I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 1050: Evidence that made old beauty jump

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What's more, the words Zhang Lichun said at the press conference of Infinite Gravity Group made these people almost crazy. There is no one who can say so domineering such a serious nonsense!

"I will take the upright spirit of the Infinite Gravity Group! The old American government said that it would investigate them, and while throwing the pot of the last conflict to the Infinite Gravity Group, it also used space weapons to destroy the 6 satellites of the Infinite Gravity Group. .

But look at how the Infinite Gravity Group does it! Just go back! A test of a new type of space waste disposer was completed on the 61 reconnaissance satellites controlled by the old American government and the military. This is not just a matter of slapping me and I will slap you back!

And now I still mellowly attribute all the responsibilities to Lao Mei, and I think it's very cola! "A Chinese netizen spoke.

"The Infinite Gravity Group is the culprit! It's shameless to dare to attack our satellites with space weapons, and to describe such space weapons as space garbage processors!" Immediately there was a netizen who addressed the United States of America. Retorted.

"Hehe, just take you guys who are brainwashed and stupid! You have to figure out the root cause of the matter to this point or your government first launched an attack on the Infinite Gravity Group.

And the X-37B space fighters and the attack satellites you use are the obvious space weapons. The two satellites launched by Infinite Gravity Group are functionally speaking, can you deny that they are not designed to deal with space junk? "

"That's right! I also support this wave of operations of the Infinite Gravity Group. The old American government dares to directly use space weapons to attack civilian communication satellites. God knows if they will give the satellites to those who are not pleasing to the eye. Hit it down!

In addition, I also want to support Infinite Gravity Group to continue testing more space junk processors! You can do it! "A polar bear netizen also strongly supported.

"Yes, yes, yes! We all believe that what the Infinite Gravity Group launches is a space garbage processor. The evil American government actually wants to weaponize and evil this thing that can benefit the world. This is absolutely unacceptable to us. !" This is a reply from a netizen who has hidden his nationality.

"Well..., that's right! Don't care if others believe it or not, anyway, I also believe that the Infinite Gravity Group's Hive satellite is a space waste processor and not a new space weapon!"

Those who support the Infinite Gravity Group soon gave those netizens from the United States a suspicious life, because the proportion of people who support the Infinite Gravity Group is too high. Many netizens in the younger brother countries of the old American government choose to support Infinity. Gravity Group, not the old American government.

After they saw the evidence they published on the official website of Infinite Gravity Group, a knowledgeable great **** immediately forwarded the evidence just like the relevant department of the country where they belonged after seeing the evidence.

Because these people can analyze from their own knowledge that there are too many dry goods in this evidence. If their own country’s intelligence agencies master this information, it will be very important for their country’s network security and space security. Positive influence!

However, even if they do not forward it, the relevant intelligence agencies of various countries will not ignore this evidence. No one is a fool. Since the Infinite Gravity Group has decided to dump the pot, it will of course make relevant preparations, not much. Prepare some dry goods, how can the outside world believe that they are always victims?

In human society, there is a very interesting phenomenon: the more civilized the society, the more reliant on modern science and technology, and the greater the impact will be once a change occurs.

For example, if high-rise residential buildings are cut off from water, electricity, electricity and gas, the residents will suffer from it and become unsustainable. The higher the floor, the greater the impact on the residents;

On the contrary, some tribes in Africa that are backward and modern, even without electricity or running water, people can still survive normally. The same principle applies on the Internet.

In this era when the 5G network is fully rolled out and strides towards the 6G network era, the threats of network security and network warfare are like a sword of Damocles, hanging high above the head of every netizen. It is closely related to the lives of every netizen.

In modern warfare, cyberspace warfare capabilities have become increasingly important. Although there is no gunpowder in cyber warfare, its lethality will never be lower than that of real war with real swords and guns.

As early as 2009, the old U.S. Department of Defense officially ordered the establishment of a cyber command, which has also become an important symbol of the U.S. military's extension of military hegemony to cyberspace.

Before that, they had used cyber attacks in several wars to fight against countries that they regarded as enemies.

And the effects of these attacks are very good, which is also an important reason for them to separate the former secret cyber forces into the army.

And now the Infinite Gravity Group has not only released a lot of top-secret information about this cyber warfare unit in this evidence, but also released a lot of information about space weapons deployed by the old American government in space.

The various data is not only very detailed, and even some members' personal information, but also some space weapons design drawings and other related core data can be found from it!

Before this kind of top-secret information, all countries had to spend a huge price to obtain it, and sometimes even the intelligence personnel paid the price of their lives to obtain such information.

But now these materials are so carelessly dumped by Infinite Gravity Group on the company's official website for download~lightnovelpub.net~ At this time, the relevant departments of these countries can still turn a blind eye to this!

More importantly, from this information, we can also find evidence that this cyber warfare unit of the United States has stolen confidential information from other countries and attacked other countries' satellite communication systems and various confidential network nodes!

Obtaining such evidence can be described as mixed. The good thing is that it can find the evidence to find the trouble of the US government. The worry is that the security of the home network system still needs more effort to do better. No one I would like the US government's cyber warfare forces to come and go freely in their own country's network.

Compared with the huge gains from countries all over the world, the old American government saw this evidence and used the breath to describe it as the mildest kind of description. To describe it more accurately, it would be even worse if it used breath to vomit blood and collapse. Be more image!

Any one of the evidence materials released by Infinite Gravity Group is something they tried all kinds of ways to keep it secret, but they did not expect to expose so much at once!

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