I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 762: ‘This is the best time and the worst t

There are 4 levels in total. The first level is the countries that have complete aerospace technology, such as China, the United States, and Baga, and have money to invest in research and development. The second level is the European Union and other countries that have money and technology. An alliance of countries.

The third level is polar bears and other countries that have technology but don’t have much money so they have to sell technology for money to invest. Although they are also trying their best not to lag behind in this big era, they want to find them because of various factors. The objects of the alliance are not easy, so they can only be divided into the third level.

Of course, even if this is the case, their background and strength are not to be underestimated. If they are anxious, they can pull those small countries with a little money to do something together. This time there is not no such country to contact. They can't figure out when they will get together to do things, so they may be able to jump to the second level at any time.

What is left is that the wealthy local tyrants have just formed the space alliance. It is unknown when progress will be made, but it is finally holding the tail of the big era, and it is better than those countries that have been directly ignored.

Of course, there are also some weird countries, such as the three countries of Azerbaijan and the country of Bangzi. They think that their country wants money and money, technology and technology, and they don’t need to cooperate with other countries to develop aerospace technology. He is also the main force in this era of space competition!

For such a country with no compelling numbers, everyone is looking at it with a joke mentality. To build a country where aircraft carriers can explode biogas, develop and develop a domestic fighter jet for decades, and create such a garbage country. It can only be said that God knows when we can truly enter the space power.

And Bangziguo doesn’t know what to say. In the field of microelectronics, their technology is really good, but when it comes to aerospace technology, it is similar to the three countries. Most of the parts are purchased from abroad, and then come back. Assemble it and tell me how good my aerospace technology is.

Take the Luo Lao of Bangzi Country for example. The engine and launch base are made of Polar Bear, the fairing is made of China, and other parts are imported from China and Polar Bear, and the whole rocket of Luo Lao is in the wind tunnel of China. The tests conducted, and the wind tunnel, Bangzi Country will not be able to catch up with China in 200 years. What do you think of Bangzi Country’s aerospace technology?

But the most important point here is that the people in these countries are also confident that their country is very strong, and they believe in the propaganda of their own government. Even the ridicule and kind reminders of foreign media and netizens think it is. Others are jealous of their country and want to provoke their relationship with the government. Who can forcibly wake up these pretending people to sleep?

A very well-known magazine in the United States specifically interpreted the mentality of the people in these countries, making many people who eat melons feel sad for them, even more than sympathizing with those countries that are destined to be ignored.

And more media have interpreted the world's response to this space race from various angles. The most famous of these is the following report.

"'This is the best time and the worst time!" This sentence has been said by many people many times, but this sentence has never been as suitable for the times as it is now!

This space competition initiated by the Infinite Gravity Group has allowed countries all over the world to re-examine themselves during this period of time. Do they work hard to join the competition, or are they helplessly abandoned by the future?

This tests the elites of all countries. Of course, the effect is still obvious. Excluding the Infinite Gravity Group, including China, the United States, the European Space Alliance, the Desert Space Alliance, and other countries and alliances, in this short half A total of more than 80 billion U.S. dollars has been invested in the aerospace field in the past month!

This number has surpassed the total investment in the aerospace field of the world last year. Of course, this total investment still excludes the Infinite Gravity Group, because their investment in the aerospace field last year alone exceeded US$90 billion!

According to preliminary estimates, it has exceeded 80 billion U.S. dollars so far this year. It is this kind of investment that has allowed their company to operate like an accelerator in the aerospace field. The successful landing of the lunar landing probe for two consecutive times is the fruit of this investment.

And this fruit is exactly the reason why the world is now stimulated to make efforts in the space field, because everyone knows that if you are left behind in this space war, your country and people will have no future. , This is no joke!

With the start of this race, international relations have also eased a bit, because everyone is now busy checking their homes~lightnovelpub.net~ to see what kind of space technology their country has mastered, and whether they can Have the qualifications to participate in this competition and will not be eliminated!

Or they are looking for allies to prevent their country from falling behind. At this time, there is no more energy to cause more trouble.

This makes the international relations that have become more peaceful after the nuclear fusion reactor technology exploded by the Infinite Gravity Group some time ago, and there are more reasons to be more peaceful!

But all this is cruel to those countries that have no space technology and no money, because they can only passively accept that they have been abandoned by this era..."-"Times"

People who have read this report are very complicated, and they also agree that ‘this is the best time and the worst time! The view of this sentence, no one thought that a private company could trigger a space race!

"Boss, the writing of this report is very problematic. It seems to be complimenting us, but in essence it is attracting hatred to our company!" Jiang Yuting complained to the report after finishing the report.

"What can it do to us! Anyway, our plan is successful, and the space hegemony plan that we are working on is also an upright conspiracy. What if they are not happy? As long as it is a powerful country They are all biting their teeth to join in!" Lei Tiantang said triumphantly.

"That’s right, it’s better for them to use the money to invest in the aerospace field than they use the money to make weapons and buy and sell weapons. At any rate, they can be fair. Contributed to world peace!" Jiang Yuting is also satisfied with the company's operation.


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