I Have a Little Black Hole

v1 Chapter 1: Greetings from the universe

   "As a southerner, it's understandable to stay in bed when resting at home in winter!" This is a common reason why Lei Tiantang stays at home on Sundays and gets up at ten in the morning.

   Hefei in December is exceptionally cold, and it’s not just talking about shaking in winter. It was raining lightly, and Lei Tiantang, who was resting at home, did not get up as usual.

With his head covered and only his nose exposed, he shrank under the quilt and recalled a strange dream that he had just had. In the dream, he turned into a small black hole and wandered in the vast universe. Whatever he encounters, he **** from an ordinary star. The small-mass black hole produced by the explosion grew slowly. One day, when passing by a strange space dimension interlayer, he suddenly contacted him. In his dream, he could control the small black hole to move, and he could control the black hole's gravity and direction, even You can take out what the black hole has absorbed! The feeling of controlling gravity is really fantastic! Feeling powerful!

   "It would be great if this dream was real. How could the dream be so real? If the small meteorite I took could be sold on earth, it would cost millions!" It's beautiful to think about it! Forget it, let's get up and eat. When I'm hungry, it's time for lunch.

   Lei Tiantang, who got out of bed and was about to put on his shoes, suddenly stared at a gray stone the size of a football on the floor next to the bed. How could this stone resemble the small meteorite taken out of the universe in his dream?

   Lei Tiantang, who looked straight at the stone, wandered around in his mind, could it be that my dream was true? He was pretty sure that there was absolutely no such stone in the room before. Time has come? Should I be taken aback? However, as an old bookworm bombed by Niang Niang, Lei Tiantang said that I was a little surprised..., just a little confused. Brother is also an adventurer?

Oh my God! I have a small black hole? No, I have to try again! Regardless of putting on his shoes, he began to sense the small black hole in the unknown universe again.

No accident, Lei Tiantang felt the black hole very easily. The body of the black hole is really small, about one kilometer in size, and the mass is about the size of two suns, and the size of the accretion disk is three times the size of the sun. The environment around the black hole, etc., he can clearly perceive all the information contained in the entire black hole, which seems to be printed naturally in his brain. It's incredible. To know his astronomical knowledge is pitiful. He has only watched documentaries about black holes. Now he knows so much knowledge about black holes, incredible!

   is like a avatar. Lei Tiantang can easily control the entire black hole, control the direction of movement, and manipulate the magnitude of gravity. These abilities are just like the instincts of a body. And the place connected to his body is actually the legendary sea of ​​consciousness, yes, you are not wrong, the illusory black hole body in the sea of ​​knowledge of Thunder Heaven and Tang is the place where he connects to the black hole in the universe.

   actually really knows the sea of ​​knowledge, Lei Tian Tang Le, and then he instinctively knows that the space inside the black hole phantom in the sea of ​​knowledge can actually be used as storage space. Lei Tiantang himself can also control a gravitational field the same size as the phantom, and he has packed a lot of methods for using the gravitational field.

   Saying that this knowledge shouldn't have been explored by yourself, this thing is a gift from a passing **** who knows everything at once. Why did he suddenly have this black hole clone? Could it be that my extraordinary talent was discovered by that great god, and sent me a small gift before accepting disciples? Hey! It's beautiful to think about! Why am I so good?

   sat on the edge of the bed alone for a long time, until he heard protests from his stomach, he took back the YY that won and marry a fairy to dominate the universe.

   I don’t want to, hurry up and eat! Brush your teeth and wash your face for five minutes. Go downstairs to eat. As an older single dog, Lei Tiantang rented in the residential area alone. There were several places to eat in the row of facade houses outside the residential area. A familiar one came to a restaurant he often visited.

   "Boss! I always have a twice-cooked pork and another cold cucumber." The boss who was cooking in the Lei Tian Tang Dynasty shouted.

   "Come on! Less oil and no dried chili, first cook with a glass of water, and immediately fry for you!" The restaurant owner said hello to him with a smile.

   "Well, speed up, I'm hungry!" As a person in the micro-fat world, Lei Tiantang has gained experience when he eats outside. The combination of less oil and meat and vegetables is the basis for not getting fat. Finding an empty seat to sit down, Lei Tiantang continued to ponder this inexplicable adventure.

   How to use this opportunity? The experience of the great gods of Dianniang tells him that he needs to develop wretchedly. The kind of guy that I had an adventure and immediately felt that the world was invincible would not survive three episodes.

  What is the concept of gravity that can control the maximum range of one kilometer? It's almost the same as the absolute realm mentioned in Xianxia novels. You can manipulate gravity to control the movement of objects, use gravity to purify matter, combine matter, and so on. In this range, Lei Tiantang has absolute control power; and this range also grows with the black hole. The larger the black hole body, the larger the phantom in the sea of ​​his knowledge, and the greater the absolute control range! The energy for manipulating gravity is transmitted from the black hole to his sea of ​​consciousness in a way he doesn't understand. The energy he needs for manipulating is simply a drop in the bucket for a black hole.

  En, the first thing that should be considered is to control the small black hole clone to continue to wave in the universe and absorb matter to increase. As for myself, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has such a golden finger that I don’t want to do what I want. Of course, it is impossible to do things that violate conscience and morality, and there is no need to do it. It is simply embarrassing to the gold finger!

   I decided, I will resign when I look back, and the first step is to mine in Myanmar!

   As for why go to Myanmar? There are so many people on Dianniang who write about gambling on stone and making a fortune. What are you gambling? You can go and dig for yourself! That big storage space is still empty! There are even more joyous cosmic treasures waiting for my brother to dig!

   If you are free, you can still go hunt for a treasure or something, what kind of treasure can't be found within one kilometer of detection range! I have gold fingers and I am proud!

   "The dishes are here!" The restaurant owner's shout interrupted Lei Tiantang's thinking.

   After eating and checking out, Lei Tiantang finally couldn't help but want to try gravity detection on his way back to the community.

The invisible fluctuations have instantly expanded to a range of one kilometer centered on him, and all the existence within the range is instantly revealed in the sea of ​​his consciousness, but they are all images composed of various spectrums, buildings, trees, people, air, etc., all exudes Unreasonable spectra, the spectra emitted by different substances are grouped together to form a flowing picture.

   If this large number of images were stuffed into his mind before, I guess he must be crazy. Now these images are displayed in the sea of ​​knowledge but easily, Lei Tiantang thinks it is incredible!

Returning to the room and seeing the meteorite, Lei Tiantang thought this little guy was very memorable. After all, he got the first piece of earth from the universe. He had to give it a funny name, eh... ...It's called [Greetings from the Universe]! Go out and find materials to make a display stand for it later! By the way, let's see if we can find something interesting, that's a happy decision!