I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 858: 3 spaceship designs

As for the manufacturing work, Lei Tiantang basically does not intervene. Kuafu’s current manufacturing capabilities are already strong enough. All these three spacecrafts to be tested, totaling 6 Kuafu, took less than two months. It's finished. If he were to make it, the test work would have been done long ago.

However, the spacecraft they want to test are mainly to verify whether the related design and the technology used are reasonable, and also to test whether the performance of products manufactured by industry can cope with the complex environment in the universe.

These data need to be verified by experiments before they can be confirmed. Therefore, only two spacecrafts were built in this test, and they did not follow their usual standard test procedure of manufacturing at least four at a time.

And not all systems of the three spacecraft tested this time are fully equipped, because some components do not need to be tested, and some have been verified by the laboratory on the space station. In order to save time, None of these components are installed.

After all, this test is the first test. There is no need to be so complicated. After the test is over, I don’t know how many places need to be changed. The more components installed, the more troublesome it will be to change. These do not need to be tested. It’s not too late to install the components for testing until the design is roughly finalized.

"Do you think the shapes of these three spaceships we designed are a bit LOW?" After arriving at the new underground base specially built for spaceships, Lei Tiantang saw the 6 universes quietly sitting on the ground. Spaceship, he still couldn't help but complain.

Indeed, the three spaceships in front of them seem to be indistinguishable from the spaceships in those science fiction movies. Apart from the appearance of a sense of industrial manufacturing, they have no sense of beauty.

These three spacecraft adopt two design schemes. One is an aircraft-like spacecraft manufactured as a whole, except that it does not have the wings of an aircraft. Instead of wings, 4 units can be 360 ​​degrees front and rear and 120 degrees left and right. Rotating large ion engine.

This design allows the spacecraft to fly more flexibly in space. After all, because there is no air resistance in space, it is very difficult for the spacecraft to change directions or urgently decelerate during flight. The thruster design can better accomplish these operations.

Of course, in order to have better propulsion acceleration, this spacecraft also has a larger ion engine at the tail to provide greater thrust.

Of course, the thrusters on all types of spacecraft use ion engines as the main thrusters, because such thrusters are the most cost-effective, and it is unrealistic to use hydrogen and oxygen or other chemical fuels for long-distance space flight. of.

Resources such as hydrogen and oxygen are very important things in a spacecraft. Astronauts cannot survive without oxygen. Hydrogen-oxygen synthesized water is also a necessity for astronauts. At the same time, it is also a necessity for plants on the spacecraft, such an important thing. Of course it cannot be used as a waste of fuel!

The most important thing is that the propulsion effect of chemical fuels is not ideal. The specific impulse is much worse than that of ion engines. Of course, Lei Tiantang and others would not choose this fuel engine. Besides, he and Kuafu also re-optimized a design. The more powerful ion engine is used for initial testing without any problems.

As for the more powerful engine in the future, it will be gradually optimized and upgraded in the follow-up research. Anyway, the research work of the spacecraft cannot be accomplished overnight.

The remaining two spacecraft are designed with a combined body, but the designs of the two are also completely different.

The first one uses a spaceship design similar to the one in "Interstellar Crossing". Of course, Lei Tiantang’s design can’t be exactly the same as the spacecraft design in the movie, but uses its combination. Body design, and the use of rotation to obtain the design of gravity.

After all, in the future, if their artificial gravity system research and development cannot be completed in a short time, they can only use spacecraft of this design, because astronauts can work in a gravity-free environment for a short period of time, but if they continue for several years Even if they work in a gravity-free environment for a longer time, their bodies will definitely not be able to stand it.

So in order to verify the feasibility of this technology, Kuafu and Lei Tiantang still designed such a spacecraft to do experiments, although they are not very optimistic about such a design, after all, such a design is really dangerous to navigate in the harsh universe. too big.

You see, even the rotating spacecraft with shields in "Space Traveler" almost collapsed after an accident~lightnovelpub.net~ If it weren’t for the protagonist’s violent operation, a ship People are going to belch.

It can be seen from this design that people subconsciously feel that such a design is unreliable, but such a design may still be needed by the company in a short time, so it is not a big deal to study it by the way.

After all, for the company’s Mars colonization plan, the company’s spacecraft design department has also carried out initial design work on this type of spacecraft. They just borrowed this design to do an experiment, and it didn’t take much effort. Wouldn’t it be better if there were some unexpected gains during the experiment?

Although the remaining model is also designed in a combined manner, this one is actually more inclined to be similar to the modular design.

The entire spacecraft is composed of 12 components with different functions and the core component in the center. From the outside, it is a rectangular parallelepiped shape. It is no wonder that Lei Tiantang has to complain about the ugly design of the spacecraft.

The 12 components with different functions are mainly different in the general direction. Some key functions are provided by each component, such as propellers, life support systems, food and water, and various escape systems. But every component has it.

The advantage of this design is that when encountering irresistible dangers, such as catastrophic dangers such as an asteroid impact, the undamaged components of the spacecraft can smoothly escape from the damaged spacecraft, providing maximum safety for the life of the astronauts. The guarantee of transformation.

This kind of escape design is much better than using the small escape capsule alone. The design of the escape capsule can only sustain the life of the astronaut for at most one month. If there is no spacecraft to rescue during this time, it is still Get cool.

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