I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 1077: Infinite Gravity Group is going to broad

In addition, the black holes we observe are also supermassive, because based on the current level of human technology development, stellar-level black holes are difficult to observe. So if we want to observe the existence of wormholes, perhaps we need a longer time to develop.

And this is the last kind of content that Lei Tiantang has been paying attention to for a long time to be detected by space probes. Whether it is a black hole or a wormhole, it is obvious that their mass is very large, which will cause a very obvious distortion to the universe.

If the detector can be used to detect the existence of such a distorted space, then it is clear that either black holes or wormholes are found.

These three types of detectors, together with the gravitational wave detectors and other detectors previously launched by the company, will form a large detector array for detecting wormholes, helping Lei Tiantang to find traces of wormholes.

He has no doubt about whether there is a wormhole. From his research on the small black hole body, it is easy to draw evidence that there is absolutely a space-time structure like a wormhole. After all, the small black hole body is important to the universe. The distortion of space is strong enough, and it is not impossible for a larger mass of celestial bodies to form a passage through space.

But as to how to find the evidence of the existence of wormholes and the place, he still needs to do a lot of things. First discovering them is the biggest difficulty. Human beings don’t even have the technology to directly observe black holes, let alone directly observe wormholes. Existed.

That’s why he asked the satellite and detector laboratory to develop these space telescopes, gravitational detectors, and indirect detectors such as space detectors, in order to use them to detect the existence of wormholes from related traces in other universes. .

This is why he does not ask about the spacecraft, but about the load of the non-spacecraft. For him, the most important thing is to be able to detect the existence of a wormhole!

Because the wormhole can help him get to the body of the small black hole in the shortest time, and the strength of the spacecraft is not a big problem for him. The big deal is to open it up and use materials similar to the body of the small black hole. The manufactured spacecraft will never be torn apart by the gravity of the wormhole!

As soon as they entered the No. 1 factory, everyone saw the behemoth quietly parked in the middle of the factory, as well as the technicians and government personnel surrounding it.

And when Lei Tian Tang and his party approached, the leaders of the government and the military recovered from their amazement. It was not that they wanted to neglect Lei Tian Tang and the others, but this giant spaceship comparable in size to an aircraft carrier. It is too attractive for them!

"I can't believe it, Mr. Lei! We are actually fortunate enough to witness the first flight of the spacecraft made by our own China. Your Infinite Gravity Group can be said to have created a history that no one can replace!" The second leader tightly Holding Lei Tiantang's hand, said with emotion.

Lei Tiantang smiled modestly: "Thank you for the compliment of the leader! But our company cannot attribute all the credit to our own. Without the support of our powerful motherland, our company does not have the talent pool to complete the research and development of this great project. Come in!

And if the motherland does not protect us from the wind and rain, it will be difficult for us to smoothly carry out long-term and stable research and development of large scientific research projects such as spacecraft. Therefore, the credit is half of ours and half of the country! "

Lei Tiantang is still very compelling at this point. Although his own ability to smash the air is no problem, and he can smash whoever he wants, and do whatever he wants, but that’s from him. From a personal point of view.

If a company wants to develop in a long-term and stable manner, there are so many problems that it will encounter. Media slander, capital erosion, competitor's instigation of their country to launch attacks, etc., will appear at any time.

And when this happens, does Lei Tiantang have to kill those competitors every time, or even attack the countries where those competitors are located? All fools know that it is impossible to do this. It is a pleasure to do it, and it makes other people afraid of you, but it will not benefit the development of the company at all.

Anyone can guess what's going on with such an obvious movement. At that time, even the partners will worry about whether they will suffer a blow when they cooperate with your company. They will simply disconnect from you in this state. The company's cooperation has become an inevitable choice.

Once this happens, no matter how good the technology of Infinite Gravity Group is, no one dares to cooperate with it. How can it develop and grow?

And after a powerful motherland is behind it, many of the methods of blatant swords and arrows will be blocked by the government. This is how the Infinite Gravity Group can develop so smoothly without the direct participation of Lei Tiantang. The reason is why he ignores those who say that his Infinite Gravity Group is too sweet to his government.

He doesn’t have any brain damage, and obviously none of the company’s top executives. At this stage of development, the company may have experienced many bankruptcies without the support of the state. Can you still count on him to threaten people with mushrooms everywhere? Nothing!

“Leader No. 1 really can’t spare the time to visit here specifically, so let me praise your company’s efforts on behalf of the government, and I wish you a complete success in this test flight!” Leader No. 2 looked around Lei cordially. Tian Tang said with a smile after waiting for a while.

This cordial exchange scene was also filmed by Yang Ma’s reporters and employees of the company’s publicity department ~lightnovelpub.net~ and was broadcast live on Yang’s and the company’s official website.

And the big headline on Infinite Gravity Group’s official website: "[Chuxin] Spacecraft’s first test flight test live! "It stunned everyone!

After I entered the live broadcast room, I was excited when I saw the silver-gray monster quietly parked in the factory. Who knows that the Infinite Gravity Group is going to broadcast the zooming move again after seeing this scene!

The previous research and development and the subsequent manufacturing and testing phases are kept secret because there are too many things that need to be kept secret in those scenes, and in order to avoid accidents, this kind of news is obviously not available before the spacecraft is completed. of.

Even if the outside world can guess from the company's trends that they are actually developing and manufacturing spacecraft, the company neither admits nor denies such speculation.

But now, the [Chuxin] spacecraft is about to conduct its first flight test mission, of course, there is no need to hide it at this time!

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