I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 615: The scene of the dance of the demons

Gillard still has two brushes. His idea has won the approval of all the officers in the conference room. Spy is the real test they have to face. It would be strange if such a large-scale activity did not involve the spy. !ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

As technology advances faster and faster, spies can use more and more methods. Even if they expand their defensive circles to dozens of kilometers away, they still have to deal with many spy intrusions every year. , So they are so disgusted and nervous about the upcoming party parade.

   The people in the conference room gave their own suggestions. After discussing for a while, they formed a new action plan, and then filed the plan to the top, and then began to carry out preparation activities according to the plan.

   Six days passed in the blink of an eye, and the road to Area 51 suddenly became lively. Teams of convoys drove by with the blast of music, and the destinations were all directed to the base.

It should be understood that the usual traffic flow here is very small. Except for the material procurement fleet of the base, there are few such large-scale fleets. Of course, these fleets are of course the participants of the party parade organized themselves and drove over together !

Of course, the interview fleets of various media are also mixed in. As for the warning about the prohibition of taking pictures in the military restricted zone, these reporters don't care much. Anyway, we are here to follow up and interview these parades, not to live broadcast your base. The secret.

   The president of his own country can leak state secrets through Twitter. Journalists have more than once received some state secrets from government officials. Now, don't these reporters have the right to shoot outside the military base?

Which of these large media is not with a deep background, anyway, as long as it is not really shooting the internal situation of the base, there is no problem with other behaviors. As long as there is no leak, the rest of the media group has never been ridiculed. Afraid of the government.

Seeing the messy scene at the base gate from the surveillance system, Gillard yelled at the command center angrily. Even if he was mentally prepared for a long time, everyone in the command center frowned at the number of people present. , This number is more than they estimated!

More than 1,700 people have gathered at the scene. In addition to the formal event participants who wear obvious signs, there are also many people who are here to eat melons. There are many people who want to see such a lively event. It is not only the Great Heavenly Dynasty that has onlookers!

   "Hi! Jim! Long time no see! Are there any new discoveries recently?"

"Long time no see! How can there be any new discoveries? Most of the people in our organization are going to graduate. Recently, I have been busy looking for jobs. Who is still in the mood to do research? This does not happen to see this activity. We all want to relax!"

  People who were present began to chat with people they knew. Even if they didn’t know them, everyone should tell each other the names of their organizations, and then they would be familiar with each other after all kinds of businesses.

Lei Tiantang also came to the event site early. He also registered formally. Originally, he planned to sponsor this event. Unexpectedly, these UFO organizations hide a lot of rich people, and they sponsor them. With a lot of activity funds, the preparations for this activity became extremely smooth.

  So Lei Tiantang didn't give them a big head. After all, he participated in his personal capacity. If his performance is too prominent, he may be targeted. He is still willing to have less trouble.

Along the way, he had dug the passageway 1km away from the highway. In order to avoid accidents, Lei Tiantang dug the passageway to a depth of 500 meters underground. This distance was taken away from the base in Area 51. The possibility of discovery is very small.

After approaching the base, the depth of excavation reached 1,000 meters. Even if the depth of the area 51 base is deployed on the periphery of the base, the possibility of finding it is very small, let alone approaching. When the base was 5 kilometers away, Lei Tiantang didn't continue digging.

After arriving near the gate of the base, Lei Tiantang, which is 1,500 meters deep inside the base, is already well aware of it. When you come next time, you can avoid the detection range of those detectors and continue to dig deep inside. Now that it is clear. What you want to know, the rest is to join in the fun. First release https://https://

With the arrival of the large army of event participants, the entire event scene can be described as a flurry of demons, because many UFO enthusiasts are wearing various alien costumes and props. What ET, Skywalker and the like are even traditional Yes, there are many Thanos and Superman here, and I don’t know what they think!

Since it is a protest, the standard process of the protest has to be walked a little bit. The party after the party is not easy to start, so after a few event organizers started to give a passionate speech with a trumpet~www.mtlnovel. com~ Everyone raised their prepared signs and started shouting slogans.

   And the content on their signs is also varied. Some signs posted pictures of aliens dissected in Area 51 circulated on the Internet, with the words "We want the truth!" written in capital letters.

There are also funny avatars of the president with the slogan saying "I want to tweet!" This kind of ridiculous sign, and what's more, there are pictures of aliens on the sign saying "Let me go home!" "Wait for such slogans.

   Anyway, such signs are very simple to make, so these people use their brains to make their signs and slogans look different, in anticipation of a big show in the event, so the scene became very lively for a while!

   As for the soldiers with guns who formed the human wall on the opposite side, these people basically ignored them. Anyway, they just came to participate in a parade and party honestly, and they didn't come to attack the military restricted area. These soldiers dare not shoot themselves!

The various media reporters on the scene have also begun to report on the scene from various angles. Some media even report in the form of live broadcast. Of course, the media that dare to do so are either big media or those who are not afraid of death. Online media, because if you accidentally expose something that cannot be reported in the base during the live broadcast, you might get into trouble for yourself!

Of course Lei Tiantang will not raise a sign to protest. His current identity of Maro Knight is a relatively unsocial person. It is better to behave in line with his current identity. You must know that the camera on the opposite surveillance system can be used. No less than the media present!
