I Have a Little Black Hole

v1 Chapter 257: Home Robot Press Conference (2)

Following his introduction, the operation of the domestic robot in various scenes was simultaneously displayed on the big screen. The smooth and precise movements also amazed the reporters and netizens watching the live broadcast, as everyone’s word of mouth spread. , More and more people watched the live broadcast. From the initial few million, it quickly climbed to more than 50 million. Both Singular Video and the official website of the group company had to invest more servers to deal with it.

"Of course, our'early morning' can do a lot of housework. You can use the washing machine to sort the laundry of family members, make the bed for you, clean up and so on. In short, a professional nanny can do everything It can be done, and it can also do things that professional nanny can't do! As long as a family has it, they can basically get rid of the trouble of housework!

After talking about its main functions, let's talk about the robot safety issues that everyone is concerned about. I believe that after the impact of various robots betraying humans, everyone will have doubts about the listing of large-scale robots.

I worry about whether the robot will hurt myself, or the robot that I bought home from being hacked to do something unfavorable to myself, or whether the robot in the networked state will leak family members’ concerns, etc.

Here I want to explain that although our company's robotics technology is very advanced, we don't have the ability to create a "terminator" robot! "His words also caused a chuckle at the scene.

"I'm here to introduce our company's protection measures on these issues that everyone will worry about. First of all, although our company has its own artificial intelligence origin, its intelligence level is like the primary artificial intelligence. Any judgment it makes is It is based on big data and various program frameworks written by our supercomputer department.

It has no advanced thinking ability, so it will never do anything to harm humans! Since the birth of our artificial intelligence, it has withstood various scales of hacking attacks, but it has never been lost once! Our robots are connected to our company's artificial intelligence, and they can only download data from our official website, so there is no problem with security.

Although our "Chuchen" intelligent program is also very advanced, it is only a robot after all. Its performance is certainly not comparable to our supercomputer, so it is not artificial intelligence, and all actions are based on it. Retrieved from the built-in database.

And we use hardware encryption for the core instructions of the robot, and we also use hardware encryption to process the security programs and other important programs. The information is unchangeable, so there is no need to worry about our robots. After being attacked by hackers, operate it to do bad things!

So everyone can put down the worry about leakage, because after the robot is received by everyone, you can make various settings. These settings cannot even be changed by our company. The information robots that do not want to be recorded will definitely not recorded! "

Kong Yuxiao confidently introduced the company's domestic robots' preparations for various safety measures. The detailed data of his introduction was also displayed on the big screen. The applause on the scene once again rang out, and many netizens were also on the barrage. "666" was posted, everyone is indeed very concerned about the safety of robots, and everyone is relieved to see here.

Next, Kong Yuxiao continued to introduce the other functions of the home robot, explaining the manufacturing materials of the robot and the various patented technologies used, so that everyone can understand where this robot is advanced, and in exchange for it. There were bursts of exclamation and applause at the scene, and netizens were also amazed at this epoch-making robot.

"Well, the price still needs to be said, otherwise I'm afraid the boss will deduct my year-end bonus!" Kong Yu said with a smile. There was also a burst of laughter at the scene.

"We divide our robots into three levels. Of course, although the prices are different, the materials used to make them are the same. The main difference between the prices is in function and performance.

The ordinary model is priced at 99,000 yuan. The various functional data stored in its database are enough for ordinary households. The built-in high-performance battery is enough for 3 hours of full power use. At the same time, it also uses fast charging technology. When the power reaches the 10% warning line, the robot will find a power source to recharge by itself, and it only takes 20 minutes to fully charge. This power is enough for ordinary households!

The standard version is priced at 119,000 yuan. It has more functional programs in the database, faster kernel running speed, and larger storage space. The battery's full power usage time has reached 4 and a half hours, and the charging time is also 20 At the same time, we have also equipped some standard accessories for the robot, so that it can complete more services!

The last is the customized model. Its price is between 150000-250000. Their performance is optional. We provide a wealth of optional features for everyone to choose. The battery full power time is from 6 hours to 8 hours. lightnovelpub.net~ Various functional accessories are also optional. The top-fitting robot of 250,000 yuan has all the top performances, and all the accessories are fully equipped!

The most special thing is that the normal version and the standard version can only choose the color styles we provide, while the customized version can choose the color and pattern by yourself. We will paint the color and pattern of your choice for you to make your robot unique different! "

The big screen also constantly displays detailed data on the configuration of robots at different prices, especially the functions of those accessories, which give everyone a bright feeling, such as medical function accessories, fire protection function accessories, etc., these functions It may not be used much at ordinary times, but it is very useful at critical moments, so netizens watching live broadcasts are also very concerned about these functions.

"Okay, thank you all for listening to my introduction so patiently. I hope that our'early morning' robot can become an important member of your family, and hope that your family can live a happier life with its company! I also believe they can do this!

Then the next time is to answer your questions. Question time, friends from the media can ask questions. Our ‘Origin’ will randomly select the questioner and at the same time open the microphone permissions of the questioner! "Kong Yu finished the introduction of the robot with a smile, and announced that the press conference has entered the reporter's question time.