I Have a Little Black Hole

v1 Chapter 299: Spoiled pirate

For the existence of pirates, Lei Tiantang and John would not have any sympathy. It is impossible to use any humanitarianism on them.

Piracy in the waters off Somalia is extremely rampant! In addition to political turmoil and arms, there are many reasons:

1. The Somali waters are close to the Gulf of Aden, and the narrow waterways are ideal locations for piracy activities;

2. The Gulf of Aden, surrounded by Somalia and Yemen, is located between the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea. It is the maritime throat from the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean and the Atlantic through the Red Sea and the Suez Canal. Its strategic position is very important.

According to statistics, about 18,000 ships pass through the Suez Canal every year, most of which pass through the Gulf of Aden. And this important international waterway also provides a large number of targets for Somali pirates.

3. There are two world-famous seaports on the west side of the Gulf of Aden, namely, the port of Aden on the north coast and the port of Djibouti on the south coast. They are important fuel ports and trade transit ports for the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean and Atlantic routes, guarding the southeast export of the Mediterranean and the entire Middle East. The region has an important strategic position and is the throat to and from the Suez Canal.

Due to poverty, most people went to this crime line in order to make a living. European fishing boats came to catch tuna, and the fishery that fishermen depended on disappeared.

4. Somalia has been in constant wars since 1991, and piracy is rampant in coastal areas, and it is listed by the International Maritime Administration as one of the most dangerous sea areas in the world.

It is reported that nearly 50,000 ships from various countries pass through the waters near Somalia each year. Except for the warships of various countries that cannot be launched, most of them are large and small cargo ships.

Since 2012, there have been more than 80 pirate attacks on the coast of Somalia, and an average of one ship has been robbed every 4 days. Pirates have become rampant to the point of no more.

The reason why piracy is so rampant is still accustomed. “Hijacking a ship can successfully get a ransom. This is simply to condone them!” The Somali diplomat in Kenya said angrily, “This is not a Somalia problem. It's an international issue. Because of the connivance of international ship owners, the pirate gangs have been raised and strengthened."

Most of the robberies took place in the Gulf of Aden, which is the sea throat from the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean and the Atlantic through the Red Sea and the Suez Canal. Of course, those pirates who have gained the sweetness will not put their targets here. After all, the escorts of various countries There are too many formations.

And the **** formations of many countries use expelling methods to combat pirates when encountering pirates, and many merchant ships provide these pirates with materials and money through the so-called ‘humanitarian’. These have further condoned the development of pirates.

Of course, combating the rampant local pirate forces and ensuring the safety of the international shipping industry is an unavoidable and difficult task for all parties. With these **** formations, although the lives of these pirates are unlikely to be threatened, they no longer want to robbery without scruples. Cargo ships are not so easy.

So brainy pirates are starting to find new targets, keep an eye on the news and the Internet, and use various information channels to find valuable targets. As long as the distance is not too far, their modified cargo ships can drive nearby. Then let the speedboat go down for the robbery.

Ever and his pirate group are such intelligent pirates. After doing a few big deals, their weapons and equipment have exceeded the acceptable limit in the waters of Somalia. Such a big target is easy to be targeted and eliminated. Dropped.

Therefore, under his leadership, they usually search for targets in various nearby ports, and also find valuable targets through the Internet and news. After confirming the targets, they gather together and embark on a modification with multiple speedboats. The cargo ship went to carry out the robbery, and that's how Lei Tiantang and his salvage ship were targeted.

At this time, on the cargo ship with the Panamanian flag, Eve was enjoying his dinner leisurely. He was very confident in his subordinates. He investigated the target this time and found out how many assault rifles were. Seeing their bazooka is not to surrender!

Such a big brand-new salvage ship, as well as their salvage gains. If this sum is done, it is estimated that it will not be busy this year. Those gains are not mentioned, just this salvage ship and its employees, its boss If he wanted to redeem it, he felt that it would be no problem to ask for 50 million dollars.

His subordinates are also very enthusiastic about gambling, gambling, obviously thinking that waiting for them will be another big harvest. But at this moment, someone suddenly broke into the restaurant in a panic.

"Boss! Our radar found a helicopter and a boat, and they seemed to be coming towards us! I remember that there was a helicopter on our target this time, and a yacht!

But none of us who visited this time can fly a helicopter! Could it be that our people were planted, and the goal in turn caused us trouble? "

Hearing what his adjutant said, Ever put down his knife and fork and smiled: "Impossible! Our brothers are all veterans with many successful experiences! How could they fail! It is estimated that they succeeded in controlling the target and then forced The pilot of that ship drove a helicopter over to give us good news!

Perhaps it was because we were worried that the helicopter would not be able to pull us down, so we let the yacht come to pick us up again. Brothers prepare, let us experience what it's like to ride a private yacht! "

Seeing the boss who was obviously drinking too much~lightnovelpub.net~, the adjutant said eagerly: "Boss! I think it's better to arrange for the brothers to prepare defensive methods. What if they are not ours?!

The most important thing is that all the people we send out have walkie-talkies and satellite phones. How can there be no news from such a short distance? "

Hearing his adjutant emphasized the danger again, Ever had his mind turned around at this time. How could Ever have been a fool if he could develop a pirate organization to such a large scale. He was only confident in his men before. Having said that, now that I have reacted and noticed the problem.

You must know that their current communication methods are also very advanced. The walkie-talkie can be used at close range, and the satellite phone can be used for long-distance communication. He also explained before departure. As long as the target is successfully controlled, he will be notified immediately. Now the helicopter Since we are so close to the yacht, there is no news, and there is a great possibility of problems!

"Quick! Quick! Quick! It's all **** to get our weapons! We may be attacked! Hurry up! If something goes wrong, I'll take you to hang the shark!"

They all took their weapons and went out with me to see, we will meet these bold guys! "Ever shouted angrily.