I Have a Little Black Hole

v1 Chapter 27: Plan to buy equipment

"That is, your brother, I really don't know how to spend money now, I will transfer you 50 million dollars later, and you can think about how to use it. This is the pocket money that brother gave you, so you can't stop it!" Lei Tiantang smiled and said, he is rich now, of course he wants his younger sister to live better, although the younger sister is not short of money, but the money given by the family is enough, if you want to invest or something, it is not enough She studied in business school, and it would be very helpful for her studies if she had funds to invest in actual combat.

"Brother, you have so much money now? I know that the graphene you sold last time was very profitable, but I never thought you were so rich!" Lei Yan asked Lei Tiantang to give him 50 million US dollars. Is surprised. After all, the US$50 million converted into RMB is nearly 350 million.

"Of course, the cost of the business was very low, almost a net profit! It was the first time to sell, and this kind of business will continue to be done for a long time, so you don't have to worry about money. I am confident that I will always monopolize the high-end graphene market. Yes! It’s not bad money! If you want to spend money, use it boldly. If you don’t have enough money, give it to me!” Of course Lei Tiantang wouldn’t say that I’m worth tens of billions of dollars now. The method is the graphene business. Even if he does this kind of business in the future, he will not be short of money. Any monopoly business is great!

   "Brother, you are really good now! Since I want it for me, it will be used for investment, to see how I study." Lei Yan is very happy with Lei Tiantang's current achievements.

"That's it! Tell me when it's not enough! Let's go home and cook, or Lin Xian will have no food to eat after coming back!" Lei Tiantang is very satisfied with his sister's acceptance of the money, and the sister has taken care of him for so long. It was also his turn to take care of his sister.

"I think you are hungry yourself?! You know that Axian usually comes back to cook for me! You know all of these, and you have to use your brain to find excuses!" Lei Yan expressed to Lei Tian Tang's IQ doubt.

   "Okay, okay! I was wrong, can’t you? Let me tell you that American plane meals are worse than domestic flights! I don’t even have an appetite. I am starving to death now. Go back and cook!"

   "I'm here, what hurry!" Lei Yan had already parked the car in the parking lot of their rented apartment. Get off the car and lead Lei Tian Tang Chao to their apartment.

Entering the room, Lei Tiantang looked at the layout of this apartment, the main color of beige, the decoration is also very new, the sense of space is also very good, and the cleaning is also clean. He nodded and said: "You guys are pretty good at living. Well! The house is well cleaned!"

   "That is! We will clean up together when we rest! You can watch TV, I'll prepare dinner!" Lei Yan smiled. She opened the refrigerator, threw a bottle of water to Lei Tiantang, and then began to take the ingredients out of the refrigerator.

  Lei Tiantang doesn’t help. He doesn’t know how to cook anyway. He eats outside every day when he goes to work. He doesn’t want to go up and help out, so let’s watch TV and eat snacks here.

Lin Xian came back before the dinner was ready. He was also very happy to see Lei Tiantang. While helping to make dinner, he chatted with Lei Tiantang. He was also very curious about Lei Tiantang’s recent developments and opened up to him. The company immediately makes money and expresses its envy. You must know that most people start a company without a period of development. They will make money if they come up, or make a lot of money!

Lei Tiantang gave a brief introduction to him and Lei Yan about what happened during this period, and also explained the reason why he came to the United States, mainly to play and see their situation, and secondly to see the American Emperor What business opportunities can be explored.

   After dinner, Lei Yan and Lin Xian drove him to a bar near the school for a while before they went home to wash and sleep.

The next day, Lei Yan and Lin Xian took leave of absence and took Lei Tiantang to visit Harvard first, and then took him to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to have a look. Lei Tiantang was very satisfied with the humanities and environment of the university and took many photos and posted them. After arriving on Weibo and Moments, everyone spent a long time in other scenic spots in Boston. Lin Xian was very satisfied with the car Lei Tiantang gave to Lei Yan, saying that the safety of traveling with this car would improve a lot. The American people are really It's too sturdy, shoot with a gun at every turn!

I played with my sister and future brother-in-law for a day, and rested at their home for another night. Lei Tiantang left on the third day. Since they are doing well here, they don’t need to worry about him, so let them take time off to accompany themselves. It's not good to play, so after saying goodbye to them, he still has things to do.

   called the Boston car **** John and asked him to pick him up at his sister's apartment, saying that he would take him to have fun today. John rushed over quickly. He was very impressed with this rich Chinese man and knew that this was a great opportunity to make US dollars.

   "John, take me to the gun shop first, I'm going to play guns, you go with me, all the consumption counts for me!" Lei Tiantang said to John as soon as he got in the car. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

The reason why he went to the gun shop was that he wanted to see specifically what guns are easy to use. He has a lot of opportunities to use guns in the future. After all, he is not bad at money now, and his physical fitness is inhuman. These things cannot be added together. Adventure is simply unreasonable! And if you go out for adventure, weapons are indispensable. Although his absolute range is very good, he can't go out and play and use skills, right? What does that mean?

"Okay Mr. Lei! Let's leave right away!" He asked Lei Tiantang's name on the phone just now, so he added his surname in front of his husband. He is not surprised that Lei Tiantang is going to the weapon shop, Chinese man As long as you come to the United States, you almost want to play with guns. What's more, this time the local tyrant invites him to play together, so there is no problem. You must know that although he is very convenient to play with guns, he also costs a lot of money for bullet consumption. It can only be played once in a while.

The car soon came to the gun shop. This is a big gun shop. The guns inside are like supermarket merchandise. They are neatly arranged in rows on the shelves, with the required prices posted below. I feel that buying a gun here is not much different from buying a Chinese cabbage in the supermarket.

Above, Lei Tiantang knows a lot of guns, shotguns, rifles, pistols, and submachine guns. He said he knew, but he also knew the types of these guns. He didn’t know the specific models. But there is no such environment for him to play guns. As for the current firearms games he can't play, so he is very curious about these guns.

John watched him look left and right in the shop to see what he had never seen before, and quickly stepped forward to introduce him to the basic knowledge of these firearms. At any rate, he was also a soldier, and he knew a lot about general firearms. There is no problem with giving Lei Tiantang a preliminary introduction.