I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 1009: Looking for evidence of life on Mars

Lei Tiantang didn't bother to take care of this guy's complaints, and directly used his abilities to fly away. He also really wanted to explore Mars to see if there was any native life on Mars.

For thousands of years, scientists have been studying whether there is life on Mars. Today, space experts have pointed out that there is huge frozen water under Mars, and water is the source of human survival. With the continuous development of science, Mars may become the second earth suitable for human survival.

In theory, Mars has the ability to create life. On Mars is the largest volcano and canyon in the solar system. It is like a drained ocean riverbed, with a significant coastline. Riverbeds, alluvial plains, fossil lakes, and valleys left by floods can be found on Mars.

Its atmosphere is mainly composed of carbon dioxide, which is similar to the structure of the atmosphere before life appeared on Earth. But there is almost no atmosphere and no flowing water on Mars.

If it has ever had an ocean, its atmospheric density should be very high. Where did they go? Are they still somewhere on Mars? Are they separated due to the catastrophic cosmic collision?

Or was the magnetic field that once protected Mars disappeared, leaving the entire planet exposed to the relentless scorching of sunlight and the radiation of stars, and finally the water was slowly broken down into molecules, causing the atmosphere and ocean to disappear little by little?

Where are the organic molecules related to life? Although they are not enough to produce life, raindrops fall from space to the earth, did they also fall to Mars?

The scientists’ new evidence was found in a Martian meteorite discovered in Antarctica in 1984. According to reports, the meteorite named "Alan Hills 84001" is a rock on the surface of Mars. It may have been hit by a comet or asteroid and flew to the earth. It took 16 million years to land on the earth on the way. The time has passed 13,000 years.

The chemical composition of the meteorite is consistent with the analysis of the Martian atmosphere samples collected by humans in the 1970s, so it can be concluded that it is from Mars.

Scientists found a worm-like structure in this meteorite and speculated that it was most likely a petrified bacteria. These bacteria were found below the surface of the meteorite, which means that they already existed when the meteorite arrived on the earth, rather than being generated by bacteria on the earth in later years.

In addition, scientists have also found evidence of liquid water on Mars from this meteorite, proving that this red planet may have had conditions suitable for life in the past.

But even so, because of the insufficient number of samples, many scientists believe that it is unlikely to find life on Mars, because in the solar system where humans live, apart from the earth, no planet has the conditions suitable for life.

Of course, according to the speculation of scientists, the soil under the Olympus Mountain of Mars, which is as high as 27,500 meters, can help the circulation of groundwater. This is the best place where life on Mars may exist.

Space experts have pointed out that the area of ​​frozen water under Mars reaches 57,441 square kilometers and the depth is 281 meters, which is more than twice that of the old American Lake Michigan with a capacity of 4,875 cubic kilometers.

If converted into Qinghai Lake with an area of ​​4583 square kilometers, a water depth of 18.6 meters, and a lake capacity of 85.4 cubic kilometers, it is enough to fill more than 114 Qinghai Lakes.

And now the detector of Infinite Gravity Group also proved this detection result. After Lei Tiantang personally came over, he also found that the error of the detection result was not large, so at this moment, what he wants to know most is things like Olympus. Is there liquid water under the ground?

The existence of liquid water may make the existence of life on Mars a possibility, which is why he is too lazy to argue with Kuafu again.

Kuafu himself also has a lot of work to do. He just landed on the ground and he had to do a lot of detection work, so he didn’t care if his boss was running around. Anyway, at the speed of his boss, it would only take a few hours to visit Mars. You don’t have to worry about things, and there is no need to worry about safety issues, so he has also continuously dispatched various detection equipment from the Moon spacecraft to work.

Lei Tiantang didn’t go around Mars like Kuafu, but used his abilities to scan the places he passed while flying. His initial exploration goals were also very clear, that is, those marked may have Where liquid water exists.

The company's various probes have found traces of several lagoons on Mars, and it is very likely that Martian life is hidden in them.

For example, the first place he arrived now, this Martian saltwater lake is located near the famous Gale Crater on Mars. The probe analyzed the soil samples collected in Gale Crater and found that it contained various salts.

The sulphate in it was confirmed to be what was left after the water evaporates, which proves that there existed an ancient saltwater lake long ago.

Scientists have long discovered that Mars was a warm and humid planet 3.7 billion years ago. However, in the following period of time, a sudden change in the climate caused some dramatic changes in the climate, which led to Mars becoming arid. Such a discovery once again verified this point.

On Earth, many different biological communities will appear in saltwater lakes like this one. So in the saltwater lakes on Mars, there is a high possibility that similar life exists. Even if these lives have disappeared, it is very likely that they will be found. There have been clues ~lightnovelpub.net~ such as various fossils.

Scientists currently do not have the ability to explore deeper underground on Mars, but now he is on Mars, so of course you must first satisfy your curiosity.

Although he has never doubted the existence of extraterrestrial life, guessing is one thing, and there is really evidence to prove it is another matter. This is the same as the'alien' he installed on the earth half a month ago. Different, if he can really find evidence of life on Mars, it will undoubtedly bring an epic impact to the earth!

However, he was disappointed that there was indeed a small amount of complex ice in the underground, but there was no such thing as a liquid saltwater lake, but he was not disappointed either, and he flew directly to the next marked location.

Of course, his detection process was also transmitted to Kuafu in real time through the camera on the helmet. The satellites they deployed on Mars orbit made their communication very smooth.

When Lei Tiantang explored the most famous places on Mars, Lei Tiantang couldn't help but exclaimed: "Damn! This guy is too high. The highest volcano in the solar system is really not a name! "

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