I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 823: Discussion about the Space Weapons Labor

After everyone’s discussion, these 4 bases were selected in each no man’s land, two land bases and two island bases.

One of them is in the Himalayas. The Himalayas stretches for more than 2,400 kilometers from east to west, and is about 200-300 kilometers wide from north to south. It is composed of several rows of roughly parallel mountain ranges that bulge southward, with an average elevation of 6000 meters. The most majestic mountain in the world.

There are 40 peaks above 7000 meters above sea level, and 10 peaks above 8000 meters above sea level (as of 1997, there are only 14 peaks above 8000 meters above sea level in the world). The main peak, Mount Everest, is 8848.43 meters above sea level, which is the highest peak in the world.

In this huge and expansive mountain range, in addition to the more famous mountains such as Mount Everest, there are more peaks that no one has ever visited.

Lei Tiantang and the others chose a mountain of more than 7000 in Nepal. This mountain is very steep, and its location is also deep in the entire mountain range, so few people come close here.

To build a secret base in the abdomen and underground of such a mountain, as long as you do a good job of covering up, there is almost no possibility of exposure.

The most important thing is that this place is relatively close to one of the various secret underground bases built by Lei Tiantang himself in the world. If there is a problem, Kuafu can also solve it as quickly as possible. The construction location of the other bases is Lei Tiantang. They are all chosen this way.

Like the location of the base in the Sahara Desert, it is less than 200 kilometers away from Lei Tiantang's own secret base, and it takes no more than 10 minutes to support it.

The same is true for the locations of the two island bases that are going to be purchased with vests. Of course, there is no need to talk to the company's people, because his choice is to prevent the company from having undesirable thoughts in life. After exposing the location of the base, he attracted the gaze of searching. When there was a secret base nearby, he would be able to advance and retreat.

Although these employees basically don’t do this now, but God knows they will continue to think this way in the future. To know that the human heart is the most complicated thing, Lei Tiantang thinks it’s better to be defensive. This is also the reason for his character and habit. Sexual defense is better than being at a loss in a sudden situation.

After discussing business matters, Xiong Antai smiled and said, “It’s really hard to do something on the earth! Let’s see if we even test a weapon secretly to build such secret test bases. After it’s built, we use it every time. I have to be cautious when I'm really tired!

Boss, in the future, when our company's bases on the moon and Mars are completed, can we build related weapons testing bases there?

Or will we also build related weapon test modules on our lunar and Mars space stations in the future?

In those places where the emperor is far away from the sky, we don't have to be so frustrated, right? "

"Yes, boss, after all, the weapons we are doing now are designed to be used in space in the future. It is definitely best to experiment in the corresponding space environment!

Just like our electromagnetic railgun and Director Xiong's laser weapons, these weapons can only be tested in the vacuum pipes we designed in the weapon test base we have not yet completed.

If we do this, although we can simulate the environment in space to the maximum, there will definitely be many differences. For example, we can’t perform the most powerful test in a laboratory on the earth, nor can we do it. To experiment in a gravity-free environment.

Like our electromagnetic railgun, its power must be much greater in the air-free and gravity-free environment of space than in the earth environment. The testing work in this area must also be carried out in that environment. The data obtained is the most accurate, so that we can promote the next generation of research and development progress! "Chen Litong also agreed with Xiong Antai's suggestion.

"Haha! So you guys think so too! Then we really wanted to go together!" Lei Tiantang said with a big smile.

"I'm about to discuss this with you. Not only do you feel that the things we discussed just now are aggrieved, I also find it so uncomfortable!"

What is the purpose of building the lunar space station and the Mars space station? Isn't it to better conduct related space experiments? So it is certainly feasible to set up a weapon test module on it.

As for the Earth Space Station, even if we conduct weapons experiments on top of various countries, I believe that no country will allow it, that is, we ourselves do not want someone on top of our head to do this!

As for the construction of weapon test bases on the Moon and Mars bases, not to mention, what we will build in these two places will not be weapons test bases, but a more complete comprehensive laboratory. !

At that time, all the experiments that can't be done on the earth can be done there~lightnovelpub.net~ These sensitive weapon experiments like we are doing now and some more dangerous experiments to be carried out in the future will all have to be transferred. Past.

Just like what Lao Xiong said, when the sky is high and the emperor is far away, it will be difficult to use the laws of the earth to restrain us. Some people on earth always look at the universe with a mentality of Lao Tzu being the number one in the world. The question, this is ridiculous for us!

Up to now, there are not many countries that have even landed on the moon, but they have established this regulation and that regulation a long time ago, stipulating that this can’t be done and that can’t be done, I can’t wait to say that the entire universe should be brought under their jurisdiction. Inside.

It's as ridiculous as a colony of ants telling all the creatures on the earth that you must obey our rules!

When our company has a firm foothold on the moon and Mars, these so-called rules are basically a dead letter to us. The "Moon Agreement" that we had made with our company some time ago, why did our company add to the fire? Go for oil to promote?

Not everyone knows that in the end it is their respective strengths. After all, there will not be many countries that can enter space in the end. At that time, it will not be based on their own means to divide their interests! "Lei Tiantang said disdainfully.

Lei Tiantang had already planned for the establishment of laboratories in various bases in space. Before, everyone discussed about insensitive laboratories, and sensitive topics such as weapons laboratories have not been discussed.

However, from today’s discussion, the company’s top executives still have their own tacit understanding, and everyone has this idea, but they also know that such things can only be discussed at the right time. If they are discussed in advance, the company will face The pressure will be very great!

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