I Have a Little Black Hole

v1 Chapter 353: Problems encountered in the space telesc

With the signing of the contract, the already busy supercomputer department has become even busier. Fortunately, they have started to spend money on digging people this time. This time recruiting these computer experts is not as difficult as last time. The supercomputer department of Infinite Gravity Group has gained a reputation!

The ‘origin’ of the company’s artificial intelligence is a very important reason for attracting these masters to join in, but the issue of treatment is no longer a question they need to consider. Who doesn’t know that the treatment of Infinite Gravity Group is particularly good? People go up and down, so which computer master can refuse his solicitation from a company with world-leading artificial intelligence?

In addition, another US$1 billion was invested to purchase supercomputer units. In addition to such a large company, which company can invest so much in such equipment?

Wu Wenyue was painful and happy during this period. On the one hand, he finally proved his worth. On the other hand, he was too busy during this period! Fortunately, the ‘origin’ of artificial intelligence can also help him deal with many things, otherwise he would not even be able to rest on Sunday!

Lei Tiantang pays attention to the supercomputer department occasionally. He has always ignored these complicated things. He has been busy with the nuclear submarine project with Kuafu during this period. This was originally a project to kill time, but he The more interesting it gets later!

Because some designs that can be used on submarines can also be used in the future design of spacecraft, such as the design of air locks and oxygen circulation systems, etc., these designs are very interesting to Lei Tiantang, so I designed it on the side Nuclear fusion equipment is also involved in the design of nuclear submarines.

Now this work is about to be completed, so even the economic war between the company and the four-star company and the stick country cannot divert his attention during this period.

This morning, when he had just finished processing the documents that needed his signature, Kong Yu smiled and came to the door. Lei Tiantang smiled when he saw him coming, "Why is Manager Kong coming here? Anyway, nothing is wrong with you." You will never come to me!"

"Hehe, boss, look at what you said! I'm not busy with work! Besides, I'm fine and I can't run you here to chat with you? The long chat time between the two big masters can easily cause misunderstandings. !" Kong Yu smiled and vomited.

"Fuck! What is misunderstanding about chatting with a middle-aged greasy man of you! You are so thick-skinned, a beautiful man like me will not look for you even if he is in a relationship!

Hurry up and tell me what you are looking for! "Lei Tiantang smiled and cursed speechlessly, it is also easy to cause misunderstandings, so don't be too much!

"Well, although the boss's blows made me feel uncomfortable, work is still important. I really have a troublesome thing to discuss with the boss this time!" Kong Yu laughed and began to get serious afterwards, joking and joking. Work still matters.

"What do you find bothersome? I remember there seems to be nothing major in the company during this time?" Lei Tiantang asked curiously.

"It's such a boss. The current design work for our space telescope project and satellite project has been completed, and now it has entered the formal manufacturing stage.

However, the manufacture of space telescopes and satellites requires the procurement of some very advanced parts. If we use domestic parts for such parts, the performance of the space telescopes and satellites will be lower than the design goals.

So we must import these parts from abroad, but most of the companies that master these technologies are American companies, and because of the intervention of the old American government, all these companies rejected our company's procurement requirements because of the amount of money we purchased these parts. It is too small.

The most expensive lens is the space telescope lens, but that is about 30 million yuan. Those companies are not willing to offend their government for such a small amount of money!

So they ignored our orders! At first we thought it was a problem with our communication and they did not respond. It was not until we contacted the senior executives of these companies that we realized that they had received warnings from the government and made them, these high-tech companies, refuse to attract us. Group cooperation!

Boss, how do you solve this kind of problem? If these parts cannot be purchased, the construction of the space telescope and satellite will be interrupted, which will affect the company's planning! "Kong Yu laughed and said the reason for coming to him this time.

"Oh? Are there any parts that we can't purchase in China or have poor performance?" Lei Tiantang asked with a frown.

Lao Mei’s move really caught him off guard. He put the least effort into space telescope projects and satellite projects, because he always thought that these things are no problem with the current domestic technology design and manufacturing. I thought that I was still stuck in technology in the end.

"The most important part of the space telescope project is the lens of the telescope. Our domestic technology is currently not a big problem in manufacturing the telescope lens for ground use, but the technology required for the lens of the space telescope used in space is still backward in our country. From abroad!

There are also high-resolution imagers and other equipment required for space telescopes. Although we also have such technology in our country~lightnovelpub.net~, it is not as technical as others, so we can only purchase from abroad!

The same is true for the receiver chips and receiver boards in the satellite project. The performance of domestically produced products is indeed far from European and American products. The core technology of satellites is the key satellite positioning chips, such as radio frequency chips, baseband chips, and data. Processing chips, etc. We have no way to replace these chips with domestic ones!

We have no way to buy these parts, so I can only ask the boss for this problem. I want to see if the boss has any way to solve this problem! "Kong Yuxiao introduced the difficulties they are currently facing.

"The old American government is going crazy! Purchasing their parts is to look at them! They even dared to prohibit cooperation with our company. It seems that they were **** off by our company's actions during this period. We pull one down, and we are still at a critical moment like the general election.

How much will the overall performance of our space telescopes and satellites decline if we use domestically produced parts? How long will it take to develop these equipment by our company itself? After all, we cannot always rely on other companies to manufacture these core components! "Lei Tiantang asked.