I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 1144: Prepared for travel

"Hi! I'll just say that. Boss, why are you so anxious? I don't know how it feels to have a girlfriend, so I just diverted my thinking by the way. Your statement is very good. Okay, I'll say the same when I find a girlfriend in the future!" Kuafu nodded in a serious manner.

"Fuck! What do you don't understand! Life mentor pretends to be better than anyone else. Why don't you understand this? What's better for me to say? My statement can be fake? Give it to me quickly. Say something!"

"Fine! Do not discuss personal matters during working hours! When it comes to spacecraft performance, if the data of the last test is within the expected range, then the optimized and upgraded Lunar spacecraft performance will probably increase by about 13.5% overall. Look like.

Among them, the speed improvement is the most. After the performance of our ion engine has been tested for such a long time, I have optimized many details of the design, and replaced a wear-resistant and heat-resistant coating on the inner wall, so that the engine can Withstand higher jet speed and temperature.

Therefore, the overall performance of the ion engine has increased by 21%, which can increase the speed of the spacecraft by more than 15%. If we go to Mars the last time, our travel time can be saved at least 2 days.

In other aspects, I have also improved the structural strength of the spacecraft, optimized the stability and safety of the energy transmission pipeline, updated the following defects of the spacecraft’s intelligent control system, and optimized the comfort of the entire spacecraft so that the boss can More comfortable during the trip! "Kuafu said, using projection to show Lei Tiantang his optimized design.

Lei Tiantang rubbed the stubble he forgot to shave in the morning, and carefully watched the optimized and upgraded spacecraft structural design. He was involved in the entire design of the spacecraft. Now that there is an optimized design, he of course also needs to understand carefully. The situation is relevant.

After all, it is impossible for him to leave everything to Kuafu to do. It is irresponsible to himself. The original intention of artificial intelligence development is to let people get rid of repetitive labor and things that take a lot of time to calculate. , It's not lazy.

Even if Kuafu can do all the work he has arranged, he can't relax the related research work at all. He still can't do the imagination. Now if he is lazy, then the follow-up spaceship design work will be necessary. It was interrupted directly.

He came up with all kinds of groundbreaking research ideas first, and then planned out the specific experimental plan and then passed it to Kuafu to conduct large-scale experiments. This is the best way for him and Kuafu to work together.

"It's okay. The design plan of this generation of spacecraft can be optimized to this point. It is already very good. If we want to make a breakthrough, we can only start the construction of the next generation of spacecraft after we have made breakthroughs in materials and energy. Planned.

When it's time for the spacecraft on the small black hole body to return, remind me that if there is no problem after the data is retrieved, then start building according to your design plan.

Considering that going to Venus is the first time we go to a place with such a harsh atmosphere, you can calculate the anti-corrosion coating on the surface of the spacecraft to see if it should be thicker.

Also, you should also make overall calculations in advance about related resources and see what we still lack here, and then place an order to prepare these things, otherwise, if there is something missing, it will not be a waste of time. Up! "Lei Tiantang began to arrange follow-up work.

"I know, I will check the deficiencies in the related work to ensure that there will be no problems. Our consistent aim is not to be prepared, don't worry, boss!" Kuafu is obviously already very experienced in this work. So very confident.

Of course he won’t have a problem with this. This kind of thing that needs to consider all the details is his strong point. Besides, it’s not the first time he has waved out of the earth. The environment on Venus is just a bit worse than Mars. , The other things are not very different.

Besides, the company knows how to make various plans for astronauts going to Mars. The prepared materials make people all over the world feel extravagant. If you switch to Lei Tiantang himself, you can definitely prepare more. If you are fully prepared, you will be fully prepared.

For Lei Tiantang and Kuafu, the materials that can be bought with money and the materials that cannot be solved with money, as long as they are on the earth, there is no problem for them.

If it is someone who has been operating around the world for such a long time, he can do it. If he can't even do this, it's not a waste of toss. Besides, they don't need sensitive materials. At most, they just purchase some scarce materials.

"Okay! I'll leave it to you!" Lei Tiantang nodded in satisfaction.

"Don't worry, boss! By the way, boss, do you plan to build a few bases on Venus this time?" Kuafu began to ask the details of the follow-up mission.

"Aren't you nonsense! I'm going to build two colliders over there, can I build a few bases by the way? In the solar system defense circle plan, we have also planned it, OK? What can I ask?" Lei Tiantang vomited speechlessly.

Kuafu defended: "The previous plan was the previous plan, then we did not have this plan to build a collider of this energy level on Venus~lightnovelpub.net~ so I must ask the boss if you have any Revised the base construction plan over there!"

"There is no modification. It is enough to build two large underground bases in a big place. Isn't this just a circle of collider passages around the base? There is no need to modify too many design and construction drawings. Just add the design drawing of the collider directly on the periphery.

Now it is nothing more than with the expansion of the construction scale, the place that could be used to build the underground base may not be used now, but this kind of thing will not be able to find the construction site in minutes as long as I pass.

Moreover, whether it is the energy supply of the nuclear fusion reactor or the computing power of the supercomputer unit, etc., our previous design has more than 500% redundancy. Even if it is not enough to take the collider, it is not enough. Just add a set of nuclear fusion reactors and some supercomputer units and other resources.

In the past, I simply built the underground base on Mercury by the way, so that I don’t have to run more and drive a small broken spacecraft so close to the sun. It’s unavoidable that my heart will be a mess. I can go one less or one less. Good! So you have prepared the things that should be prepared together. "Lei Tiantang said with a smile.

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