I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 437: Lively world

"Why didn't I buy it by the way? I heard from Secretary Jiang that the boss felt that he needed to use the yacht right away, so he immediately searched for a ready-made yacht on the Internet, and then he took a fancy to the current'Jasmine' yacht. .

It only took less than a day for this yacht to be in the company’s name. The price of hundreds of millions of dollars is relatively high for us, but compared to the one that the boss ordered for the company at Jiangnan Shipyard, which is worth more than 1 billion yuan. The big yacht is not worth mentioning, let alone the boss's super yacht that cost more than 1 billion US dollars! "Xiong Antai retorted with a smile.

"Okay, you say yes, let alone, you said that this yacht is really not enough, no wonder it can be assigned to your side!" Zhang Hanxiu said with a smile.

"What you are saying is as if our force here can only be equipped with a yacht of this level!" Xiong Antai couldn't help but vomit.


In the past month, Lei Tiantang has devoted his energy to the research and development of nuclear fusion reactors except occasionally dealing with necessary company affairs.

Even Kuafu reported to him the latest developments of Lao Mei. Lei Tiantang has always been in charge of killing and not burying it. One of Lao Mei’s aircraft carrier battle group and two military bases were crippled such a big thing. At the beginning, he paid attention to the income of him and Kuafu, but he didn't bother to take care of the rest.

During this period of time, Lao Mei’s big moves have been extremely frequent. Under the severe domestic economic situation, Lao Mei has no choice but to use the old methods to divert people’s attention.

Because of the loss of an aircraft carrier battle group on the Asian side, the United States urgently transferred two aircraft carrier battle groups from other places, and provoked all around the sea area and surrounding sea areas where the accident occurred, just to deter those eager brothers. They.

Because there is no country that really wants to be the younger brother of the United States. It is all from the perspective of interest. When the United States can bring benefits to their country, then they are the **** younger brothers of the United States, and they can follow the old American **** and wave the banner and shout.

But now Lao Mei is missing an aircraft carrier battle group and two military bases, and Lao Mei's military presence in Asia will be suppressed to a very low level in a short time.

If Lao Mei did not move at this time, then its little brothers in Asia would do some small moves 100%, so in order to deter Asia, Lao Mei had to transfer two aircraft carrier battle groups.

However, the aircraft carrier battle groups of the United States have many missions in the world. If two aircraft carrier battle groups are transferred here, there will be rebounds where they originally performed deterrence missions.

So in order not to make the situation worse, the United States had to step up its crackdown on those KB organizations, the purpose is to let the world see their determination to maintain their hegemony.

The reason used was to make Lei Tiantang laugh. It was still the old one, and compiled an indispensable evidence to prove that the KB organization that was hit was related to the attack on their aircraft carrier battle group and military base.

As soon as this routine came out, it was ridiculed by the media of various countries. Even if the media in the old United States supported the crackdown on the KB organization, they also had difficulty accepting the government's excuse, but they had no way to laugh at their own government.

What a free and democratic beacon country, it is just something the government blows up, it is used to fool those who can't figure out the situation to take refuge in themselves, believe that these are all fools, and how many people do media work are fools.

They were all informed by the government at this time. They must report on the government’s actions positively. Of course, you can also disobey this order, but it’s too easy for the old and American government to play a media. There are a lot of reasons such as reports, and you can doubt your life if you can fine it!

Therefore, the style of the old American media is completely different from that of other countries in the world. Even the people of the old American are making various complaints on the Internet and feel that reading the reports of these media in their own country has hurt their IQ.

However, it must be said that the three-handedness of the old American government has really transferred most of the domestic contradictions, and the support rate of the new government has also risen a bit. After all, many old American people have been brainwashed by the old American government for a long time. The military actions of one's own country are extremely just.

The various diplomatic methods of the United States are frequently interpreted by the media. The diplomats of the United States can't wait for 48 hours a day to allow them to convince other countries that they should not act rashly at this tense moment.

It is also necessary to explain the intentions of their military operations during this period of time to countries, and at the same time make some threats, telling them that if they choose to be hostile to the United States at this time, they will be regarded as fighting against the aircraft carrier battle group that attacked them this time. The behavior of the military base is related.

They also know how unwelcome their country is. At the UN General Assembly meeting that was urgently held, the recent military actions of the United States and the United States have been criticized and resisted by all countries. If these problems cannot be resolved diplomatically at this time If they do, their trouble will be even greater.

Therefore, during this period of time, the media all over the world are as excited as they are celebrating the festival, and a random action from a country is big news! The reporters are all like chicken blood, interviewing various experts all over the world, using them to interpret the meaning of these actions in countries around the world~lightnovelpub.net~ The media needs these unique interpretations to ensure their own Public influence, journalists also received a lot of travel expenses and bonuses in the process. The huge benefits make them want to have explosive news every day.

Lei Tiantang will follow these news under Kuafu's push when he is resting, watching the media use various conspiracy theories to speculate about the attack on the aircraft carrier battle group and military base of the United States and the messy views. Always amused him, just to change his mind to relax his tight spirit.

Today’s nuclear fusion reactor research and development work is nearing completion, and all the high-standard materials required on the reactor have been developed. These materials have also undergone multiple rounds of limit tests by him and Kuafu. After all, if it is because of material problems. It is troublesome to cause damage to the nuclear fusion reactor.

The power of a nuclear fusion reactor explosion can be compared to the power of a hydrogen bomb explosion. Such a dangerous thing Lei Tiantang can't stand by for 24 hours, right?

So how harsh the limit tests of these materials come from? The testing of these materials is also the most time-consuming. Kuafu’s test and Leitiantang’s test are carried out separately, and the final data obtained is compared again. The test is considered passed only if all the tests pass.