I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 1299: 30 million kilometers per second!

The boss’s surprise, the sheriff, is also understandable. The power cores of the small spacecraft in the spacecraft warehouse that he visited before are basically the same, that is, they are all in about 20 solar systems five times the size of the solar system.

It's just that the number of stars differs according to the size of the core stars of the star systems in the power core. Although the selection of these star systems in the power core of the spacecraft is carefully selected to choose a better star system, but It is difficult to make all star systems the same as the assembly line products produced by the factory.

It’s not impossible. Whether it’s Yao, the silly bird, or even the sheriff, it can be done. After all, for a universe with as many stellar coefficients as sand in the desert, I want to choose something that is basically the same size. The star system is not impossible.

But doing that is exactly the same as farting, it is purely unnecessary. Anyway, as long as the total energy level adds up to the design requirements, the size of the star system has nothing to do with it.

Because the space expansion energy sources in the core cabins of these spacecrafts are also provided by these star systems, a little more energy has no effect at all.

What really surprised Lei Tiantang was that the stellar coefficients in these small spacecraft core cabins made by Yao Yao himself were a little too much. He counted them crudely. This number is definitely not. Less than 1000!

The sheriff’s answer also proved this point: "Boss, the number of star coefficients in the power core compartment of this small spacecraft is 1,400, and the other 1999 ships are almost all of this number. We later made it ourselves. About 70 times.

It is also with such a plentiful energy core that these small spaceships can have that incredible function, and even some functions are more advanced than that of the intermediate spacecraft.

In terms of speed and flexibility, these small spaceships made by the owner are much better than the intermediate spaceships made by ourselves, even the ability to jump in space.

Of course, in terms of functional perfection, medium-sized spaceships are better, but these small spaceships are suitable for private flight or small group flight.

The medium-sized spacecraft is more suitable for ultra-long-distance voyages, can carry more crews and cargo, and is more suitable for large-scale expeditions, because it can carry more harvests. Evacuation of 1,000 star systems is also a trivial matter. The spacecraft can't do this. "

"Tsk! No wonder you say that I don't seem to be using this kind of spacecraft now! Even if I give me the resources of a star system, I can't use it, let alone what the'trivial' of 1,000 star systems is!" Lei Tian Tang also felt very speechless at this answer.

"Let's go! Anyway, I have agreed with you to use them. There will be a lot of time to visit in the future. Let's go back to the earth now, okay? What is the matter of grinding here, I can't wait to go back and play!"

Brother Hong couldn't help but start urging them while watching that they had a plan to continue to visit. When can we visit the spaceship, and must it be at this time?

"Okay! You are right! Let's do it!" Lei Tiantang no longer struggles with how many things this small spacecraft contains, he hasn't understood yet. After returning to Earth, he really wants to watch it whenever he wants. Look.

The small spacecraft flew out of the open hatch lightly, and then it took less than 3 seconds to fly over a distance of about 100,000 kilometers in Leitian Tang’s yelling, and then stopped and reopened. In front of the space door.

How could such a rapid start and rapid standstill ability prevent him from being amazed when he came in for a long time. From this point of view, he understood that the level of technology he mastered was really rubbish.

After looking back at the "Garden" super spacecraft that had quietly stopped there, Lei Tian Tang Yi reluctantly turned his head to the space gate and ordered: "Go! Go home!"

Anyway, it has been given to him by the big guy, and he can come over anytime he wants to come. No matter how hard it is, it is impossible to stay here.

Suddenly gaining so many benefits, he has to go back and calmly think about how to arrange his own affairs and company affairs later.

After passing through the space door, the space door behind him was closed again under the command of the sheriff. As for the sheriff did not stay on the "Garden" but followed Lei Tiantang and the others to return to the earth. Lei Tiantang did not. What an opinion.

As long as there is a signal connection, there is no problem where the sheriff stays. Kuafu can do this, not to mention the intelligent life of the sheriff who was created by a big man himself.

Besides, there are a huge number of intelligent robots on the ‘Garden’, and they can continue to maintain it even without the sheriff.

"How about the boss, do you want to experience the feeling of jumping in space in a spacecraft?" The sheriff asked with a grinning look at Lei Tiantang who was sitting in the commander's seat and twisting his ass~lightnovelpub.net~Smuggler! "Brother Hong despised from the side.

This guy doesn’t know who taught him the ability to look at people’s faces. By watching Lei Tiantang writhing there, he can figure out what he wants to do. It’s not flattering to say things that fit the guy’s mind so directly. What is it!

"Okay! What are you waiting for! Turn on stealth, locate the earth's orbit and jump over directly!" Lei Tiantang laughed loudly and slapped the arm of the chair to urge, excitedly wanting to really experience the space jump in a spacecraft It feels that as for Brother Hong's words, he just ignored him.

Kuafu and the sheriff both laughed out loud nearby, and the sheriff nodded with a smile and started the operation.

In order to reflect the sense of ritual, the sheriff chose to manually set the relevant jump data, otherwise he could directly start the spacecraft to jump after Lei Tiantang agreed. After all, the entire spacecraft was completely under its control.

After its cute fingertips tapped the confirmation jump button, the whole small flying ship flashed, and then Lei Tiantang found that he had seen the very familiar planet outside the ship's porthole window.

"Here it's here? I don't feel anything, okay! It's not even a second, right?!" He stood up silently and stared at the earth outside the window.

You must know that it is about 30 million kilometers away from the space gate to the earth's orbit, because the orbit of Venus is about 40.5 million kilometers away from the earth's orbit.

And the location of the space gate is about 10 million kilometers away from Venus. If you don't consider the factors of the revolution of the two planets, 30 million kilometers is the least.

Like I have a small black hole, please collect it: () I have a small black hole with the fastest update speed.