I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 411: Ways to deal with sanctions

"I know about this. Please inform the management of each company. We will hold a meeting tomorrow to discuss the impact of this incident!" Lei Tiantang said after returning the computer in his hand to Jiang Yuting.

After Jiang Yuting went out, Lei Tiantang told Kuafu: "Kuafu, you can check this news on the Internet for me, and see what the media on Laomei's side say?"

"Good boss, I took a look. After the news was exposed by the media, many media invited experts to discuss the impact of this incident on Lao Mei.

Their focus is on the future impact of sanctions on our company on the economy of the old United States, especially the current high-end materials of our company are very popular with old American companies.

And if Lao American companies are completely prohibited from purchasing these materials from our company, they will not even be able to find alternative products. Without our company’s blessing of these high-performance materials, many companies in the old United States will face the risk of being eliminated. !

In addition, our company’s household robots are very popular in the Lao American market. At present, there are more than 6 million units sold in the United States. If our company is completely banned from exporting domestic robots to Lao America, many Americans who have not bought them may Will take to the streets to protest!

There is also an analysis of why the first thing the president does not publish something about the United States, but choose to sanction a company!

I have screened out these news, boss, you can read it on your computer! "Quafu said, opening all the news pages on Lei Tiantang's computer.

Lei Tiantang looked at the issues discussed by the experts on the news and found it very cola. Everyone expressed concern that the newly appointed president did not take the usual path. This one must not be as willful as the previous one!

You must know that what the previous president did made the whole world dissatisfied. All sorts of retreats and all kinds of speeches, all day long, and their relations with the media have remained hostile. All kinds of irresponsible remarks on Twitter have made America the laughingstock of the world!

They managed to endure the general election. Now this president was born in response to popular opinion. If this president becomes unreliable again after he takes office, they simply don't know what to do!

We must know that the unemployment rate in the United States is currently high. Under such circumstances, a high-tech company will be fully sanctioned when it comes to power. In particular, this high-tech company is still indispensable to many companies in the United States!

Without the unique high-performance materials and products they provide, the market competitiveness of these companies will fall to the second line, and there is no substitute for these materials and products in a short period of time. In such an environment, even if these companies are not Bankruptcy will also hurt your vitality, and there will be a large number of unemployed people!

Moreover, these materials and products of Infinite Gravity Group are still very popular all over the world. Even if they lose the American market, they will not have much impact, but these American companies lose the world market!

Especially the home robots of Infinite Gravity Group. These experts and hosts have homes. Such easy-to-use products will of course be very popular in the United States!

But if the Infinite Gravity Group is fully sanctioned, not only the American people who have not bought it later will cause trouble, but those who have already bought it will also be very upset, because once the sanctions are opened, the household robots they bought will Consequences of losing the update function!

You should know that many people will not buy all the functions they prepare from the official website of Infinite Gravity Group at one time. After all, it will cost a lot of money, so most people use some functions. Go to the official website temporarily to buy.

Once the sanctions begin, Infinite Gravity Group will definitely close the download function in the United States, which will cause them to only use the existing functions. Even if Infinite Gravity Group updates more functions in the future, they can only be greedy. Seeing people in other countries use it!

Therefore, except for a very small part of the media that support the sanctions, other media and experts are opposed to this sanctions plan. The **** decides the head. Of course, the people's thinking is different from those of the capitalists who control the American country. .

That's why Lei Tiantang found it funny when he saw these news. You have to know that there are still a group of people in the Bangzi country making trouble on the Internet, because they can only watch people from other countries use Infinite Gravity Group's household robots.

However, as the people of a developed country, they cannot enjoy such benefits because of the government and chaebols. Even if the government promotes any patriotic ideas, they cannot let them give up all kinds of criticisms of the government on the Internet.

"Kuafu, this kind of public opinion environment is very beneficial to our company. You can give me some guidance on the Internet, and direct the spearhead of public opinion at the old American government and the consortia behind the scenes!

Find me the real reason for their sanctions against us, and then make it public on the Internet, so that those stupid old Americans can see how their government disregards their interests!

This time you give me full firepower, and we must make these news continue to be hot news~lightnovelpub.net~ See how big a parade can be organized by the old American people, and make their parade last as long as possible , But you have to be careful not to expose it! Lei Tiantang told Kuafu after browsing the news for a while.

"Haha! Great boss! You finally agreed that I had a full firepower once! The things you asked me to do before, boss, are too simple, and can't reflect my level at all!

I have waited for this opportunity for a long time, don't worry, there is absolutely no one who can find me!

I promise to make this event a big news that the whole world continues to pay attention to! I am at a very high level of hatred. The experience of being on the Internet for such a long time is not just talking about it. In terms of logical ability, my current level can be worth ten thousand! "Quafu said happily.

"I don't know what to say about you! Do whatever you want, as long as you don't expose it. Anyway, you can't make Lao Mei want to sanction us and sanction us, and after sanctions we can still be safe!

By the way, the torn posts I see when I wander on the Internet, how many of your vests are there? Haven't you been a good teacher on the Internet? Why do you need to teach those people? "Speaking of which, Lei Tiantang asked curiously.