I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 1151: To have strength is to be so rigid!

He pointed to these positions and said: "Now that I use these data to select these 4 places first, I will decide which two places to build the base in after I go down.

You can land now, let your boss, I become the first man to set foot on Venus after the first one on the surface of Mars! "

In fact, if these places can be picked out by Kuafu, there is definitely not a big difference, and their bases are also built underground, as long as the underground structure of the location is stable, so choosing these 4 places is just a thunder Tiantang himself felt that these places were more appropriate subjectively.

"What's so proud of? If you want to, you can be the first person to favor the planets and moons of the entire solar system. Is it your subconscious dream to be the boss? Hey~~! You can accept it! "Kuafu looked at him with a look of BT.

"Go to your uncle! What is your look? My ambition seems so wretched in your mouth? Why are you driving so proficiently? Every day on the Internet, you drive with the old driver. ?

Hurry up! Please be careful to drive the spacecraft. If something goes wrong with the spacecraft during the landing, and see how I can clean you up, what do you think is the punishment for not being allowed to speak on social platforms for a week? "Lei Tiantang was speechless. He was caught off guard when driving this car, so he quickly threatened with a killer move.

"Good boss! Don't worry, boss!" Kuafu promised as soon as he heard what he said, he changed to a serious expression and patted his chest.

Due to the standard test mode used, during the landing of this upgraded "Moon" spacecraft, Lei Tiantang will definitely not open the absolute field to help the spacecraft withstand the harsh environment of Venus, lightning, acid rain, strong The atmospheric pressure and other environments need to be resisted by the spacecraft’s own defenses.

After all, this spacecraft is only one of their large-scale test spacecraft. If any danger is given to Lei Tiantang to help it withstand it, then it will be a test!

Kuafu does have this confidence. Whether it is the limit test of the first "Lunar" spacecraft or the improvement in the performance of the spacecraft after their optimization, it can prove the excellence of this spacecraft. The environment of Venus is very harsh, but no matter how bad the performance is. Is there a small black hole that puts a lot of pressure on the spacecraft?

So after Lei Tiantang sat down, he immediately began to land, and the spacecraft lightly adjusted its angle and directly began to enter the atmosphere of Venus.

Regardless of the speed of the spacecraft just entering the atmosphere is as high as 9.8 kilometers per second, but under the friction of the dense atmosphere of Venus, when the spacecraft descends 95 kilometers away from the surface of Venus, the speed of the spacecraft is reduced to 2.3 kilometers per second. .

At this time, the temperature of the bottom of the spacecraft has exceeded 1400 degrees Celsius due to atmospheric friction, and Lei Tiantang is still a little worried about this temperature.

He looked at the temperature projected by the real-time status of the spacecraft in the middle of the control hall, frowned and asked, "Isn't there any problem with this? The temperature rises a bit too quickly, and it's going to 2,000 degrees Celsius. Can the coating on the outside bear it?

This is about to enter the corrosion layer. Can such a high temperature coating resist the corrosion of sulfuric acid? "

Even if the performance data of the anti-corrosion coating applied to the outer layer of the spacecraft has been known for a long time, Lei Tiantang still cannot help worrying at this time. The experimental data is experimental data. It really depends on the performance of a material. It still depends on the actual application.

However, when it is close to the height of 70 kilometers from the surface, it is about to enter the thick cloud composed of concentrated sulfuric acid with a thickness of 20-30 kilometers. This high-temperature friction coating will encounter It would be strange if he was not worried about such a thick corrosion layer.

"Don’t worry, boss, don’t say that this layer of anti-radiation coating can withstand a high temperature of up to 2500 degrees Celsius, but it really disappears due to atmospheric friction, and our spacecraft can only rely on the 7 layers of armor behind the coating. Sneak in the sulfuric acid sea for more than an hour!

Not to mention this relatively thin, acidic atmosphere. It only takes us 15 seconds to pass through this acid rain cloud. How could something go wrong with this little time! Kuafu replied with an indifferent shrug.

The fact is true. The spacecraft passed the acid rain layer safely and smoothly, and Lei Tiantang also watched the thunderstorm lightning area through the spacecraft’s external camera, even if it was not directly viewed through the porthole, it was spectacular.

Since the spacecraft landed directly toward the first base construction location selected by Lei Tiantang, even the ion engines were counter-propelled during the entire landing process, but the entire landing process still took a little over 7 minutes. finished.

"I landed the boss safely! Do you just check in the spacecraft or get out of the cabin?" After hovering the spacecraft 50 meters above the ground of Venus and keeping it still, Kuafu turned his head and asked.

They did not plan to land the spacecraft directly on the surface of Mars. After a long period of acid rain corrosion, the soil on the surface of Venus is still very fragile. If a big guy with more than 800,000 tons sits down, it will definitely sink directly. , Then you can just think about the picture for yourself.

Lei Tiantang smiled and cursed as he unfastened his seat belt, "Aren't you nonsense! I have run so hard to come here, if I didn't even log in, what would I do!"

Hurry up and get my spacesuit ready in the exit area, and I will change it right away! Although it is not the first time to set foot on an extraterrestrial planet~lightnovelpub.net~, I am still looking forward to this landing! "

After speaking, he walked directly to the outside of the control hall, and Kuafu hurriedly shouted from behind: "Please, boss, do you want to be in such a hurry!

They all said that this time the test was carried out in accordance with the standard process. This is still what you said. Would you like to get out of the cabin so hastily? How is the outside environment? Whether it is suitable for login, etc., there is no detailed detection yet!

You go out like this because you won't have any problems. If ordinary astronauts are as reckless as you, how many astronauts the company has to train to make it like this! "

Lei Tiantang turned his head and looked at the praise of his father and then deliberately said in a domineering tone: "Although I also think what you said makes sense, I don't plan to do what you said!

I have this ability, can you let me use it! Real men not only never look back at the explosion, but also do not panic in everything!

Do you see my current state panicked? Obviously not! So I am not called reckless, this is called the self-confidence of a true iron-blooded man. To have strength is to be so strong! "

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