I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 1012: Eight large underground bases on Mars!

After all, the laboratory on the spacecraft did not install large-scale experimental testing equipment due to space. It is okay to test only a small number of samples collected by him. However, if you want to conduct large-scale sample testing, you must have a fully functional A large multifunctional laboratory.

Because later they plan to collect a large number of rock and soil samples from various ancient riverbed locations on Mars to do various experiments. Without a large laboratory, there is no way to do experiments quickly.

Although the matter of detecting the existence of life has now been confirmed, it is not surprising that they will be discovered later, but there is no more advanced life on Mars than bacteria or the like. There are a lot more.

We also need to conduct experiments on Martian soil and water to see if we can only use the resources on Mars to grow plants. This is very important, which is related to the success of the Mars colonization plan.

Because even if the [Chuxin] spacecraft can be delivered in large quantities, the company cannot waste precious flights on constantly replenishing the Mars colony with food, water and other living materials. That would be more than a loss.

Therefore, how to maximize the use of resources on Mars to produce the necessary living materials has become a problem that must be solved. Lei Tiantang and the others also want to do some research work in this area.

Although the forward bases of the following companies will certainly do such experiments, it is faster for them to do such experiments themselves, and the collected data can be more detailed.

And these data can also be compared with their forward base laboratory on the 5 planets in the "New Home" star system on the body of the small black hole, so that they can also do what they can do about humans colonizing outer planets in the universe. There is a better understanding of this that is the best.

"Shit! Fortunately we have improved the cooling and energy supply methods of nuclear fusion reactors, otherwise I have to worry about how to stably supply energy to the reactor, let alone use the nuclear fission reactor we used to supply energy. !" Lei Tiantang complained after building the nuclear fusion reactor power station.

"It's true! If it has been burning a boiler, it would be really not so easy on Mars. There can be no underground freshwater rivers that can be easily found on Earth to cool them down.

Although we can think of ways to use the low temperature on the surface of Mars to cool the reactor, it is bound to build a very complex equipment, and this equipment must be built on the surface of Mars, so our underground base is still a silly Secret base! "Quafu also laughed and joked.

The construction of this first underground base 100 kilometers away from the company’s scheduled forward base was quickly completed. This kind of thing is really familiar to Lei Tiantang and Kuafu, and so many have been built. It’s a base, even if it’s Mars that has never been here before, it’s not a difficult task.

After all, as long as the geological conditions are stable, the digging and reinforcement are not a big problem for Lei Tiantang. Now that the energy problem has been solved, the entire base will of course be no problem.

The scale of the entire underground base is very large, even the energy system Lei Tiantang has built two large nuclear fusion reactor power stations, which is why it is emotional.

The entire underground base is divided into 7 floors, of which, except for the energy system at the bottom, the upper two floors of the energy floor are the largest areas in the entire base.

Only the basic pipelines have been constructed here. The reason for this is that the two floors are reserved for planting and breeding areas.

Of course, because there is no experimental work on Mars' resources, it cannot be put into use, and even if it is put into use, it can only be used for planting experiments first. In addition to the breeding experiment, Lei Tiantang needs to bring a living body when he comes next time. Except for the animals, it takes time to grow, pick and process feed.

Can't wait for the animals to come over and let them eat soil and drink water? You must know that even if they are herbivores, they eat a lot, and there is no way to raise them without enough food.

Therefore, although the scale of the two-story planting area and breeding area is large enough, there is still a floor and a half of the planting area, and the breeding area is less than half of the floor, because there is still some space to be used as a place for processing equipment. .

It is also necessary to leave a space for the two levels of independent circulatory system equipment, because there may be company people taking refuge here in the future. For their safety, it is impossible for humans to share a circulatory system with these animals and plants. It's too big.

The upper 3 floors are where Kuafu’s server is located. The remaining space is all kinds of experimental equipment and various manufacturing equipment. There is also a special accommodation area and other living function areas for 100 people to live for a long time. , To make the most adequate preparations for possible situations.

Of course, because it is an insurance base for the company's people, the various equipment installed here does not use the unique technology of Lei Tiantang and Kuafu.

Instead, it only uses some company's technology and the technology known on the earth to build, at most, it uses some optimized and upgraded technologies.

In addition to the underground base closest to the company's No. 1 forward base ~lightnovelpub.net~ they will also build 7 large underground bases elsewhere on Mars.

However, those bases will not be exposed, so the various designs of those bases are more advanced than this base. In those bases, they will do more advanced experiments. Before many experiments, they were on the earth. I dare not do it, but it is not a big problem to switch to Mars.

Anyway, this place will be in a very barren state for a long time. There will be some experimental accidents. The entire underground base will self-destruct without much impact. This is why Kuafu urged Lei Tiantang to build the underground base first. s reason.

"By the way, the boss, since this base may be visited by people from our company in an emergency in the future, should we do better on the issue of the upper and lower passages?" Kuafu put it out to Lei Tiantang. Asked as various devices were turned on and checked.

"Huh? Is there any problem with the channel we have designed? Such a large channel is not enough for them to enter? Do you think that our company’s astronauts have tonnage comparable to elephants? So you are worried that they will not be able to get in. "Lei Tiantang asked suspiciously.

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