I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 1101: Crazy anti-matter collection design plan

"Yes, boss, theoretically, there may indeed be antimatter concentrated areas in the universe, but our current level of technology may be a bit close to discovering such places directly.

And even if we do find such antimatter regions, we can only stare at them for a long time, because our company’s spacecraft can hardly fly out of the solar system, let alone go far away. To mine antimatter in the star field.

Even if we have developed a spacecraft that can fly faster than light or jump in space, if we cannot solve the safety problems of the spacecraft itself and the long-term storage of antimatter, it will be difficult for us to mine antimatter because accidentally the spacecraft touches When it comes to antimatter, it is a super bomb! "Liu Helong also spoke at this time.

After seeing everyone’s attitude, Lei Tiantang smiled helplessly and said: "I also hope to find some new ways from you to collect antimatter. So it seems that we can only collect antimatter through the collider. ."

"Yes, but we will not stop exploring new antimatter preparation solutions!" The head of the antimatter laboratory nodded.

Lei Tiantang sighed and said: "I know, what results will tell me the first time! Since we can only obtain antimatter through the collider in a short time, then I will give you a task now!

I ask you to start designing the next generation of Hadron Collider. The first goal is to increase the energy level of the collision to at least 10 times that of our current big guy!

Such a high-energy collider can not only help us collect antimatter more quickly for our research, but it can also promote our company to a new level in the field of high energy physics and discover more secrets about the universe! "

Speaking of this, his spirit rose up, because of this idea he thought of it on the way over in a helicopter. He asked Liu Helong before if they wanted to build a larger hadron collider in space. Shi had already said this in advance.

After listening to his request, the whole meeting room was quiet for a while, and then the whispered mutual discussions instantly made the meeting room appear noisy, because Lei Tiantang's request seemed a bit difficult.

Lei Tiantang didn’t feel any strange about this scene either. Everyone is engaged in scientific research. He asked for this. If they didn’t discuss it, they would answer directly that would be irresponsible, so he smiled and drank the water. Watching them frowning and discussing there.

After waiting for a little more than 3 minutes, Liu Helong said sternly after summing up everyone’s opinions: "Boss, we just discussed it, even if it is based on the technology that our company currently masters, there are also technologies under development. The research and development have been successful, and it is difficult for us to produce a collider of the energy level you envision.

We must know that the maximum energy level of our company's super collider has reached an incredible height of 1000TEV. If you design it according to your requirements, wouldn't the maximum energy level reach 10000TEV?

Of course we also want this kind of super collider with a higher energy level, but obviously even if we can design it, we don't have it manufactured by this technology. "

Hearing him say this, Lei Tiantang smiled and shook his head: "I know what you mean, but I don't ask you to use the relevant technology that our company has now to derive this collider that I ask you to design. .

What I mean is that you can design without considering whether the relevant technology can do it, that is, you don’t have to consider whether the material performance provided by the material company can meet the standards, whether the energy supply problem can be solved, and whether the various detectors can be manufactured. Wait for the question.

I ask you to use your imagination like some unreliable designers to design this kind of collider with a higher energy level. No matter other technologies, manufacturing, etc., you can just adopt it ahead of time. It's fine to design it in a simulation design, as long as this design can pass the original simulation experiment.

We can use this design plan to explore the construction possibilities of this collider in advance, and provide a clear direction for our follow-up research and development, because then we only need to solve the technology that we have not yet solved in the design. The question, that means that we can truly create this kind of super collider!

And after the completion of the 10 times design goal, I ask you to go one step further on this basis and design a super super collider with an energy level more than 10 times that of the design draft, which is the one we are using now. A collider with more than 100 times the energy level of the collider!

If we can actually manufacture a super-super collider with a 100,000 TEV energy level at that time, I believe that our antimatter preparation and experimental work can also be fully deployed on a large scale, whether it is for me Research is still very important to our company!

And if we really have a collider with such a high energy level, I believe we are not far from truly understanding the secrets of the entire universe!

I believe this is also the most anticipated moment for those of us who love scientific research, so can you meet this requirement of me? "

A group of scientists and researchers in the conference room heard this and understood what the big guy wanted them to do~lightnovelpub.net~ Of course they could do it for such a design requirement, and Lei Tiantang’s idea was also It really scratched everyone's itch!

Who is engaged in scientific research has no wild ideas? However, due to technical issues, many of their ideas can only be held in their hearts, because if they come up with unrealistic ideas, they will inevitably make people laugh. Those designers who listen to Lei Tiantang describe Got it, it's not reliable!

Not many people who really want to engage in scientific research are willing to carry this label, because once you put it on, the mainstream scientific research circle will reject you, and it will be difficult for you to get research funding.

Now this tycoon has ordered himself to give play to his imaginative ideas. Of course, they will not refuse this kind of good thing. They can be accepted by Infinite Gravity Group, but there is no mediocrity. Of course, they dare to ask Lei Tiantang. Next!

Liu Helong looked around the enthusiastic expressions of his colleagues in the meeting room and then smiled and looked at Lei Tiantang and said, "I think the boss, you have also seen everyone's attitude. I think we can accept your request, and guarantee that it will be as short as possible. Complete the relevant design work within the time!"

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