I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 1271: Damn it! Brother Hong, why are you here?

What this said made Lei Tiantang even more curious. Could this person have many images? His memory is very good now. Even people who have only met once or twice can remember them for a long time, not to mention familiar people. Even if his previous image is different from now, it is not. As for what made him feel no impression.

Seeing that Lei Tiantang didn't believe what he said, the young Taoist smiled and raised his right hand, and then Lei Tiantang saw an image on his right hand that he would never forget.

"Hello, lightning rod! Long time no see! Long time no see! Unexpected? Surprised?" The existence that suddenly appeared on the hands of the young Taoist asked in a strange tone.

After seeing the familiar image, Lei Tiantang felt that his tears were about to come down instantly. He widened his eyes and said in an incredible tone: "Brother Hong?! Fuck! Why are you here, Brother Hong?!

How can this be? ! Is it really you Hong brother? "

"Haha...who else could you be if it wasn't your red brother? You know when you see my domineering look, no one can pretend to be your red brother in the temperament!" It said with a proud smile .

"Fuck! This familiar boasting routine! It's really you!!!"

Lei Tiantang was happy to get started and ready to get this guy from the hands of the young Taoist into his own hands. At this time, he didn't have this mysterious Taoist in his eyes. He was full of his eyes. Brother Hong.

"Funny! Lightning rod, don't touch your uncle and me! Uncle, I'm a noble person now!" The grotesque guy patted his wings and stepped back two steps to avoid the salty pig hand that Lei Tiantang stretched out.

The young Taoist smiled and watched their interaction, and didn't mind that they ignored him. To be honest, he felt very happy seeing this scene now.

"Still noble? By the way, I will remember it. I buried it myself when you died. What's the situation now? If it wasn't for you to call me the nickname, I would doubt you in the end Who wants to impersonate your **** red nose!"

Lei Tiantang's meeting was finally over excited, and he began to return his attention to this strange scene before him. It was true that the guy who appeared in front of him was really familiar with him no longer!

This guy who is affectionately called "Brother Red" and "Red Nose" can be said to be his closest partner since childhood. He was pleasantly surprised to see his playmate who had been dead for many years in such a place. I don’t know how to describe my feelings and doubts!

The familiar red nose in front of him is actually a big scarlet-breasted parrot. He picked it up when he was 6 years old when he went to Dongguang with his father on a business trip.

At that time, Brother Hong was already an adult bird. He was seriously injured at that time. It should be the poaching net that tripped his feet and even broke two toes.

When he came out to look for food crookedly, he happened to ran into Lei Tiantang. Looking at the beautiful and unglamorous big bird whose feathers were all tortured by injuries, Lei Tiantang gave him all the peanuts in his hand.

Everyone knows the rest of the matter. This smart guy fell on him, and Dad Lei couldn't bear his son's pleading, and took his injured red nose to the pet hospital for treatment.

Later, he brought it back to Hefei for breeding and care. At that time, there was no major problem with raising such wild parrots, but now it is no longer possible.

At that time, this kind of beautiful big bird was hunted and sold to the outside world. The wild parrots in some places were once extinct. Who made this kind of parrot look so beautiful and at the same time learn to speak?

Players who love birds like this kind of pets most like to keep them. If there is market demand, some people will catch them for profit. This is also the reason for the injury of Hong brother.

But now there are fewer things like this, people’s awareness of protection has improved, and the law has become more complete. So these birds are now protected animals. Even trading their own parrots would violate the law, let alone other things, even sparrows. It's impossible to fight now, illegal!

Scarlet-breasted parrots are medium-sized birds with 8 subspecies. The body length is 26-36 cm. It is a typical climbing bird, with a strong and powerful beak, a hooked beak, movable joints in the upper jaw, and a wax film at the base of the beak. Muscular tongue is thick.

Mainly inhabiting the low-altitude mountain piedmont forest belt, it is a social bird that likes to hunt and play during the day. At night, it will live in the trees with starlings and crows. They usually live in their birthplace all year round.

Like playing, good at climbing, using both mouth and feet, flying in a straight line, screaming, loud and harsh, trained to imitate human speech. Feeds on nuts, berries, shoots, grains, seeds, etc. Distributed from the countries of Indochina Peninsula to central Malaysia.

Among Asian parakeets, Debye parrots (large scarlet-breasted) are one of the few species ~lightnovelpub.net~ They are also one of the largest species in the genus Scarlet-breasted parakeets. .

Gender can be easily distinguished by appearance. The upper beak of male birds is red, and the female bird is black. This obvious sexual characteristic will be fully present at about 15-18 months of age.

Generally speaking, the big scarlet parrot is more common in China. Lei Tiantang picked up this one. He called it the red brother, referring to its red upper beak.

And there is a reason why it is called Brother Hong. Calling a bird a brother is not just doing it without any grounds. This guy really saved Lei Tiantang's life!

As I said before, at that time Dad Lei’s factory had just started and was very busy, so in normal times, there were no adults in the family who wanted to tie their children to their belts for a moment without leaving their sight.

At that time, adults didn't have the time to stare at their children all day long. They just played with them. As long as they were fed and warmed up, it was good. It didn't matter if they were naughty, as long as they were not afraid of being beaten!

In this case, the children in Tao get together to play crazy, but they dare to do anything. At that time, after school or summer vacation, the children’s favorite thing to do is to find a river, a ditch, or something. Swimming or fishing for shrimp or something.

Lei Tiantang is of course no exception. When he was 7 years old, Hefei did not have the situation where there are buildings and factories everywhere. At that time, there were rivers and ditches for them to have fun almost everywhere, such as irrigation projects. They were dug for agricultural water.

Since going out to play in the water, it must be risky, but when the kid is crazy, what can you expect from them?


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