I Have a Little Black Hole

v2 Chapter 991: Questions from experts

Following his introduction, the group of visitors finally had a preliminary intuition about the spacecraft of Infinite Gravity Group. If it weren’t for the comparison between the old American retired space shuttle and the world’s largest aircraft carrier, They really may not be able to feel the huge and advanced nature of this spacecraft so intuitively!

We must know that what they discussed the most on their way here was what the spacecraft of the Infinite Gravity Group looked like. The most optimistic estimate of the accompanying experts was that the spacecraft of the Infinite Gravity Group was probably similar to what they saw now. A space shuttle for comparison.

At most, it is a little bigger in size and able to take off on its own from the ground. This is even a successful spacecraft they recognize.

But the current result makes them feel a little unacceptable. The spaceship named [Chuxin] by the Infinite Gravity Group is actually so big!

Imagine the scene of the largest aircraft carrier in the United States taking off directly. Those who have seen the reunion should be impressed by the air and sky aircraft carrier of Malafakxia, right?

It can be said that if the [Chuxin] spacecraft can be successfully manufactured and taken off, the scene will be more shocking than that of the aerospace carrier when it takes off. How can a guy who can only fight in the atmosphere be able to fight Compared with the freely navigating spacecraft in the solar system!

However, the experts of the visiting group are also skeptical, because they think it is not a simple matter for this spacecraft to really take off. Can Infinite Gravity Group really make this big guy out?

"Director He, I want to ask, where is your spacecraft now? It's not just the master design, right?" An expert directly asked his doubts.

They see a lot of this kind of thing. Many young companies or laboratories that are eager for success will make some designs that look tall, although from every aspect, it seems that their designs seem to be nothing. The problem, as long as they can be created, the country's strength can be greatly improved.

But the key to the problem is that the design drawing is a design drawing. The most fundamental question is whether you can make all the things on the design drawing. It’s not too big to just make a design drawing and those who use it when bragging with others. The difference.

"Of course not! Our company is not a start-up company that has to rely on PPT to make fraudulent investments or to expand its popularity. In fact, the design drawing of the [Chuxin] spacecraft we are seeing now It can be regarded as our final design drawing!

All the laboratories of the related technology companies that we designed and identified on this spacecraft have been developed. Now what we are doing is adjusting the details and preparing for the final integration, but the overall design changes will not be very large. Larger, at most, some more appropriate adjustments to some design details.

I believe this point is also understood by all experts. A certain technology alone may be very advanced, but it is not easy to make all these advanced technologies fit together and run smoothly and efficiently. , There will still be a lot of work to be done.

However, thanks to our company’s artificial intelligence simulation design system, this work is not a time-consuming task for us, so we should be able to complete the final design of the [Chuxin] spacecraft within a month. jobs.

After this work is completed, we can be ready to start the construction work. Our company's newly built spacecraft manufacturing plant in the South Island has already started all the preparations for production, and can start production of test spacecraft at any time! "He Chengxin responded confidently.

Several experts believed the answer after hearing this answer, because what they said was the truth. This time they came to say it for nothing. They came to think about the technology of Infinite Gravity Group instead of asking them to allocate funds for research. It cannot be said that there is no possibility of fraud, but this possibility is small and almost negligible.

After several experts looked at each other, another expert also raised his own question: "I want to ask Director He, according to the size of the [Chuxin] spacecraft we have seen, its total weight should be the least. It can reach 30,000 tons, but when you just introduced it to us, you said that it only had 13,280 tons when it was filled with fuel. This gap is too big!

Of course, even so, the takeoff weight of more than 13,000 tons is an area that we have never touched before. Can your company guarantee its safety during takeoff?

Why don’t you consider starting with a smaller spacecraft? That way, both in terms of development difficulty and safety, it is much better than this large spacecraft. "

The leaders of the visiting group are also very concerned about this question, so they also stared at He Chengxin, wanting to see how he answered. The safety of this big guy is indeed very important. After all, so much fuel is in it. The power produced by the explosion after falling is no worse than the general tactical mushroom bomb!

He Chengcheng smiled and nodded for a moment, then confidently said: "Professor Liu, both of your questions can actually be regarded as one question~lightnovelpub.net~that is a material issue!

I believe that everyone should have a relatively intuitive understanding of our company’s material research and development capabilities. After all, whether it is our cooperation with the military or our cooperation in civilian technology, it can be reflected. Nuclear fusion reactors, super hadrons The use of comprehensive technologies such as the collider can prove this point!

And all the high-performance materials that need to be used on the spacecraft are all specially developed by the material company according to our needs, and the performance has been compared with the best performance materials currently used by our company. A qualitative improvement, let alone a comparison with the current mainstream materials in the world.

Materials with better performance allow us to adopt more reasonable design schemes to avoid increasing the weight of the main structure of the spacecraft due to the compromise of the structural strength of the spacecraft. Therefore, the overall weight of our spacecraft can be much lighter than it looks.

At the same time, because of this reason, the strength of our spacecraft's wing and the performance of the engine can ensure its safety during operation, so I think it is unnecessary to worry about this aspect! "

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