I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 1202: Really. Art is an explosion!

Even if he exploded while making it in an underground base, it was enough to create a large earthquake of over 10 magnitude within a certain range. Even if he himself was safe and sound, others could not guarantee it.

Therefore, not only the related testing work cannot be carried out on the Earth and the solar system, but also the related manufacturing work will not be carried out here. Safety issues still need to be sufficiently careful.

Even if the company’s antimatter-related research work has moved to the vast and sparsely populated northwest, the relevant experiments have to be prepared every time before they start, just a little bit. The antimatter is like this, not to mention that they are hundreds of grams and kilograms at every turn.

After more than a week, Lei Tiantang finally finished all the things he wanted to make on the body of the small black hole. In fact, if he did his best, he could make these things in less than a day.

But as the owner of two such huge group companies, even if he has given most of the rights to the top of the company, there are still a lot of things that he needs to handle personally every day.

In addition, there are many other research projects that also need his attention, and some entertainment activities have to delay a certain amount of time, so it can be completed quickly in more than a week.

"This is the last system-wide self-check data. You can confirm it again. We will start if there is no problem!" Lei Tiantang said enthusiastically after handing over a piece of data storage to Kuafu.

For a man, there is nothing he dislikes about explosions, even if he himself has seen the explosion of a star, now he still looks forward to this kind of explosion he made.

For Kuafu, such a bit of data can be processed in no more than a second, so as soon as Lei Tiantang’s voice fell, he confidently replied: "There is no problem with the data! The status of the five equivalent anti-matter bombs is all normal. The 10 simplified versions of the “fortress” spacecraft tested are all in normal operation at full power, so we can start testing!"

"Then I will start!" Now that everything is ready, Lei Tian Tang really does not wait. The third-generation nuclear fusion reactor and anti-matter engine are still temporarily unavailable, so he is still looking forward to these anti-matter bombs. Can bring yourself some confidence!

The test must of course start with the minimum equivalent, so after Lei Tiantang pressed the detonation button of the first antimatter bomb at a distance of 22,000 light-years, a violent blue light flashed on the body of the small black hole. , And then a rapidly expanding giant ball of light with a hot temperature began to show its power!

High-energy gamma rays and other deadly radiations accompanied by a high temperature of nearly 1 billion degrees began to create a huge lethality on the simplified version of the 10 ‘fortress’ spacecraft surrounded by antimatter bombs not far from the explosion!

Although there is no such huge shock wave on the earth because there is no air involved in the explosion in a vacuum environment, this does not mean that after such an equivalent anti-matter bomb explodes, there is really no shock wave at all.

The power of the shock wave composed of pure explosive energy is also not small at all, although the power of the antimatter bomb with the equivalent of 120 million tons of TNT is not worth the same as the power of the shock wave produced by the explosion of a star. Mention, but even so, its power is enough to produce a very powerful attack power!

Although 10 big guys ranging from the center of the explosion weren’t impacted by such a shock wave, the explosion said that the energy they carried could easily destroy the energy shield in the full power state, even at the shortest distance. The energy shield of the simplified version of the "fortress" spaceship far away didn't last a second!

It’s not just that the shields of all spaceships were completely destroyed without holding on for one-tenth of a second, because the spread of the deadly energy wave produced by the explosion even solved one-tenth of the speed of light. The far spacecraft was only a thousand kilometers away from the explosion center, and the delay in withstanding the explosion attack was pitiful.

Staring at the blue ball of light that is still spreading, even if Lei Tiantang personally tested many nuclear bomb explosions of various equivalents on the body of the small black hole, he was still attracted by this dangerous explosion remnants at this moment.

"It's really beautiful...how beautiful it looks!" He couldn't help muttering praise.

Art is nothing but explosions for him. Human beings are able to study powerful nuclear bombs with such a fragile life. One can imagine how persistent human beings are to the power of weapons.

Lei Tiantang is not a war fanatic. Even so, he still likes such powerful explosions. One can imagine how stubborn this gene of love for explosions is. This gene may be passed down by our ancestors. ~lightnovelpub.net~ Our human ancestors may be completely shocked by the shining light when they saw the light of a certain star exploding in space transmitted to the earth. From that moment on, they This kind of awe of the unknown explosion was deeply carved into his own genes, and this gene was obviously inherited.

"What a beautiful shit! I've seen it 800 times and still love it so much! Hurry up and take back the exploded data and let me see it is the right thing!"

Kuafu murmured silently next to him. He had to rely on his own boss to transfer his contact with the avatar on the body of the small black hole, so now that his boss can see directly, he has to wait until he has all the data. I can only see it after I come back.

This kind of delayed observation is of course different from directly watching the scene. Therefore, it is absolutely unbearable to boast about Lei Tiantang’s pretending behavior. Just look at it. What is BB? Isn’t it bullying me? Come to the scene, don't blame me for pouring cold water!

"Hurry up! Don't I feel the explosion situation intuitively! It won't run away if the data is there, but such a beautiful art is fleeting!

I can't let the radiation from these explosions spread for a long time. Maybe it will affect our experiments in other places, so of course I have to watch it for a while now!

Such a perfect explosive art may be the only one who can see the scene for a long time. This lonely beauty is completely incomprehensible to a guy like you. This is art! "

Lei Tiantang's contrived words made Kuafu a disgusting expression in an instant. He doesn't understand what art is not artistic, but his own boss is a real dog!


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