I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 1092: The design plan of a special laboratory

"Yes, boss, but this is only what a cargo spacecraft such as the [Chuxin] spacecraft that can navigate freely in the solar system can do, and the laboratory-dedicated spaceports we want to build in various laboratories are only for the time being. In earth orbit, a large spaceport is enough to meet our long-term experimental needs.

And in this case, we don’t have to use a cargo spacecraft such as the [Chuxin] spacecraft that can navigate freely in the solar system to complete the load transportation. After all, if we only perform tasks in the orbit of the earth, those on the spacecraft are like Components such as facilities that maintain the lives of astronauts for a long time can be omitted.

Moreover, even the high-thrust ion engine that supports the spacecraft to fly for a long time in space can be cancelled. Just keep the liquid fuel engine, and some other components that need to be carried during non-long-term flight can also be cancelled. In this case A lot of space and carrying capacity can be saved by getting off the spacecraft!

For this reason, our spacecraft laboratory has preliminarily modified and designed a cargo spacecraft designed to travel between the earth and the orbit of the earth. Through preliminary calculations, the maximum carrying capacity of this cargo spacecraft can reach more than 1,000 tons, which is sufficient for the company. The mission of building a spaceport!

At that time, we can specifically manufacture some of these cargo spacecraft to perform spaceport construction tasks, so that we do not need to occupy the long-distance shipping power of the [Chuxin] spacecraft, and can be used to fly to the moon, Mars and farther starry sky. Task.

And this kind of cargo spacecraft will not be eliminated for a long time in the future. After all, the company has a lot of related construction plans on the earth orbit! "He Chengcheng smiled and projected a new spacecraft design, then introduced.

After seeing this new cargo spacecraft design plan, Lei Tiantang and other senior executives of the company have nothing to say. They are almost about to increase the earth's orbital transport capacity by twice. This kind of cargo spacecraft will of course enable the company's earth orbit construction. Planning can be completed more calmly.

The company not only has a large-scale space construction plan such as a spaceport, but also construction plans such as solar energy collection factories, space farms, etc., are already undergoing relevant design demonstrations, and there are more construction plans. , It is obviously impossible without a strong world transportation capacity.

"Okay! This idea of ​​yours is very good, so let's stop here. We will discuss the spacecraft after your optimization design is completed. Let's return to your special laboratory spaceport. As the director, you continue. Introduce the design plan of the spaceport." Lei Tiantang nodded to Ren Junsheng.

"Since the boss and colleagues have no doubts about our idea, then I can continue to introduce our spaceport design on behalf of various laboratories!" Ren Junsheng is also very satisfied with this result, of course he is not Feel surprised.

After shrinking the spaceport design plan and the spacecraft design optimization plan that have been stripped of the laboratory, Ren Junsheng enlarged the design drawing of the laboratory-dedicated spaceport he was going to introduce again and then began to introduce the relevant Situation.

"Look, as a whole, our laboratory-dedicated spaceport design also borrows some of the previous spaceport design ideas, and we also adopted the main 4-layer ring combination design.

The uppermost cabin assembly that rotates around the center is a place for our experimenters to live and rest. I won't give much introduction on this point.

Everyone knows the related technical problems, and their existence is to ensure that our experimenters can work in the spaceport in a healthy and comfortable way for a long time.

And the ring below this ring is the spacecraft docking area and the material storage area. Obviously, there is no need to introduce too much here. Everyone knows the functions here. It is different from the comprehensive spaceport where a large number of spacecraft docks. We only have 2 spaceship berths here, which is enough for us.

The remaining area is used to store various materials to make it easier for us to work, not to mention living materials and the like, take the experimental equipment and consumables as examples, some equipment is difficult to avoid during the experiment. damaged.

If the experimental equipment is broken, you have to wait for the repair robot to repair it, or even if there are no repair parts that need to be sent to the ground, it will obviously delay our experiment progress.

Therefore, it is a better choice to reserve some vulnerable experimental equipment. If it is broken, replace it immediately, and take it to a special maintenance area for repair, so that it will not delay our experimentation.

And so many of our laboratories are doing various experiments in space. Obviously, there will be a lot of experimental materials that need to be consumed. More experimental consumables will obviously also make our experiments uninterrupted, so the remaining area They are all used to store supplies, and everyone can understand why we did it.

In addition to the two layers of functional zone assembly rings which are much smaller in volume, the lower two layers of rings with larger diameter and volume are of course the location of our laboratory. These two rings consist of 68 laboratory chambers in total. Each laboratory cabin is a professional space laboratory with complete functions!

Of course, it is impossible for us to use all of these laboratories at once. According to our current needs, after the construction is completed, our laboratories will only use 50 if they are divided into one or two compartments.

After all, we don’t need any laboratory to do experiments in space~lightnovelpub.net~ nor do any experiments can be done in space, nor is it necessary!

Moreover, the laboratories on our three space stations do not mean that no experiments can be done. Of course, the laboratories on the space station cannot be abandoned before the service life is reached. Some simple and low-risk experiments can still be done. Did it in the small laboratory over there!

The remaining 18 laboratory cabins are reserved. Of course, these 18 cabins will not be launched until the required laboratory is determined.

At that time, the experimental cabin of which laboratory is not enough can be sent to use immediately after completion of the ground construction.

It doesn’t matter if these 68 laboratory cabins are not enough to use by then. Anyway, our spaceports are all built in a composite way. The big deal is that we will expand a new laboratory ring. After all, we The expansion was considered during the design, and it is not a big problem to expand. "


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