I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 1141: Can it be built and where to build it

The media are also confounded by this wave of operations by Infinite Gravity Group. Everyone is still discussing your company’s Mars landing plan. It’s not difficult for your company to release such big news at this time. Do it!

In this case, if we start to publicize this news, wouldn't the news about the Mars landing experience drop? Those attentions are all money for us!

Why bother, can't you let this news go for a while? At that time, we will give you a free publicity for this news, so that everyone, hello and me, are not better. This kind of grievance is not owned by one or two media, even the media of the habitual black Infinite Gravity Group. This is very helpless.

They can’t report such big news. If they want to turn a blind eye to this kind of news, it’s simply not going to make money. But the feeling of such big news piled up makes them very heartbroken. I have to say that sometimes some people just like hypocrisy. .

Infinite Gravity Group does not care about the ideas of these media. Anyway, the company's own media is enough to let everyone know about this. If you like to report, report it, and don't expect you to promote the company.

"Boss, you look like a fool! Director Liu probably really believes that in the future there will be such a super collider to experiment with them. No one would have thought that you would let them design such a super high-energy collision. I just want to build it myself!" Kuafu spit out grinningly.

Lei Tiantang leaned **** the chair, then rolled his eyes comfortably after shaking it twice, and said slowly, "How do you know that I was fooling them?

If they can really solve the related technical problems, it would be no big deal for them to build a 100,000 TEV energy level collider in space or Mars. Anyway, at that time, I believe the company will also have this strength. Come to build.

So this is really not what I mean to paint them a pie. How can I say that I am a fool if I can do it? It's incidental to use it for ourselves! "

"You can get the boss, you just believe that the people in the company are the ones who are by the way!" Kuafu's projection cast his lips in disdain. Obviously, he looks down on his boss's shameless statement. .

"Fuck off! Believe it or not, I believe it anyway! Quickly show me whether their design can work, and whether it can be completed with our own materials and technology, so stop grinding teeth with me here! "Lei Tiantang smiled and cursed with anger.

"I need your instructions! I've seen it a long time ago, okay? Although they are all derived from the company's current technology, there are really not many problems. I also found 47 small areas. Problems and 11 unreasonable designs.

For such a large system design scheme, it is really impossible to be too demanding, and I have also analyzed the reasons for these problems. Basically, they are caused by the speculation gap of material performance and the speculation gap of equipment performance. of.

They do not have the specific data of these better-performing materials and equipment that we have, and it is very good to be able to design such a high-energy collider through the existing materials and equipment! "

After Kuafu projected the design of the collider submitted by Liu Helong in his office, he marked the areas where the problems were found in red. Lei Tiantang also saw it at a glance.

He fiddled with the design projection and looked at it for a while and then nodded and asked: "I can see roughly the same thing. I haven't done much research on this aspect, so if you don't mark the location of these problems, it will be a while. Yes, I really can't see that there is a problem, and this design drawing is also complicated.

But I don’t think there is anything surprising about this result. Liu Helong and the others have used the collider for so long. If they haven’t learned anything, that’s the problem.

Besides, the current computing power and intelligence of Origin are enough to ensure that they can avoid many problems in the design process. These factors add up to allow them to complete the design work in such a short time, of course, there is no surprise.

Let alone this, can we build these two types of colliders after all these issues have been revised? Are there any technical difficulties? "

"Theoretically, there are no technical difficulties, but I don’t know if there will be any problems in the specific manufacturing process. After all, we have never built this kind of thing, and the length of this kind of track has reached 366 kilometers. It's a super giant.

Whether the vacuum environment can be maintained in a stable state for a long time, and whether the optimized and upgraded equipment such as equipment and related detectors and antimatter collection equipment can operate stably for a long time, etc. are not simple questions.

Based on the data we calculated, I can’t guarantee 100% that they will have no problems at all, so I think we’ll know everything after we build them and try them out!

By the way, boss, where are you going to build these two big guys with energy levels up to 10,000 TEV? This guy will definitely not be able to build on the earth, even if we build them on the submarine base, it won’t work~lightnovelpub.net~ The long-running movement of this thing may be found in countries with reconnaissance satellites. of. "Kuafu has obviously begun to consider the issue of construction.

His worries are not superfluous. The energy accumulated during operation of such a high-energy collider is an astronomical figure, and the signal generated by the circular magnetic field that binds particles during long-term operation is not too obvious, as long as it is equipped on a reconnaissance satellite. Corresponding detection equipment, this kind of big guy is absolutely unable to escape detection, even if it is placed on the bottom of the sea.

Lei Tiantang scratched his head and said entangledly: "This problem is really a headache. If it really passes the test and there is no problem, then there is no problem at all in the construction and use of the small black hole body, but it is used for testing. It’s not appropriate to put the collider over there.

After all, if you want to test the performance and data of these two colliders, you need to observe them uninterruptedly for a long time, but if you put them on the side of the small black hole, we can't keep paying attention in real time.

If there is an accident during the experiment, it will be over. It is obviously impossible to solve all the problems by your clone program when something goes wrong. I can only find out after I get the data back. , This is obviously inappropriate. "

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