I Have a Little Black Hole

v1 Chapter 129: Procurement of various robots

In the next two days, Lei Tian Tang and Kaila visited the famous Karnak Temple and other famous temples in Egypt. The temples were not well protected. Lei Tian Tang had a general feeling for these temples. Kaila was seeing After he was not interested in these, he accompanied him to the Valley of the Kings.

There are more than 60 imperial tombs in the Valley of the Kings, where 64 pharaohs from the 17th Dynasty to the 20th Dynasty are buried. The huge rock cave was dug into an underground palace, the walls and ceilings were covered with frescoes, and the decorations were gorgeous and unimaginable.

  The tombs of the Valley of the Kings are irregularly distributed in the valley. The tombs are excavated on the hillside, and the entrances are often opened on the mountainside to prevent the destruction of the tombs. Known as a natural pyramid, it is similar to the underground palace of the Ming Tombs in Beijing.

   It satisfies Lei Tiantang’s curiosity, and Kayla has visited here for a long time.

   After playing these famous sights in Egypt, Lei Tiantang was about to leave Egypt.

Although I really don’t want to say goodbye to Kayla, Kayla wants to go back to work, and he has no objection. He is still very supportive of his girlfriend’s hobby. He is also satisfied to spend a few days with him. It is convenient for him to go back and forth anyway. Let the security personnel come and pick them up.

After staying on the construction site for another night, Lei Tiantang said goodbye to the reluctant Kaila. After an appointment was made to see her again, Lei Tiantang asked the security personnel to send him to the airport and went out to play. It has been several days, and there are some things in the company that he needs to go back and confirm.

   In addition to writing intelligent programs for supercomputers on the plane, Lei Tian Tang also began to pay attention to robots. The demand for robots in underground laboratories is a rigid need and a must, so he has to start preparing now.

For the time being, the scale of the underground laboratory is still small, and he is still busy alone, but when he wants to start various research on a large scale, it will not work without the help of robots, although he can open the absolute domain to deal with some things, But he can't stay in the laboratory without rest for 24 hours, right? Besides, there are still various things in the company that need to be handled by him.

   Regarding how to classify robots, there is no unified international standard. Some are classified by load weight, some are classified by control mode, some are classified by degrees of freedom, some are classified by structure, and some are classified by application field.

   International robotics scholars divide robots into two categories based on the application environment: industrial robots in a manufacturing environment and service and humanoid robots in a non-manufacturing environment. This is consistent with the Chinese classification.

   Starting from the application environment, domestic robot experts divide robots into two categories, namely industrial robots and special robots.

   The so-called industrial robots are multi-joint manipulators or multi-degree-of-freedom robots for the industrial field.

   And special robots are all kinds of advanced robots that are used in non-manufacturing industries and serve humans other than industrial robots, including service robots, underwater robots, entertainment robots, military robots, agricultural robots, roboticized machines, etc.

The evaluation criteria of robot capabilities include: intelligence, which refers to perception and perception, including memory, calculation, comparison, identification, judgment, decision-making, learning and logical reasoning, etc.; function, which refers to flexibility, versatility, or space occupancy, etc.; physical energy, Refers to power, speed, reliability, interoperability and longevity. Therefore, it can be said that a robot is an actual space operation tool with biological functions, which can replace human beings in completing some dangerous or difficult labor and tasks.

   Now the robotics industry is very developed, and many tasks that required humans to do before can now be replaced by robots, so there are still many places that robots can learn from.

When Lei Tiantang searched the Internet to buy a robot, a lot of links popped up on the web page. He started his big purchase on some well-known platforms. No matter what type of robot, as long as it has characteristics, he will buy it the same. I have a few of them, and I have to disassemble them for research when I come back.

My God, there are too many types of these robots. There are a lot of robots for various purposes, and there are many styles of each kind of robot. Some of these styles are very different, and some are a bit similar, so just He needs to be identified.

During the second half of the flight, Lei Tiantang used it to pick robots on the website platform. When he got off the plane, he hadn't even bought half of the robots on a platform. After all, he bought each robot before he bought it. You still have to take a look, and you will only buy the ones with characteristics, otherwise it is a waste of energy! If you buy them, you have to separate them from the useful ones, why bother, so it takes a lot of time.

It was already half the afternoon when he arrived at Hefei Airport. He didn't return to the company, so he went home directly~lightnovelpub.net~ In the evening, he was going to continue to place orders to purchase robots online. If he wanted to buy them, he bought them all at once. Save time next time.

   After dinner, Lei Tiantang hurriedly slipped back to his room for work reasons, and his mother was urging him to get married again. It's better to buy and buy!

Of course, there are also many strange robots on the Internet. Lei Tiantang discovered a type of robot. The price of this type of robot is not high, between 100-1000, but their functions are not simple. They are basic They can imitate a variety of handwriting and use them for various writing tasks. The function of this robot is actually for students to write homework!

   Yes, you read that right, their main function is to free those students from the trouble of handwriting homework! And the sales of these robots are very good, most of them are bought by students, especially during the period just after the Spring Festival, their sales are very high.

  Because many children have given out new year's money, if you have money, you can of course buy some high-end equipment to be lazy! Therefore, after the Spring Festival, many parents think that their children are studying more seriously, and they have completed various winter homework in a short time. Parents who do not understand the situation may praise those children at home! Lei Tiantang was drunk when he saw the praise below these robots!

   Of course, Lei Tian Tang also picked several such robots and bought several. He might be able to use this feature in the future! When doing experiments, you can use them to record the experiment process, so that he can show some of his experiment results to people in the company's laboratory. You can output a handwritten experiment report by typing on the computer, and it feels like a compelling format to come up all at once! Even after he developed the intelligent system of the supercomputer, it is not impossible for the computer to directly operate the robot to write the experimental report!