I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 524: Dinner with Liu Qingyan

Facts have proved that Siberian tigers are really rare. They were lucky to meet a Siberian leopard on the first day they came here.

For three full days, Lu Zheng and the two wandered at the junction of the two countries and did not find one.

Of course, this does not mean that their lives are boring, after all, they are not researchers with missions, but come to travel.

Go boating on the Suifen River, fish in the Xingkai Lake, and play long jumps on the tens of meters of red pine and fir trees in the virgin forest.

In addition, the old forest in the deep mountains is really a safari park. Roe deer, sika deer, sable, snow rabbit, and hazel pheasant, Lin Wan took a lot of photos, and the two of them had a lot of fun.

On the third day, the two also found a blind bear. Lin Wan went up to fight it with great enthusiasm, and flipped the other side over several times in a row, and the black bear obediently exposed its belly.

At night, the two would pitch their tents in the wild.

Lu Zheng's storage gourd has everything in it. He eats hot pot and sings songs. Although his mobile phone has no signal, he still has a radio to listen to the radio.

As for the moon and stars in the second half of the night, everything is silent, and there is no need to say what will happen in the warm tent.

It was not until the fourth day that the two of them had wandered into the depths of the old forest in the Russian Primorsky Territory, and when they finally saw a pheasant, they found the figure of the big cat along the way.

Just one rush and one blow, the pheasant was bitten in the neck just as the pheasant flapped its wings.

Then, there were only three or two mouthfuls. Except for some feathers and bloodstains, not even the chicken head was left. They were all bitten and swallowed by the Siberian tiger, which weighed more than 300 kilograms, and the food was clean. .


"Wuhu! Brain Axe!"

The Siberian tiger turned his head, his eyes were sharp, his body was strong, alert and alert, and his momentum was agitated.


A pounce! Flip it! One cut!

After a moment.

What more can be said? If you can't beat it and you can't beat it, you can only enjoy it. Not to mention, this two-legged beast is quite comfortable to serve.

Lu Zheng and Lin Wan followed the Siberian tiger for three days, hunted and played together, and finally helped it hunt a red deer, and then they said goodbye and waved away.

Go home and rest.

Lu Zheng ordered a printer directly from the Internet, one that can print photos, and then bought a few crystal photo albums, ready to put pictures of the two of them with animals around the world.

Well, in the future, I will have a goal to travel.

"Husband~" Lin Wan approached in a tender voice.

"What's up~" Lu Zheng's eyes lit up and he was ready to move.

"It's been a week, shouldn't we set off?" Lin Wan's eyes flickered.

Lu Zheng, "…"

Well, the weekend entertainment we talked about earlier, this is the first week.

Not to mention a certain old Japanese man in his 60s who had a sudden stroke and was about to usher in a miserable old age, and his two extreme right-wing sons who had sudden kidney failure, Lu Zheng and Lin Wan had already flown back to Haicheng. I also went for a walk along the inland river, and then returned home leisurely.

The next day, when the two of them were tired, they received the news that the special treasure auction of the San Miguel had ended successfully.

"Huh? It's over?"

"The turnover is 1.35 billion meters of gold."

"Tsk tsk, it went up a little more."

"How much can you get?"

"I don't know. There are also auction fees and taxes. Let's wait and see."

Lin Wan snickered, "Maybe I'll chop off half of it for you."

Lu Zheng smacked his lips, "Then I'll go to the Lighthouse Country and talk to them well. I can only hope that they will be more interesting."

Early in the morning, Tonglin County, Lu House.

Now that it's autumn, and the weather is gradually cooling down, Lu Zheng played a fistfight in the backyard before he came to the front yard.

"Brother-in-law and brother-in-law! Where have you been for so many days?"

When Lu Zheng appeared, Ao Qian, who was next door, rushed out of the study and slammed against the wall. Then, Liu Qingquan's little head also appeared beside her.

"Going out to retreat and practice." Lu Zheng said seriously, "Cultivation in the city is still a bit noisy, I will go out for a while from time to time to retreat in peace."

"Oh?" Ao Qian nodded vaguely, and continued, "Then brother-in-law, your state of mind is still not enough, it's not a long-term retreat, it's just ordinary cultivation, and there's no way to meditate in the county town? "

Lu Zheng, "…"

Squeezed out a smile, "This way, the efficiency will be somewhat higher, and you can usually play more comfortably for a while."

When it comes to playing, Ao Qian is no longer sleepy.

"By the way, brother-in-law, you are not here for the ten-day event this time. It's a pity. We went to Wuxiu Village as a guest, and we were fishing by the river and then having a barbecue. It was fun!"

Lu Zheng couldn't help blinking, "Do you think fishing is fun?"

Ao Qian said confidently, "They all came here by themselves before, but this time I've specially restrained my breath!"

Liu Qingquan nodded again and again, "I testify that Qian Baoer didn't catch a single fish, and finally jumped down to catch the fish."

Ao Qian: (▼ヘ▼#)

"Qingquan! Qian Baoer! Have you finished your morning homework?" Mrs. Liu's voice came from the yard.


"There's one more article left, we're going to transcribe it now!"

The two little girls rushed down the wall in a panic and disappeared.

Lu Zheng couldn't help laughing. Don't look at Mrs. Liu's gentleness and gentleness on weekdays. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com did not expect that she could handle these two little girls.

"Lu Lang, are you eating at home tonight?"

"Okay, then trouble auntie."

"No trouble, no trouble."

Mrs. Liu smiled back, and then the footsteps passed from the next courtyard, it should be to prepare.

Just looking at the performance of the neighbors, you know that these days are completely fine.

Lu Zheng took out the folding fan from the gourd, fanned it twice, the cool breeze was blowing, and then put the folding fan back, with two walnuts in his hand, greeted Uncle Li and Aunt Liu, and went out smartly.

As usual, I went to Dessert Restaurant and Sugar Factory for a while, and then I went to Renxintang to take a photo with Liu Laozhang and Liu Qingyan.

Seeing that there were no patients in the hall at all, Lu Zheng took Liu Qingyan and left together, preparing to have a meal outside together, and then go to Yuling Garden to listen to music in the afternoon.

Mingyue Building, second floor, near the window.

Although the dishes here are far worse than those made by Lu Zheng, but at this time it is a two-person world, and what is needed is an atmosphere.

Ordered a few light side dishes, and ordered a meat dish with roasted chicken nuggets, and the two enjoyed their lunch while snickering and laughing.

"What is Yulingyuan doing this afternoon? Don't play "The Legend of Red Rind" again. I'm tired of listening to it."

"I heard that a great talent in Zhongjing wrote another story, and Yuling Garden compiled it into a drama, which has become a new major axis track."

"Really?" Lu Zheng nodded, "Then you can go and listen."

"Dude, just come with two meat dishes and three bowls of rice."

At this moment, a tall and straight-looking young man in white came up, just sat down, and saw Liu Qingyan sitting diagonally opposite, her eyes lit up.

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