I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 573: Find the way to the cosmic beacon

"Indeed, now we have limited observation distance, and we have not found a valuable target, but after a long time of observation, I believe we will be able to find a lot of beacons!" Kuafu said confidently.


  "Yes, our main task is to confirm the cosmic position of the small black hole, so the importance of the beacon is very important. It can be the extragalactic galaxy we have observed from the earth. This allows us to confirm the approximate position.


But if we want precise positioning, we still have to rely on pulsars that are very easy to distinguish. As long as we can find enough pulsars, and then compare the data of pulsars we observe from the earth, we can be accurate I know where the body of the small black hole is! "Lei Tiantang agreed with Kuafu's point of view with a smile.


   The universe is vast, with countless galaxies and celestial bodies. Since human beings walked out of the earth, they have been shocked by the mystery and vastness of the universe, and at the same time they have stimulated their enthusiasm for exploring the universe.


   However, due to the current limitations of human technology, the area that the spacecraft can reach is very limited. This also makes it impossible for us to send spacecraft and probes to the distant depths of the universe.


However, human beings use their own wisdom to invent astronomical telescopes. With astronomical telescopes, they can observe galaxies and celestial bodies in the distant universe and see some of the mysteries of the universe. With the help of astronomical telescopes, human beings understand the universe. More and more.


   In the process of observing the universe, we discovered that there are some mysterious and special celestial bodies in the universe, such as neutron stars, pulsars, black holes, etc., and Lei Tiantang is most concerned about the role of pulsars.


  Pulsar is a very special kind of celestial body in the universe. It can rotate at a high speed by itself, and at the same time it can send out very regular radio signals while rotating.


   We must know that in our cognition, objects that can emit regular radio signals are likely to come from alien civilizations!


Humans first received this kind of radio signals, and thought it was a civilization signal sent by alien civilizations to humans, but in the end did research discover that these regular radio signals came from such celestial bodies called pulsars, and since then pulsars have entered Scientists’ vision, scientists also find more pulsars through various methods.


  Pulsars can send out radio signals. The most powerful tool to find them is radio telescopes. The role of radio telescopes is to receive radio signals from the universe.


   And through the observation of these radio telescopes, humans have discovered a lot of pulsars, which also shows that pulsars are not very scarce celestial bodies in the universe, and their number is still very large.


   This also confuses many people, what exactly will this pulsar be? Is it really just a natural celestial body? How is it formed and why can it emit regular radio signals?


This series of questions is the reason why scientists are becoming more and more interested in pulsars. We must know that there are countless celestial bodies in the universe, and celestial bodies that can rotate at a high speed and constantly emit regular radio signals have only seen pulsars, and pulsars are such The situation easily reminds people of man-made objects.


   Some people think that pulsars are a kind of road sign built by advanced civilization in the universe, whose purpose is to navigate the spacecraft so as not to get lost in the universe.


We know that the reason why people on the earth can drive out without getting lost is inseparable from the help of street signs and navigation. If there is no street sign and no navigation, I believe that most drivers will get lost and find the right road if they go out far away. .


   When there was no satellite navigation in the past, the main thing was to set up signs at important intersections so that drivers and cars would not get lost. Now with satellite navigation, no matter where you go to the earth, you will basically never get lost.


A small earth is inseparable from navigation, and in the vast universe without navigation, the spacecraft cannot navigate at all without navigation. It is easy to get lost in the vast universe. You must know that the universe is not so bright, and there are everywhere Darkness. Human beings are still unable to get out of the solar system, they just wander around in the solar system, and naturally they don't need any powerful navigation.


   But once the speed of human spacecraft can reach the speed of light in the future, with the ability of interstellar navigation, the distance it can fly will be very long. At that time, how can we travel in the universe without getting lost?


That would inevitably require some cosmic navigation equipment. The distance of the universe is in light-years, and objects as road signs are believed to be invisible to spacecraft a few light-years away. It is just that the propagation speed of radio signals can reach the speed of light, so that it can spread fast. Only when it is far away can it be quickly received by the spacecraft, and the current position in the universe can be determined through the instructions of these signals.


We can think of a pulsar as a navigator set by advanced civilizations in various places in the universe. Its high-speed rotation is actually producing energy. With energy, it can continuously send navigation signals to the outside world, which is equivalent to a built-in generator. With electricity and energy, you can work continuously.


   Each pulsar emits a different signal. In fact, it indicates the current cosmic coordinates, so that when the spacecraft receives the signals from these pulsars, it can understand which region and which galaxy the spacecraft is traveling to.


This characteristic of pulsars is the reason why Lei Tiantang and Kuafu attach so much importance to them~lightnovelpub.net~ For this reason, there will be separate radio telescopes in this astronomical telescope. Its goal is to find these. A beacon that can be positioned in the universe!


"It depends on our luck and time. If we are lucky, we can find familiar pulsars, just like the sun carved on the golden disk carried on Voyager 1 relative to the center of the galaxy and 14 pulses. If you can find the positions of the stars, then you can quickly determine the location of the small black hole!


If you are unlucky, you can only use time to slowly pile up data. You must know that until now, we humans have only a few thousand pulsars data. If you want to use them as beacons, luck If it is not good, it will be troublesome if it is not comparable!


Therefore, the radio telescope on the small black hole must work hard to find pulsars, and we must work harder to find more pulsars on the earth, so that when our pulsar database has enough data, I believe we can always find Match the beacons to confirm the position of the little black hole!


   And I think this data will be very rewarding after our deep space laboratory launches all the eight high-power radio telescopes we plan to launch into the air! "