I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 1072: More demand for outer space laboratories

Even in order to let everyone more intuitively understand the meaning of his idea, he also deliberately selected some screenshots of science fiction movies, such as the movie screenshots of the very hot Martian creature being cultivated into a giant polypod.

Of course, reality is not a sci-fi movie after all. There is almost no possibility that such scenes will happen on the company’s side, because the company’s artificial intelligence system will remind you before an accident occurs, and the emergency can directly destroy the subject, and the company’s Obviously, the astronauts will not be as mentally disabled as the supporting characters in the movie.

However, both Lei Tiantang and other senior executives of the company understood what he wanted to express, and everyone could not deny the possibility of this danger. After all, humans have not really detected aliens until now. Traces of life.

No one knows what kind of harm the alien life discovered in the future might cause to humans on Earth. Lei Tiantang’s feelings are the deepest, because although he did not find alive Martian life on Mars last time, he After the collected samples were carefully tested by Kuafu, traces of life on Mars were still found.

He didn’t pay much attention to what Ren Junsheng said before, mainly because he had already built so many secret underground bases on Mars, even if he discovered extra-stellar life on Mars or other planets, it was so versatile and complete. His underground base is enough for him to use.

So he subconsciously ignored this issue, but now after Ren Junsheng reminded him, he has also considered the necessity of this matter from the company's perspective. From the company's perspective, this idea is really going to go. do.

Because it is not a very critical moment or when it has to be done, it is impossible for him to let people from the company use the secret underground that he built, so their demand for a better outer space laboratory must be agreed. Built for them.

"If you want to say so, Director Ren, I think your idea is really a very good idea! The related laboratories of our materials company really need such a larger and more professional outer space laboratory!

Although we have carried out related material research work on the three space stations and the moon base, we are also limited by the limited space of the space station and the moon base, so the comparison group of related experiments has been simplified accordingly.

If we can have more, larger and more professional outer space materials laboratories to carry out related material research, we will be able to carry out more material research work, and we can carry out more groups of experiments at the same time!

This will not only be able to obtain more and more detailed comparative data, but also shorten the research time for new materials. This is a very good thing for the company's long-term development, so I also support your idea! Zhao Junxian, the chief laboratory officer of the materials company, said with a smile.

The laboratories of other branch companies also expressed support for his idea, whether it is from the strategic perspective of the company's long-term development or from the research conditions of their researchers, the construction of a more professional and larger outer space experiment The room’s suggestions are all the right things.

For those who are engaged in research, they really want to go crazy and the money is not enough for them to make it. If possible, they certainly want better experimental research conditions, because only in this way can their wisdom be better. To play, they certainly don't want the embarrassing situation where clever women can't cook without rice.

After listening to them all talking about their thoughts, Lei Tiantang nodded with a smile: "I can accept this suggestion as the director, and of course I will support the needs of your various laboratories!

So I agree to this suggestion! After the meeting, you will communicate with each other to see how many laboratories have a need to build larger and more professional outer space laboratories, and then we will discuss related design issues and sequencing issues when we meet again next time.

It's not that I don't want to spend money. You, my boss, should be aware of the reasonable needs of your laboratories. You have never rejected it!

But everyone knows that although the [Chuxin] spacecraft has a larger transportation capacity and is more convenient, its testing and subsequent mass production will also take a long time. After all, it is such a large high-tech product. Our company builds rockets now, like hula, it can build dozens of them at once.

And these outer space laboratories that you are requesting to build obviously cannot be transported by our company’s current largest carrying capacity "Giant Lingshen-2" rocket, not to mention the tonnage, but the size of the rocket. Way to put them in the fairing.

So in the early stages of the spacecraft, which laboratory of the outer space laboratory should be sent to space first, everyone needs to discuss and coordinate. Of course, whoever is the most urgent and most important will launch first, and the latter can only wait in line for a while.

Anyway, our existing space station laboratories and lunar base laboratories can still continue to do experiments for you for a period of time if they overcome them.

After all, you all know how busy our spacecraft is after being put into use~lightnovelpub.net~ The expansion and replenishment missions of a space station, the accelerated construction of the lunar base, etc., are enough for them to be busy, and they can extract capacity. It's already very good to come to the launch laboratory. "

After looking at each other, the heads of the various laboratories all nodded and accepted the proposal of their own boss, because what he said was also the fact that this is the most advanced spacecraft built for mankind. For the time being, it is really difficult to follow. Like dumplings, these big guys can be called black technology.

Moreover, the question of who comes first is also very easy to solve. Everyone is in the same company. After so many years of cooperation, they have a good understanding of the experimental content and experimental progress of each other’s laboratories. The issue will not be too controversial.

Seeing that they all nodded, Lei Tiantang also smiled and said, "Okay! Now that you all agree, you can discuss the relevant design of your respective outer space laboratory internally after you go back. Discuss what you will do first after those experiments.

So now there is a critical question left, that is, when will our spacecraft start to conduct flight tests? When can it be put into formal production? Director He, can you answer my question? "

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