I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 853: 1 launch mission in Chencang

This new launch mission was proposed by the Deep Space Laboratory. After the satellite launch of the three countries last time, the company began to develop space waste processors. Now the laboratory has completed the first generation. The design and manufacture of the space waste processor.

The purpose of this launch is to launch these 4 sets of space waste processors into the air. The laboratory must use their work results and usage data to confirm whether the design meets the requirements and provide data for the development of the next generation of space waste processors. support.

"Director Zhang, your proposal of secretly crossing Chencang is really good. It just happens to be launched after our manned spacecraft sends our astronauts into the space station. As long as we don’t promote this test ourselves, neither the media nor the public will. Knowing that the importance of our launch this time is no worse than that of the manned spacecraft!

The trick of applying for a launch license in the name of a verification satellite is not good. Our launch this time can indeed be regarded as a verification satellite, but we have carried out a certain degree of confidentiality in the function of the satellite.

But even if this is discovered in the end, it’s not a big deal. Anyway, we are indeed experimenting! "

Kong Yuxiao sat at a station in the control hall and praised Zhang Hanxiu, who was sitting next to him. This proposal is really great. The company is really not suitable for exposing such big killers as the space waste processor. The specific reason was explained by the boss and everyone understood.

Anyway, there is so much garbage in space. Even if the company's 4 sets of processors are in accordance with the maximum processing capacity, they can only process 2 tons of garbage at a time, which is one step compared to the total amount of garbage exceeding 8,000 tons. Insignificant small numbers.

And because there are two sets of garbage disposers to pull down an abandoned satellite in this test, the total amount of garbage processed is even less.

And because space junk will be slowly pulled into the atmosphere by the earth’s gravitational force and burned over time, even if some national space agencies detect that there is a little less junk in a certain orbit, they will not think it is caused by infinite gravity. The group was pulled down.

So as long as they keep a low profile, this launch will not be discovered at all, and because this technology is independently developed by the company's laboratory, it is not clear even for the country.

After all, the country will not stare at all the technology research and development projects of a certain company for no reason. Not to mention that Infinite Gravity Group has always cooperated very closely with the country, and the country has a very high degree of trust in their company. .

Besides, this test is not a test that will endanger national security, so Kong Yuxiao and Zhang Hanxiu will not have any psychological burden.

"How about the wisdom of our ancestors can't be underestimated! This idea of ​​secretly crossing Chen Cang has long been thought of, and I am just using it now!

If it weren't for our company to be unsuitable for another big show now, we wouldn't have to be so cautious about this launch! "

Speaking of this operation, Zhang Hanxiu also thinks that his idea this time is very good, which perfectly meets the boss's low-key requirements.

"Who makes our technology so sensitive! You know that this space waste processor can easily be transformed into a specialized anti-satellite weapon. Even if we don't need such anti-satellite technology, the outside world will not Think so!

We do not have anti-satellite technology, just like the electromagnetic railgun that our company was testing some time ago, the boss has not spent a lot of money to build 4 secret test bases to test them, that technology uses It is not better to come to anti-satellite!

And just like the boss said, the space junk cleanup business is not yet time. We will not make much money if we publish our technology now. Maybe we will make a noise, so we can keep a low profile. A little bit! "

Kong Yuxiao and other people in the company can also accept the big news of manned launch to cover the launch of the space waste processor. After all, the company can show off more technology, and it is not bad. .

Besides, many technologies are not suitable for early exposure. These reserved technologies are the company’s cards, which can increase the company’s heritage, so that the company’s ability to resist risks will become stronger, although the current development momentum of Infinite Gravity Group is flourishing. But of course the more things like hole cards, the better!

During the chat between the two of them, the space waste processor was launched smoothly. It was completely different from the nervousness when the manned spacecraft was launched two days ago. This time everyone maintained a good attitude, so Kong Yuxiao and Zhang Hanxiu It’s just so relaxing to chat here~lightnovelpub.net~ The processor reaches the scheduled orbit No. 1, and the first space waste processor is separated smoothly! "

Following the announcement from the commander, everyone in control of the hall smiled and applauded to celebrate, but this celebration was just like the hundreds of successful launches before. Everyone felt that success was a matter of course, so they were happy later. Staring at the back of the arrow separated.

Since this mission is to test the various working data and working capabilities of the space garbage processor, in order to make the data comparison more valuable, the most representative garbage was selected on different tracks in the laboratory for recycling operations. So the last rocket booster is still flying on a higher orbit after putting the first set of processors.

It will send the remaining 3 sets of space waste processors to a predetermined orbit so that they can get closer to the target more easily and ensure the success rate of the mission, because this time the 4 sets of space waste processors will deal with space waste. They are all high-value goals required by the chosen Lei Tiantang.

After recycling the garbage, the relevant laboratories of the materials company will receive the garbage and conduct more in-depth research on the garbage to provide more useful data for the company’s material research. The long-term corrosion material data is really a valuable asset for the company.

"The last group of processors successfully entered the scheduled orbit, and the launch phase was a complete success!"

"The communication group has successfully received the feedback signals from all processors, and the self-check of all indicators has been completed and all passed!"

"The work command has been transmitted, and all processors have entered the working state..."

Hearing the non-stop notifications from the commander, Kong Yu smiled and said happily: "Hehe, our company's launch is as stable as ever!"

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