I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 621: Sinful underground base!

   Lei Tiantang also understands Kuafu’s explanation. He wants his company’s newly established biopharmaceutical company to conduct related research on human strengthening, not to mention the old American military who is more obsessed with human strengthening.

In fact, the US government has clearly done many experiments on human body reinforcement, and has conducted several human trials in China that are considered to be against medical ethics, and usually without the informed consent of the subjects. get on.

  These experiments include: deliberately infecting lethal radioactive materials, exposing people to biological and chemical weapons, accepting human radiation experiments, and injecting toxic and radioactive materials for experiments.

   and conduct surgical experiments, torture experiments, experiments involving psychotropic drugs, etc. Some experiments are carried out on children, patients or mental patients, and experiments are often covered by "drug therapy". Most of the test subjects are poor or different races, criminals, etc.

  Many experiments are funded by the old American government, especially the Central Intelligence Agency, the military, and federal or military companies. These research projects are usually highly confidential and are not made public until many years of research.

  The legality, professionalism, and legitimacy of these experiments are obviously implicated in the old American medical and scientific communities, and they have led to the initiation and policy formulation of many institutions to try to ensure the morality and legality of human experiments by the American government in the future.

   The public's strong protest after learning of human experiments has caused many congressional investigations and hearings, including the Church Committee, the Rockefeller Committee, and the Human Radiological Experiment Advisory Committee.

The exposure of these human experiments made the people very dissatisfied with the government and the military and other related government organizations. What's more, the more exaggerated and anti-human research projects he is seeing now, if these projects are exposed. , The trouble for the old American government is even greater!

  "It’s no wonder that the defense level and confidentiality level here have been so strong for so many years. With such experiments, no one dares to be careful!

I am a little bit convinced that there are no aliens here anymore. Perhaps the truth about the Roseville UFO incident is really like the old American writer Nick revealed in his new book "The Thief in the Desert" after visiting many military "deep throats." The crash in Roseville was not a flying saucer at all, but a balloon that the US military secretly engaged in high-altitude human biochemical experiments.

   The so-called crashed alien remains are not aliens at all, but Earthlings used by the US military for secret experiments.

   Maybe those so-called ‘alien’ corpses were the products of human experiments in this base at that time, and they were only exposed after an accident!

   As far as I saw some of the experimental products in these laboratories are almost aliens, it is really understandable that they would be regarded as aliens after being discovered in those days! "

"We can’t draw conclusions so early. After all, boss, you also said that you are still some distance away from detecting all the conditions of this base. We don’t know what is in the base. Maybe they really found the wreckage of the alien spacecraft. Then found the corpse of the alien from inside, and then became so keen on these evil human experiments?

After all, we have also discussed that in order to truly travel between stars, the strength and lifespan of the physical body must reach a certain limit. If the physical strength is not enough, it cannot cope with the complex environment in the universe, and the lifespan is not long enough, so in the vast universe. It’s not possible to explore far in the space.

   If they do find the corpses of aliens, then they will definitely detect that the corpses of these aliens are much stronger than our humans, and they will definitely live longer than us.

   Boss, you also know that this temptation is very fatal! Boss, you plan to conduct research in this area, let alone the old American military, as well as the capitalists and politicians who control the old America!

  Who do these people with wealth and power do not want to make themselves stronger and live longer? Why are those pharmaceutical companies and related human laboratories able to continuously obtain large amounts of research funds? These people are not investing yet!

   Not to mention the problems that we can think of, these people must also think that if they want to enter space in the future, relevant research must be carried out earlier!

   You must know that Lao Mei sent astronauts into space in the 1960s. It is quite normal that they are obsessed with such research.

   This may also be the reason why our company proposed to carry out research projects in this area, including the reason why countries such as the United States and the United States have reacted so strongly. It is not a pleasant thing for them to have a strong competitor!

   So boss, let’s not draw conclusions in advance, and let’s talk about it after I have completely invaded this place and mastered all the information on this underground base!

   Now it's time for you to send the nano robots in. Boss, do you know where to put them is more convenient for me to invade? "

   "Nonsense! Of course I know, just do what you said, and we will discuss this after you have mastered the situation here.

   Fortunately, these guys have arranged the supercomputer in the innermost part of the base for data security. Otherwise, our nanobots would risk exposure and run to find the location of the data center if they want to invade!

   Wipe! I don’t know how the old U.S. military dug up such a huge underground base~lightnovelpub.net~ You know they don’t have the ability to mine such a huge underground space. , Then the question is, where did so much earthwork go?

   There seems to be no such data, right? It is impossible for such a project to be without traces at all! Lei Tiantang reluctantly diverted his attention and said.

"According to the geographical environment here, I guess that such a huge space in this underground base is very likely to be formed naturally. Maybe this is an underground river in ancient times. Then with the changes of the sun and the moon, the water in the underground river evaporates. Is lost or lost, and then this space remains.

   Then the old U.S. military walked around this place while conducting nuclear tests and other experiments, and found this place, and then decided to set up a top-secret laboratory here. "Quafu put forward his own conjecture.

   "You said that this is the most possible, and only this kind of explanation can explain why this place has such a large space and there is no trace of large-scale construction. The new 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   I sent the nanorobot to the supercomputer unit, the signal connection is complete, and the rest of the work is left to you, be careful, this is our first such formal experiment! "Lei Tiantang carefully chose a concealed place to drop the nano robot into it, and then told Kuafu.

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