I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 382: The shock of the big harvest!

Kong Yu laughed what else could he do, he could only shake his head dumbfounded and walked out of the boss's office, and called Zhang Youman in by the way. Now Jiang Yuting has a lot of work, and she needs to take care of many things in the group headquarters, so she doesn't have much time in the office. Zhang Youman and Chen Yingzi are here now.

Lei Tiantang handed over to Zhang Youman to arrange the meeting tomorrow morning and they left it alone. Although Kuafu has been monitoring the company's affairs through the Internet, the company also sends him a report every other week. But there are some things that he needs to ask himself.

After reading the documents for a while, it's time to get off work. Tonight he is going home for dinner. He has been out for a long time. If he doesn't go home again, his mother will go crazy!

As soon as I went to work the next day, the meeting room became lively. The boss had been out for nearly a month. The management of their companies were also speechless, although many things can be solved through video connections. But there is a time difference between the place where the boss goes and the country!

It is very troublesome to request video connection to ask for work problems. This is very troublesome, so they can't wait for the boss to stay in the company so that they can find the boss immediately if there is a problem.

Before Lei Tiantang came, they got together to complain about their young boss. They are also very busy with their work, so there are not many opportunities to get together, and finally they have the opportunity to get together. Together, of course, we must take a good look at each of the problems encountered when the boss is not at home!

"What are you talking about! I heard your laughter from far away!" Lei Tiantang asked with a smile after pushing the door of the conference room to come in.

"What else can you say! Everyone is complimenting your boss for having to go out for such a long time every time for the development of the company. It's really hard work!" Tian Mingli replied loudly with a smile.

"Hey! You old Tian! Don't think that I didn't recognize that you are hurting me! But you are right, boss, I really worked hard for the company's development this time! So the gain this time is very great. I'll tell you later and tell you that you will know!" Lei Tiantang scolded with a smile.

"Yes, yes! Boss, you have worked hard! Everyone sits down for a formal meeting! Let’s hear what the boss has gained this time so proud! I asked him yesterday, he has to wait until today’s meeting to say !" Kong Yu said with a smile.

Seeing everyone looking at him with a smile, Lei Tiantang couldn't help feeling very good. The company is growing bigger and bigger. These people have grown up with the company. It is because of their existence that he can do it. Be happy to be the shopkeeper.

"Okay! Let's have a formal meeting now! Let me first talk about the gains I made this time out, otherwise you probably don't have any other thoughts to report on your work!" Lei Tiantang said with a smile.

"Hurry up and let us see and see!" Kong Yu urged with a smile.

"Okay! Manager Kong is in a hurry, so let me talk about it now! The purpose of going out this time is to purchase parts for the space telescope project and satellite project of the technology company. These parts are orders from the technology company. Almost most of those European and American companies rejected it!

That's why I need to go out and find a way to purchase. Fortunately, the boss still has the means. Fortunately, all these parts are purchased, and they can be brought to the company in a few days!

Before I set off, I discussed with Manager Kong. For these parts that we currently cannot produce in China, our company can carry out research and development work by ourselves. If we still need such parts, do we need my boss to run again? A trip?

We can’t keep people getting stuck, so I asked him to acquire a few domestic companies and incorporate their R&D personnel into the company’s R&D team, but there is one problem that still needs to be solved, that is, the problem of research equipment !

It is impossible to develop advanced high-performance parts without good research equipment! So this time I went out and purchased a lot of advanced research equipment for the company through some means.

At the same time, there are still a lot of manufacturing equipment purchased, because R&D and manufacturing are two different systems. If there is no manufacturing equipment to manufacture after research and development, then you can’t expect the laboratory to always use experimental equipment to manufacture products, right?

I even packaged and purchased a lot of research and development materials for the development of the company. They are all very detailed research and development materials, including all the detailed data from the most basic materials to the development of various equipment. With these materials, I believe that the company's R & D personnel can avoid a lot of detours!

The materials company has a lot of material research and development materials related to space telescopes and satellites, there are also many research materials related to supersonic engines, and some other materials research materials. I will discuss these materials after the meeting. Send it to you!

With these materials, you can broaden your horizons and see what processes and methods other people use to study materials. You must also develop more advanced materials on the basis of these ready-made material data to ensure that other companies under our group When the company needs certain materials, we can immediately get the materials that have emerged!

It's like space telescopes and satellite projects. The materials I have prepared for you for the first-generation space telescopes and satellites I design are enough~lightnovelpub.net~ But we can't still use these materials for the second-generation products, right?

There are also the engine materials needed by aircraft manufacturing companies, and the rocket engine materials needed by technology companies. These all need better materials to support the development of next-generation products!

From the aircraft company, I also brought you a lot of aircraft design materials. They are all very complete materials, including engines, avionics, etc., including the equipment for manufacturing these equipment. Support, you have to work hard!

There are some other equipment and materials that I will send to you according to their attributes after the meeting. As for the research and development equipment and manufacturing equipment, they can be brought back together after the equipment arrives in Hong Kong in a few days!

How many cars are needed to pull these devices back? After the meeting, I will also send these data to you. Well, let Manager Kong handle the pulling of the devices this time. Various devices from the technology company. Is the most! "

Lei Tiantang introduced his harvest this time with a smile. He looked at the dumbfounded company executives below. Lei Tiantang was very proud. Didn't you say that the boss, I am out of trouble! See how things I do support the company!