I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 1254: Celebrate the relief of the crisis in ad

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but applaud again to celebrate, that is to say, at this moment, all the talents who paid attention to the crisis of this world have truly let go of their hearts!

Although it seems that the Infinite Gravity Group has only passed the impact crisis 12 days later, anyone who has followed the Infinite Gravity Group's follow-up plan will know that after the completion of this task node, there will be very little accidents later. Very small.

Why does the impact time move 12 days later? It is not because the speed of asteroids has been continuously reduced under the long-term reverse thrust of these thrusters.

And this is the result of reverse thrust with only 100 fuel thrusters. This time the spacecraft was formed to carry fixed devices and ion thrusters, so the number of fuel thrusters that can be carried only reached one-third of the maximum mission design. One, of course this is also considered from the priority of the task.

Although the reverse thrust of ion thrusters is much smaller than that of fuel thrusters, their ability to work for a long time and greater specific impulse determines that they must be sent to asteroids first, because the longer they work, the longer they work. The reverse thrust provided to the asteroid is even greater.

After the 300 fuel propellers on the rear asteroid start working at full power, the speed of this asteroid will slowly be reduced to the lunar orbit speed, which is about 10 kilometers per hour. About seconds.

From a speed of more than 30 kilometers per second to a speed of about 10 kilometers per second, the time for this asteroid to hit the earth will be longer and longer. The more time left for the operation of the Infinite Gravity Group, the more time it can deal with. The more time there will be an accident.

And the slower the speed, the easier it is to adjust the asteroid's orbit on the Infinite Gravity Group. Even in the worst case, it is just to lose the asteroid, and the crisis of letting it hit the earth is basically already there. Doesn't exist anymore!

In this case, of course they have to celebrate. The atmosphere of the entire earth has been relatively dull in the past month, and from now on, they have been able to celebrate in advance that mankind has gotten rid of this crisis of extinction!

Of course, in the discussion area in the live broadcast room of Infinite Gravity Group, everyone did not forget to send their support and gratitude to all the astronauts including Jiang Ziyu and Zhang Chuanguo while celebrating!

Because they all knew that without the fearless lives of these warriors going to space to perform this interception mission, there would be no joy for them to be grateful for the relief of the crisis at this moment.

Yes, from Jiang Tucao’s complaints, many people understand that their next job is still very dangerous, but none of the senior astronauts of Zhang Chuanguo and his company has a retreat, because if they don’t do these jobs, then Who are you counting on?

The operations of refueling the propellers and replacing the propellers in space are full of dangers. After so many days of the media, experts from all walks of life, and popular science, even ordinary people know these tasks. How dangerous is it?

For ordinary people like them, the only thing that can give these heroes is their own support, even those who are accustomed to the black infinite gravity group will be grateful at this time.

"thank you!"

"Thank you for having such an awesome company as Infinite Gravity Group!"

"Finally will not be extinct by asteroids like dinosaurs! Infinite Gravity Group is awesome!"

"Come on! Good luck!"


All kinds of thank-you speeches were screened in the live broadcast room. Everyone looked at the asteroid lit by human technology with a lot of emotions. If there was no sudden emergence of the Infinite Gravity Group, they would be truly annihilated. I can only count on the old American and other major governments to try their luck with rockets dragging mushroom bombs.

Even the sunspots understand this truth, so they will not show off their sense of existence at this time. Moreover, this crisis has not really entered the end of the complete elimination, and the infinite gravity group will happen. What they don't want to know.


Zhang Chuanguo and the others have returned to their voyage. There is still a lot of work waiting for them, and the earth has restored the order before the asteroid impact crisis. This also makes the leadership of all countries in the world unable to help but relax. In a sigh of relief, it is true that the people have done too much under the influence of tension during this time!

Those who are willing to protest peacefully are better able to deal with it, but those who like to engage in doomsday religion at this time are the ones that really give them headaches.

Compared with these people, the guys who like to go shopping for free at this time are considered cute, and the movements of those brainwashed guys really break down. They really dare to do anything!

Therefore, during this period of time, governments of various countries are also cooperating with the media to promote the strength of Infinite Gravity Group and how likely their mission is to succeed. Such positive publicity is to convince the people that they are capable of solving this crisis.

But such propaganda is of little use to those who like to consider issues from a pessimistic and extreme perspective ~lightnovelpub.net~ and they will only believe it when this kind of truly certain crisis can be resolved. Otherwise, during this period of time, there will not be many countries that have implemented a more extreme operation of curfew.

But this kind of tense atmosphere will obviously affect the healthy operation of the economy and the stability of people's livelihood. Therefore, after confirming that the crisis is lifted, the leaders of all countries in the world will praise the work of Infinite Gravity Group on various occasions, even if It was the old American government that had to succumb to public opinion and publicly praised Infinite Gravity Group.

However, this kind of hello and my good state did not last long. Now they are still grateful when they just relax, but for the old American government and other politicians who are not against the country with Infinite Gravity Group , Such an awesome infinite gravity group is not what they want!

It has been 37 days since the first propeller successfully ignited on the asteroid. At this moment, the asteroid named 202203EV07 is less than 700,000 kilometers away from the earth. Those civilian telescopes on the earth You can see it clearly.

But at this moment, whether these people on Earth watch the end of this crisis through their own astronomical telescopes or watch this scene through the live broadcast room of the Infinite Gravity Group's official website, everyone's mentality is very relaxed.