I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 1014: Tool man lei boss

"Indeed, at present, we want to complete the defensive circle plan you think. Even if we can do it, it is very reluctant. I don't have the mood to wave in the solar system all day. Although we still have a solar system exploration plan, we have to wait. When do I have time, after all, I cannot leave the company for a year or a half at once.

After the development of the next-generation spacecraft is completed, the problem will not be big. Now a base on Mars is enough to use, because so far we have not really been threatened by alien invasion!

Therefore, in a short period of time, each of these bases will produce a few optimized and upgraded spacecraft of the Luna. After all, Mars is the frontier of the transition between the inner solar system and the outer solar system. For the time being, these spacecrafts will perform alert missions here. Enough.

Anyway, as long as we change the design of the upgraded version of the "Moon" spacecraft, even if it is discovered by people on earth, they will panic at most. The threat of war is the thing that unites mankind most. ! "Lei Tiantang said with a smile.

"Hehe, boss, you are right to say so. I have also learned all the knowledge of humans about war. To be honest, I still don’t understand human thoughts about war. I know that war will bring me endless Disaster, but there are many people who start wars for their own interests.

Forget it, I don’t want this problem anymore. Let’s go back to the base. I have already completed the optimization design of these bases. I can use it when the boss builds the remaining 7 bases. "Quafu sighed.

"Well, don’t talk about you, but I’m often confused about what humans are doing. You said that the reason why humans did not have large-scale wars after World War II is because everyone has mastered the destruction of the entire earth. Isn’t it ironic to think about the peace that’s been exchanged for “nuclear peace”?

It’s right not to say this. To say that this issue is disturbing is precisely the reason why people on the earth will not push in one direction if you don’t force them. That’s why I have to use the Moon to perform an outing on the earth. The star people discovered things about the earth. "Lei Tiantang said that this question also shook his head.

This topic was bad enough, so Lei Tiantang was too lazy to talk about it, and turned the topic back to related issues about the solar system defensive circle plan.

Issues related to the next generation of spacecraft and emergency mechanisms are all things they have to consider in advance. How to prepare for this kind of thing that is related to the safety of their own nests can not be overstated. While discussing, we will carry out this base. Finishing work.

After leaving enough various materials as well as various robots, equipment and other materials, Lei Tiantang completely completed the construction of this underground base No. 1, and left the rest to Kuafu slowly. , His experience in this area is also very rich.

"It's still the boss! It can actually restore the traces we made to the point that even I can hardly tell it. It's almost impossible!" After the anti-gravity engine of the spacecraft restarted, Kuafu finished watching his boss's finishing work. From now on, he will flatter me unscrupulously.

"Fuck off! Your ability to show off your credit now is really deep! I can restore all the traces we made outside the base to be almost exactly the same as before. That is not based on the 3D projection data you provided. Is it done?

Why are you complimenting me? You are complimenting yourself around the corners! I don’t think you’re complimenting me because of your remarks. I always feel that you are mocking me for being just a tool man! "Lei Tiantang scolded with a smile.

"Boss, has your brain been damaged by a large amount of cosmic radiation? I found out that during this period of time, why is your mind always thinking about things so unreliable?

Oh, now I can't even shoot flattery, right? Then I'll shut up and tell you a hammer! "Quafu spouted silently.

"Hehe..." Lei Tiantang smiled triumphantly.

In the silent universe, if you don't find something to divert your attention, you will easily think about it. This is why confinement on the earth is a punishment for everyone.

There is no means of dispelling loneliness, there is no difference between walking alone in the deep space of the universe and confinement, and this is why Lei Tiantang quarrels with Kuafu arrogantly here, and of course this is also with him most of the time I can't beat my father, so I can only take advantage of this unreasonable method.

They spent a total of 4 days on Mars. During these 4 days, Lei Tiantang completed the construction of the remaining 7 larger underground bases in only 2 days. The remaining 2 days are Collect samples everywhere and give them to Kuafu for inspection.

In order to prevent Kuafu from doing nothing in the base after they left, Lei Tiantang collected samples of all the places he passed, regardless of the facts of the three, seventy and twenty-one, all kinds of rocks, sand, air, various Samples of ice and various underground lakes have all been collected without blind spots.

As a result, the number of samples in each of the 8 underground bases that must be lined up for testing exceeded 1 million, and the number of samples in the largest base even exceeded 4 million, which can be seen from this number. How frantic is Lei Tiantang.

"Boss, you are too much to do this! How can you collect samples every 10 meters? Are you trying to retaliate?" Kuafu said silently~lightnovelpub.net~ and for Kuafu's. Tucao, Lei Tian Tang Zhenzheng said: "This is to avoid sample detection omissions, saying that in this way, we can find life on Mars as much as possible.

Besides, with so many bases here, we can't just build those spaceships, right? That job is too simple for you. I am afraid that you will be bored if you have this time-consuming job entrusted to you! "

"Fine! You are the boss, you have the final say! Just do it, otherwise my computing power here seems to be a bit wasteful!

Now that our affairs on Mars have come to an end, should the boss go to the asteroid to take a wave? Try your luck and see if you can find any valuable asteroids? "Kuafu didn't care about finding something to kill the time, so the focus quickly shifted to other places.

"Cut! The entire asteroid belt is not even the size of the moon, so how many things can there be in such a little thing worthy of my mind? Boss, I stored various materials on the body of the small black hole to pick and choose when engulfing stars and planets. I have already saved the mass of an earth, I still care about this?" Lei Tiantang said disdainfully.

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