I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 704: Only with technology has confidence

For this sudden increase in orders, Infinite Gravity Group is also very happy. After all, the more orders, the greater the company’s influence. It is important to know that only its own nuclear fusion reactor technology is currently mastered, even if it is because of Cooperating with the country to research and develop advanced reactors, so as to teach the company’s nuclear fusion reactor technology to experts sent by the country, but it is still the same as other countries. It is not that you can complete the construction of the reactor if you know these technologies. .

The country still has to cooperate with the Infinite Gravity Group to build nuclear fusion reactors. Scientific breakthroughs are not that simple, especially in the field of materials. The difficulties involved are involved. There are too many, so even if the country has mastered the technology of nuclear fusion reactors, it will not work without the help of Infinite Gravity Group.

However, the country has made no less money this time, because at this collective contract signing ceremony, the country also signed a grid transformation agreement with 36 countries of varying amounts. Together, the amount has reached an amazing scale of 82.2 billion US dollars! New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   These are the conditions that the countries voluntarily put forward in this negotiation, because the initiative of the negotiation is not in their own hands. If no benefits are given to China, how could the negotiation process be so smooth!

An important reason for them to put forward this condition is that China's technical strength in power grid construction is indeed the world's leading. The most intuitive comparison everyone knows, China has only a few large-scale power outages. Compared to foreign power grids that are subject to blackouts at every turn, it is simply not too stable!

In terms of patent strength, State Grid has consistently ranked among the top in the world, with more than 20,000 patents. In addition, State Grid has two far-leading technologies in the world, called "UHV Transmission" and "Flexible Direct Current". Technology, the only one in the world, there is no semicolon. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

In addition, State Grid also has equity or controlling power companies in the power grids of many countries around the world. These countries also recognize the strength of the State Grid, so this time these countries simply throw such orders as negotiation conditions. Anyway, after the nuclear fusion reactor power station is built, your country’s power grid will also need to be upgraded. Why not take the initiative to put this order forward as a condition?

Under the global attention, this contract signing ceremony was successfully completed. Both the media and the public praised this historic moment. Many media used things such as'the turning point of the era' and the beginning of the era of unlimited energy. Wait for definitions to describe the signing of this huge contract with a total value of nearly 700 billion US dollars.

It is not Lei Tiantang who signed on the stage of Infinite Gravity Group, because the main body of the company negotiating contracts with various countries is the energy company of the company, so the energy company Zhu Zixin is responsible for signing. people.

Of course, Lei Tiantang and Jiang Yuting were both on the scene at such an important moment, but they didn’t want to get out of the limelight. Both of them could indeed sign such a contract on behalf of Zhu Ziren, but that would be more powerful. It will be very unfavorable to the division of management powers of the company.

So the two of them stayed in the audience with the country’s bigwigs to witness this important moment. Even if Lei Tiantang doesn’t like social occasions, he still has to come to the company’s important contract signing site. After all, this The impact of the second contract is really too great, relying on Zhu Ziyou can hold so many social occasions where the country's bigwigs are present.

If the identities are not equal, it will make people feel that Infinite Gravity Group does not respect them, which will affect the company’s subsequent cooperation with these countries. In addition to the old United States and the country that does not deal with Infinite Gravity Group, other countries and the company. The cooperation between the two companies has been relatively smooth, and you can’t think that you can get ahead just because people ask themselves to help them build nuclear fusion reactor power stations. That is not the mentality that a big company needs.

After spending a lively celebration banquet with these people, Lei Tiantang and the others did not stay in the capital. The next day they flew directly to Fei. Even if they can work wirelessly, but so many senior executives in the company suddenly After leaving the company for two days, they also have a lot of work to go back to deal with.

The heat of the news from the outside has not passed because the contract was signed. Instead, the discussion has become more lively. The order contract has been signed, but now some media and people are beginning to worry about whether the Infinite Gravity Group can be in a short 5 Completed so many equipment manufacturing work for nuclear fusion power stations in one year.

After all, there are so many parts and components in a nuclear fusion power station, and the processing of these parts and components is very difficult~lightnovelpub.net~ It is infinite to produce so many in such a short time. Can Gravity Group really do it?

The company’s propaganda department also responded to such doubts on the company’s official website as soon as possible, stating that the company’s production capacity can rise rapidly. Now these orders can even be within a year if necessary. It's all done, but in that case, the cost will be doubled. If that country is willing to pay the extra money, then the company can immediately arrange for the expansion of production!

   This reply also made those countries that have spent money and feel uncomfortable instantly go silent, and they are only disgusting people behind it. It is absolutely impossible for them to spend more money!

Of course, some people talk about the internationally cooperative nuclear fusion reactor research project, saying that so many countries have invested so much capital and energy to work hard for mankind to master nuclear fusion reactor technology. Now Infinite Gravity Group uses their technology to These efforts have all plunged into the abyss, causing heavy losses to various member states.

So they use the media to create momentum to make Infinite Gravity Group pay for such losses, or to provide more technical support for these member states, because they suspect that Infinite Gravity Group’s technology is obtained from Huaxia and then research and development breakthroughs related Technically, after all, China is also one of the member states.

However, the waves caused by such remarks are not big at all. Instead, they have attracted more ridicule, because everyone knows that the slow progress of the cooperation project is in a mess, and the entanglement of various interests has caused all countries to engage in their own nuclear weapons. Such an excuse for fusion reactor research is really ridiculous!