in dismal.

"Professor Gu!"

"I am here!"

"The firemen are here!"

"Woooooo - great, we're saved!"

"Are there any wounded?"



The firefighters rushed to the crowd and were about to spray the fire extinguisher around, but found that there was no threat of fire.

"Hey?" The commander couldn't help but stunned, "Why is there no fire?"

"We set up an isolation belt!" a girl said hurriedly.

"That shouldn't be, forget it, these are not important, hurry up, Liu Yuhao, you carry Professor Gu on your back, this girl, you come up, we carry you out!"

"No, no, it doesn't matter, we can go by ourselves."

"Come up, don't waste time, let's rush out as quickly as possible!"

Without saying a word, the commander squatted down with his back to the girl in front of him.

Professor Gu nodded, "Time is life, don't embarrass the firefighters."

Seven or eight firefighters unloaded the fire tank and held it in their hands, carried the researchers on their backs, and then formed a formation to break out of the valley.

Before going out, the commander couldn't help but glance back, and then saw the flames rush through the isolation belt, completely covering the place where Professor Gu and everyone were staying just now.

The commander's pupils shrank!

Breaking through all the way, the fire turned out to be even fiercer than before, and the trees up to tens of meters burned up, and the flames really filled the sky.

"Hurry up!"

Several firefighters with no one behind their backs rushed forward, holding fire extinguishers to open the way, opening the passage for everyone, and the remaining seven or eight people followed in sequence, keeping footsteps.

At this moment, a cyclone suddenly rolled over, and a wave of fire rushed towards the two firefighters on the front left and drowned them instantly.

"Big tiger!"

"Old Duan!"


The cyclone rolled all the way in front of everyone, and after the fire wave was exhausted, it suddenly retreated, revealing two firefighters with lingering expressions on their faces.

"Big tiger?"

"Old Duan?"

"Captain, I'm fine!"

"I'm fine too!"

"Fuck you!" Several firefighters exclaimed.

"Stop babbling, hurry up, everyone is numb, hurry up!"

The commander roared, and then rushed out with the girl behind his back.

"Captain, wait a minute!"

I was startled just now, and the two firefighters who were about to close their eyes and wait to die quickly rushed up and overtook the commander again.

Then, the fire extinguishers were used alternately all the way to open the way, and everyone finally rushed out of the fire before the fire extinguishers were completely exhausted.

"team leader!"

"Everyone has been rescued, hurry up and call the air to put out the fire!"


"Block the line of fire for me!"

"Don't worry, Captain, the support from the brothers has arrived."

The commander turned back and found that more firefighters had arrived.

With a sigh of relief, he realized that all the strength in his body was almost exhausted, his feet were soft, and then he was supported by the team members.

"Captain, you are already past your peak period, and you dare to rush in, and you even rushed out with a person on your back, bullshit!"

The commander pouted, "So I only dare to pick the lightest back!"

When the girl in the distance heard it, she couldn't help showing a happy smile.

In the distance, Lu Zheng clapped his hands and smiled, "Isn't this done?"

Not long after, a plane flew from the distant sky, and then hovered over the fire field, and began to spray fire extinguishing agents frantically.

On the ground, the firefighters also launched a big counterattack. Under the attack of the high-pressure water gun, the flames were pressed back step by step.

Not long after, when they were still at a stalemate with the flames, a large cloud of dark clouds suddenly gathered in the sky, and the rain fell from the sky, splashing on the fire.

"Good luck! Didn't the weather forecast say that it will be sunny for half a month?"

"Can you trust the weather forecast?"

"Haha, right?"

Several firefighters laughed, and then together they held high-pressure water guns and advanced step by step.

Of course they were happy. Although this forest fire did not spread widely, the fire was big. The important thing was that there was still a research team trapped inside. They needed to go in and save people!

In theory, it is possible to sacrifice a few team members, but now not only has no one sacrificed, but the sky is so beautiful that it even rains.

Although the rain was not heavy, it kept on pattering, and it suppressed the wind, preventing the fire snakes from rolling around. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com definitely helped them a lot.

Two hours later, the rain cleared and the forest fire was basically extinguished. It only affected a small area. Compared with the large tracts of virgin forest in the northeast, it had no impact.

Seeing that the firefighters have already started their finishing work, there must be no danger, so Lu Zheng and Lin Wan will naturally not accompany them.

After all, the original purpose of coming to the Northeast has not been achieved yet, so we must hurry up.

"Walk around! Outside the target country!"

Lu Zheng twisted his stealth tactics, and the two rose up into the clouds and flew directly to the east.

Below, the commander, who took off his helmet, unbuttoned his clothes, held a towel in one hand and a water bottle in the other, was sitting with his back against the big tree, watching the fire without knowing what he was thinking.

------off topic-----

Thanks to book friends 20190605093706520 Taoist friends, 08a Taoist friends