I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 1007: The first person to land on Mars!

Starting from a speed of more than 200 kilometers per second, it descends rapidly. When the spacecraft is about 3,000 kilometers away from the surface of Mars, its speed has dropped to about 30 kilometers per second, and the closer it is to Mars, the speed will drop. Faster!

"Haha! The visual effects are simply exploding! This wave of operations is perfect!" Lei Tiantang said excitedly.

"Hehe, you are cool, the anti-gravity system has been smoked by you, if it weren't for the performance of the material we used is good enough, it is estimated that now we will directly hit Mars!

Don't be intoxicated by the boss, the No. 2 plan has already been launched, you should prepare quickly! "Quafu said silently.

When the spacecraft reached the altitude of Mars orbit, the speed of the spacecraft finally dropped to a safe level, so at this moment Kuafu has already begun to adjust the flying angle of the Moon.

Because at this point, the No. 1 plan they had made before, that is, the spacecraft's deceleration failure to directly adjust the flight trajectory or hit the Mars preparation plan is useless, the deceleration design of the anti-gravity system has fully achieved the expected effect.

So at this moment, Kuafu is about to adjust the flight angle of the spacecraft to enter the orbit around Mars, and the No. 2 plan is that Lei Tiantang will launch satellite probes in the orbit of Mars, and it will be launched in large quantities.

The situation here is different from that on the moon. The moon is too close to the earth. It is easy to find out on the earth when the movement increases, but Mars is too far away from the earth. Until now, Mars can be launched. There are only a handful of detector countries.

So far, there are only 14 satellite probes in operation in the orbit of Mars. Among them, there are 8 satellite probes launched by Infinite Gravity Group, which means that in addition to their own company’s satellites, other countries Together, only 6 satellites are in orbit.

Under this circumstance, they can of course put probes in the orbit of Mars. Such a few satellite probes can be concealed by just a little technical means, so don't worry about their own satellite probes.

"Got it! It will be displayed on the big screen when it reaches the placement position. I just throw it out. Anyway, in addition to the 4 multifunctional satellites that require long-term work, the other 48 small satellites will work at most 3 Self-destructed within a month, this kind of work is very simple!"

"Well, anyway, we only need to complete our exploration work before our Mars space station arrives. The four satellites using camouflage technology are unlikely to be discovered, but suddenly there are 48 small satellites floating in orbit. Still thinking that it is impossible not to be discovered. It is impossible for the company's astronauts to recruit a few blind men!" Kuafu said with a smile.

"Haha! That's right, that's okay, when you reach the placement position, remind me, don't interfere with me looking at Mars directly with my naked eyes!" Lei Tiantang smiled and waved his hand to let Kuafu go to work.

"Cut! Isn't it just a small red-coated broken ball? What's so good about it! You can still see if a flower is coming!" Kuafu spit out disdainfully.

"Fuck the calf! This is feeling! You know what a fart! Get out, don't disturb me!" Lei Tiantang cursed with a smile.

The defensive armor outside the glass portholes covered them when they were decelerating fully before, so although Lei Tiantang could see the scene of rapidly approaching Mars in the command hall before, the scene was through various cameras and cameras outside the spacecraft. Other detection equipment to present.

Now that the spacecraft has decelerated to a safe speed and has started to orbit Mars, of course the portholes can open the defensive armor.

Of course they have all-terrain maps of Mars. After all, the company will launch even the Mars orbiting space station. It is impossible to prepare for various explorations in the previous years, but the effect of 3D projection can be good. There is no direct view through the naked eye!

Moreover, it is impossible for Lei Tiantang to fly to Mars with the company's astronauts like the moon mission. After all, it takes too long for a Mars mission to go back and forth. Even if he is headstrong, it is impossible to leave the company directly. More than a year.

So this time, he also had the idea of ​​directly coming over and enjoying himself. This is also the reason why he is in such a good mood now that he will not be disturbed by Kuafu.

Because of the need to deploy satellite probes in different orbits, Lei Tiantang took a leisurely look at the entire Mars in the orbit of Mars, and had a good addiction to directly face the extraterrestrial planets.

"Boss, are we really going to land at position 1? It's too close to the company's planned Mars base construction location, isn't it? If there is a clue left by the company, the entire earth will Fry the pan again!" Kuafu asked suspiciously.

"Of course it's going to be there! Didn't we say why we landed there! After all, Mars is too far away from the earth. If there is an accident in the middle of the company's Mars exploration mission, it may be too late for rescue.

That's why we have to build an underground base about 100 kilometers away from the planned location of the base. Such a short distance is enough to provide assistance to the astronauts when there is a threat to the safety of the company's base.

Besides, we also need to build several underground Mars bases to serve as our laboratories. How can we build them? The big deal is that they are close to the company base. We just don't do research that is too advanced!

After the base is built, we can restore the surface before we leave~lightnovelpub.net~ Anyway, our underground base is more than 1000 meters above the ground. As long as it is not deliberately exposed by us, it is good enough to be camouflaged outside. There may be almost none found!

So you just landed directly, I can't wait to set foot on the surface of Mars and be the first human to land on Mars! "Lei Tiantang said with a smile.

"That's a fart! Who can you tell me at such a beautiful moment? Is it interesting to be self-healing!" Kuafu vomited with strength.

"Fuck off! I said that this is feeling! Boss, I still care about this because I am so beautiful! Hurry up and land you!" Lei Tiantang directly sprayed back.

"Hey!" Kuafu gave a wicked smile to his boss's wrongful rebuttal, and then stopped talking. Anyway, everyone knows what is going on.

With the help of the anti-gravity system, the "Moon" spacecraft landed very smoothly on Mars. After the hatch in the abdomen was opened, Lei Tiantang couldn't wait to wear a spacesuit and ran down. As soon as he stepped on the Martian land He began to shout very hard: "I'll come! See you! I conquer!"

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