I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 1265: Enter the world behind the space gate!

Lei Tiantang continued to stare at the projected screen and tried to analyze something while chatting with Kuafu about technical issues.

"Please, boss! We have only conducted research on this aspect for less than ten years. Do you really expect to fully understand the mysteries of this universe in such a short time?

If we were so good, then we had already made a spacecraft that could jump 20,000 light-years and flew toward the body of the small black hole, and still use the research of a planetary spacecraft that has been racking our brains every day?

The data we provide from the experiment is unlikely to be wrong, after all, we have personally verified it through many experiments.

But now it seems that our research data may still be very one-sided. After all, we are only able to conduct space research so conveniently on the small black hole body, and we have not dealt with other extreme space environments.

Therefore, the gap caused by this limitation is inevitable. The alien civilization that may have created this way of opening the space door has a better understanding of space than ours. Now we can’t understand how the space door returns. Things are also normal.

Sitting in a well, looking like a peas, half-knowledge, seeing a frog, looking at a leopard in a tube, seeing a urn, seeing a mouse short-sighted, seeing a hole, observing the sea with a worm, ignorant, frogs at the bottom of a well, summer insects whispering ice... a lot of ancient people used their own The idiom summed up by wisdom must be understandable to you, the boss? "

Kuafu still analyzed the possible causes of this situation from a professional point of view. Of course, in the end, he couldn't help but use his professional level to beat his boss.

"Fuck you! Shaoxiu, what kind of "learned" cheeks are you! I still don't know what you are talking about?

Since the reconnaissance spacecraft has detected that there is no danger there, then let's stop talking nonsense here, just go over and take a look! I can’t wait to see that spaceship in person! "Lei Tiantang scolded with a smile.

This is the truth, but Lei Tiantang himself will not feel any sympathy for Kuafu’s words. This person is not born with knowledge. Newborn babies don’t understand anything, they are after the day after tomorrow. Only through education and learning can we understand the unknown knowledge.

Now his own understanding of the universe is probably equivalent to just graduating from kindergarten and going to elementary school. It is not shameful to not understand a lot of things. Anyway, as long as he maintains the current attitude of learning and research, one day He will have a deeper understanding of this universe.

"Oh, boss! Let's go!"

Kuafu is too lazy to wrestle with his boss at this time. He is also very curious about the world behind the space door. Since small unmanned vehicles can return safely without energy shields, such as reconnaissance spacecraft, it means that they have passed through this space. The safety of the door is guaranteed.

Then consider a fart! After directly starting the spacecraft's engine to adjust the flying angle of the spacecraft, it flew straight toward the space gate. In less than 3 minutes, the spacecraft disappeared inside the space gate.

But before Lei Tiantang and Kuafu could feel the world behind the space door, the spacecraft's automatic alarm sounded, and Kuafu quickly reported: "Boss! Emergency! The space door is closing quickly! We want to Return now?"

Yes, just after their Lunar spacecraft entered the space gate, the space gate that had been opened to allow their spacecraft to pass through and remained stationary suddenly began to close, which made Kuafu anxious. !

If this space door is closed, how can they get back? Their current "Moon" spacecraft does not have the ability to jump in space, and even if it has this ability, in an unknown star field without the coordinates of the solar system, which direction should the spacecraft jump in?

Lei Tiantang also saw this scene through the spacecraft monitoring system, but he still calmly said: "It's useless to be anxious now. It's too late for us to turn around and fly back. It turns off too fast.

But I don’t think it’s a big deal. We don’t know how long we have to stay here. The space door is so dynamic that if it is left there for a long time, it’s easy to be spotted by the earth.

We just discussed it. The Earth has just experienced the threat of an asteroid impact. If there is another alien threat, it might be really out of control this time.

If you come, then you will be safe. I believe that we will not be in any danger this time. You can see this spacecraft. Is it necessary for others to play with us? "

Speaking of him, he pointed his finger at the huge monster nearly 100,000 kilometers away from the spacecraft, and used the examples in front of him to prove that if people really want to do something to them, they don't need to make any small movements.

Just like what he said, Lei Tiantang is really not in a hurry at this moment, he is so close, not only does he perceive some danger in his perception, but the strange intimacy is getting stronger and stronger. , So he will just want to figure out what is going on.

The door of this space was closed without making him feel any danger, so of course he turned his attention to this matter.

"Okay! Boss, you're right! It's useless to be anxious now, and the doors are closed. Then we will fly directly towards this super spaceship that is a large circle larger than the earth?"

Looking at the space door that had been completely closed in less than 3 seconds~lightnovelpub.net~ Kuafu could only choose to look forward as Lei Tiantang said.

"Let's go! Didn't we come in to do this! Going at full speed, there are nearly 100,000 kilometers of distance, such a short distance can't add up to acceleration, it takes about an hour to fly!

But just take advantage of this time to take a good look at the environment here and see what the universe is like! "Lei Tiantang nodded and ordered.

The space door was closed once it was closed, and now that he didn't plan to pay attention to this matter, of course he had to focus on the world he had never seen before.

"Good boss! Go ahead at full speed!

The power of all the spacecraft's detectors has also been fully turned on. Although it is not long, it is enough for us to collect dozens of times more data than the data collected by the reconnaissance spacecraft!

However, based on the data returned by the current optical detection equipment, it is still unclear how big this universe is, or whether it belongs to the universe where our solar system is located. "Kuafu is reporting his findings while working.