I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 1268: What is the style of the Black Cat Sheri

"Cut! It's not too late for gentlemen to take revenge for ten years. Sooner or later I will let them know how good I am..." Kuafu mumbled and opened the communication channel.

"Welcome to Mr. Lei, I am the person in charge of welcoming you-Sheriff Black Cat! Next, I will preside over the welcome ceremony!"

As soon as the signal was connected, a polite greeting sounded on the large screen of the control hall of Lei Tiantang and their "Moon" spacecraft. They were still in Mandarin. Lei Tiantang and the others did not think there was any surprise.

But the rest was just an accident. After seeing the cartoon image of the black cat sheriff that appeared on the spaceship’s big screen after the signal was turned on, Lei Tiantang couldn’t help but staring at it. What the **** is it? ?

Let’s not talk about the cartoon image of the black cat sergeant, even the voice is the black cat sergeant, and after saying welcome them, he salutes them seriously. This operation fascinated Lei Tiantang!

I don’t even know how many light-years away this style of painting is. Okay! This is completely different from the scene of his first contact with aliens in his imagination!

You know, just now, he was still looking forward to using the most formal etiquette to say hello. This picture almost didn't let him go away!

How can the existence of Sheriff Black Cat, full of memories, be used in this scene? Is this time channel messed up? Is this timeline still in the 1980s?

This cartoon image comes from a cartoon "Black Cat Sheriff" in the 1980s. It is a 5-episode cartoon created by Magic Studios.

It tells the story of the witty, brave, and handsome Black Cat Sheriff, who led the sergeant to kill the hamsters, solve the mantis case, eliminate one ear and other cases that endanger the safety of the forest one after another, so that various animals in the forest can live a peaceful sleep The story of carefree days.

Since the animation was broadcast in 1984, it has been loved by a broad audience, especially children and adolescents, and has become a beautiful memory for children in the 1980s and 1990s.

This image of Lei Tiantang is of course very familiar, he watched this cartoon many times when he was a child, OK!

In 1987, when the fifth episode of the film was broadcast, the Black Cat Sheriff raised his gun and typed "please see the next episode" verbatim at the end of the film. Then, there is no more.

When I grow up, I will also complain with my friends. Why do you stop shooting such a beautiful cartoon after 5 episodes!

When Lei Tiantang first went to college, he also talked about this topic with his classmates. He also saw a detailed analysis of this matter on the Internet, and I felt it was a pity.

It was an era of change, and the troubled beauty studio was unable to continue to update. There were many reasons for this. I won’t say much about the details. Anyway, it left such a memory that makes the post-80s friends feel very regretful. .

Lei Tiantang himself feels this way. The memories of childhood are so precious. At that time, their mechanical processing factory was just starting out. Dad Lei and the others were busy all day, so they just went home after school. No one urges him to do his homework right away, so of course I will watch cartoons with my friends.

Now such a familiar image suddenly appeared here, and coupled with the current scene, Lei Tiantang suddenly didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, he was a person who had seen the big scene after all. After a two-second pause, he immediately reacted, smiling at the big screen and nodding: "Thank you for your arrangement!"

"This is our honor! You are our most distinguished guest, and everyone on our'Garden' will welcome you with the most noble etiquette!"'Black Cat Sheriff' smiled with its cartoon sound Said.

Although he was very curious about this ‘most distinguished guest’, Lei Tiantang didn’t bother with this question now. Anyway, he would know when he would enter the super spacecraft.

So he smiled and said, "Thank you again for your arrangement! That spaceship is called the "Garden"? Why did it have this name?"

'Black Cat Sheriff' smiled and shook his head and said: "Mr. Lei, now I will introduce you to you and you won't have any intuitive feelings. It is better to wait for you to go in and I will accompany you to visit you and you will know why it is called this name! "

"Okay! I'm looking forward to it! But I can ask curiously, why is your image the black cat sheriff? Why didn't you show up?" Lei Tiantang still didn't hold back his curiosity and asked this problem.

He was really curious about this matter. He was prepared for all kinds of contact with aliens, but the result was the "Black Cat Sheriff". It is impossible for him to feel curious about such things. of!

Regarding his question, the'Black Cat Sheriff' coolly saluted again and then smiled and replied: "Sorry, Mr. Lei, this image was determined by the owner, saying that this image will make you feel very warm , So that you will not have any psychological burden.

As for myself, I am not an alien in your guess, but an intelligent life like your artificial intelligence life Kuafu, so this is what I am now!

It's just that I am a real intelligent life, and your artificial intelligence life Kuafu is still a little bit able to complete the evolution, but in essence, we are not much different.

As for why the host gave me this image, I want to understand it after you see the host in the "Garden Number". UU Reading www. uukanshu.com Now I still have to follow the owner's order to keep it secret! "

"That's it! What else can I say after you have said that! Then let me see the magic of this ‘Garden’!" Lei Tiantang nodded with a smile.

Well, although he was not satisfied with this answer, since he would know the reason later, he would no longer worry about it now.

"Thank you for your understanding! I believe that the owner's "Garden" will not let you down! The owner will answer your questions personally!

Please fly through our welcome channel under my companion! The host has been waiting for you for a long time! "The'Black Cat Sheriff' smiled and made a guiding gesture.

If that's the case, let's fly. Putting such a big scene in this silent space is to welcome him. Of course, he is very curious about the owner of this supership "Garden".

The most important thing is that from the words of the intelligent life "Black Cat Sheriff" he heard something else. It said that its owner has been waiting for him for a long time. This is very strange. Why do you have to wait? he? And why wait until now to give the coordinate signal for him to come over or meet him?