I Have a Little Black Hole

v1 Chapter 361: Magim

"Excuse me, this police officer, you said that you received a report that Chairman Lei’s private plane carried prohibited items into the country. Who was the reporter? How did he or she get the news? You need to know Chairman Lei’s private plane. But they are all watched by special security personnel 24 hours a day!" Hamir was the first to ask again.

"Sorry! No comment! Our police have to wait for the inspection results to come out before answering your questions!" Magim replied loudly with his head back vigorously. Otherwise, these reporters can't wait to plug the microphone into his Mouth!

How could reporters be satisfied with this answer! Therefore, surrounding these policemen began to ask various questions, and in the end it was the reason that Magim used their methods to hinder official duties to stop these crazy reporters.

After driving these reporters to a place not far away, Majim hurriedly called his immediate boss. He hadn't expected this situation now, although he was originally just to flatter his boss, thinking that Huaxia people are so bully. Take over this task.

"Sergeant Zakri, this is Magim! After I stopped the target, they were willing to cooperate with us in the inspection, but asked us to wait for their company's lawyer to come and then we will inspect together with the lawyer.

But now the situation here has been noticed by reporters. If we don't find any prohibited items from his private plane after a while, we might be in trouble! These reporters are all very excited now! And the person in charge of their company has warned me that they will open a lawyer's letter to our police!

Sheriff, what should I do now? If the situation here attracts the attention of the FBI, which also has offices at the airport, will an investigation into this matter begin? "Majim asked nervously after the call was connected.

Magim's worries are not unreasonable. You must know that in the United States, the police force is huge, and the types and institutions are complex. According to the level, there are three levels of police: federal, state, and county; according to types, there are ordinary police, congress police, and congress, parks, universities and other police with different jurisdictions;

According to the affiliation, there are law enforcement agencies under the Ministry of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security, as well as the police responsible for local governments at all levels.

The American police alone has more than 80 types of federal police. Each state has its own state police (except Hawaii), and each local government (including counties, cities, towns, and villages) has its own police system.

So many police systems are not affiliated with each other and are independent of each other. Of course, the uniforms they wear are also different. For example, the state police are only responsible to the state government and not to the leadership of the federal police. The city police are only responsible to the city government. Not under the leadership of the federal police or state police, of course they still cooperate with each other in business.

Magim and his boss Zachri belong to the Boston City Police. The city police are the police in the usual sense and are the most important part of the American police system. They undertake most of the important responsibilities of American public security. Their scope of work includes traffic, public security, patrol, detection and so on in the jurisdiction.

The law enforcement agencies of the American city police are all under the jurisdiction of city administrative agencies, but the federal government does not have uniform regulations on the specific management form. In cities with a single mayor system, the city police agency is in charge of the mayor. In parliamentary cities, police agencies are led by police committees.

The city police is the largest and most important part of American institutions. As of June 16, 2019, the full-time police employed by the City Police Department accounted for approximately three-quarters of the full-time police in the United States.

City police are responsible for enforcing laws, maintaining urban social order, and providing services to the society. There are more than 10,000 urban police stations in the United States with the same or similar legal status. Due to the inconsistency of the system and the large differences in the size and complexity of the tasks, the internal organization of the city police department also varies greatly.

However, because the city is the place with the most concentrated population and the most complicated situation in the United States, and murders, robberies and other vicious cases occur from time to time, the work of the American city police is much more complicated and burdensome than that of county-level police agencies.

The most obvious sign is that the urban police have a wider range of law enforcement than county-level law enforcement, and their service scope is much larger. In addition to patrolling and detecting various criminal cases, they must also be the first to respond to social problems such as alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and family disputes. And set out to solve it.

The FBI that Magim is worried about belongs to the U.S. Department of Justice, which is the most important department in the federal police system. It has 56 branches and 400 offices throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. In addition, It also has 70 offices in foreign countries.

It is responsible for investigating more than 200 criminal acts that violate federal laws or seriously threaten national security. Its work rights include surveillance, wiretapping (must be authorized by the court), investigation of business records, investigation of white-collar crimes (sic) and Participate in secret detection activities.

Their responsibilities include investigating the following types of cases: organized crime, corruption in public office, financial crime, government fraud, bribery, copyright infringement, violation of civil rights, bank robbery, extortion, kidnapping, hijacking, terrorist activity, espionage, state International crimes, drug trafficking, and other crimes that violate federal laws.

And things like investigating whether Lei Tian Tang’s private plane carried prohibited items~lightnovelpub.net~ are within the scope of the FBI’s investigation, and the FBI has always managed very broadly, as long as it is with them In related cases, they are all able to intervene.

This is done mainly for the benefit of the department. It is important to know that when Congress allocates funds to each police department every year, it depends on the detection rate and number of cases solved by each department in the previous fiscal year! For the sake of funding, of course, the FBI can rob only one case.

Especially the case that Magim wants to handle now is within the scope of their duties. If they know about it, they will definitely intervene to **** the case from among them, the city police. When the time comes, his boss Zachri's small actions One hundred percent will be discovered!

"Majim! I'm so disappointed with your ability to handle cases! They don't want to be checked immediately, won't you enforce it?! Why agree that they should wait for their lawyer to come over!!!" Zakri received a call I was so angry that I sprayed into the phone.

"It's not that I don't want to be the sergeant! I brought 5 hands down, but the sergeant, Chairman Lei came to pick up the plane with 14 bodyguards, and they were holding semi-automatic rifles! In case of a conflict! , There is no way for us to withstand their firepower!" Magim said aggrievedly.