I Have a Martial Arts World

v1 Chapter 80: Offense and defense

At this moment, Yunzhou City has become a fortification

Minfu has dug trenches outside Yunzhou City, and the state soldiers are guarding them in fear, and their will to fight is not high. But the whole family was behind them, but they did not escape.

Cannons are mounted on the top of the city to increase the range. General Xu Can, the commander of the state soldiers, stood on the city patrol in thick steel armor, shouting loudly from time to time to boost morale.

The patrolmen are patrolling the streets. The gun is loaded, and there are those who dare to take advantage of the chaos to kill without mercy.


Both sisters were recruited to defend the city, and Lu Yao also followed.

After many days, the three came to the city wall of Yunzhou again.

This place is located at the rear of the battlefield, standing high and seeing far away, Zhizhou Wen Renliang also sits here and personally commands, and after seeing Lu Yao, he smiles friendly.

Lu Yuanyuan's clasped fist and salute didn't bother him.

The sisters' task is to protect the artillery on the city wall from being destroyed by the opponent's warriors.

The warriors can't stop the bullets and artillery shells flying on the battlefield, so they are all used for "special operations", raids, beheadings, etc., or to protect their own important facilities.

The city wall is in the rear, and the safety is tight, and it is impossible for the opponent's warrior to touch it across the entire battlefield. This is obviously a fishing task, and it can be seen that Lord Zhizhou takes great care of it.

At this moment, the three of them gathered together to chat:

"The Mahayana sect is good at refining spirits, and its 'Heavenly King' is said to be a rare 'out-of-body state'. Spiritual souls can be attached to objects...even others, which is very mysterious."

When Liao Ya talked about the news she just heard, Lu Yao echoed it without saying a word.

Apart from worrying about the two sisters this time, the main reason for coming here is to see what the war in another world is like. What kind of sparks will the guns and supernatural powers meet?

But the first thing I saw was the cruelty of war.


At the skyline, countless civilians in different dresses poured in.

They were all ordinary people from the surrounding counties and counties. They were all in ragged clothes and covered in silk. The only thing they had in common was that they were all crying and screaming, followed by the Mahayana army.

Although the tactic of "driving the people to attack the city" is cruel, it can effectively attack the morale of the defenders and consume materials. It has been a common tactic since ancient times.

The state soldiers were all locals, and many of the civilians who were driven to die by the Mahayana Sect were their relatives and friends, and they panicked immediately.

But Wen Zhizhou above the city was as stable as Mount Tai, and ordered without blinking: "Fire!"

There were elite pacesetters in the trenches and fortifications to supervise the battle, and they resolutely carried out Wen Zhizhou's orders.

The next second, the 98K fired. Countless civilians who ran halfway were shot through their bodies and fell to the ground spurting blood.

They wanted to run back again, but the cleric also fired, and countless people fell to the ground.

Crying loudly for a while, the civilians were pushed by the religious army and rushed to the trenches.

Wen Zhizhou made a movement of twisting the beads in his hand, closed his eyes and ordered: "Fire with all your strength."

Afterwards, the "Maxin" machine guns in the fortifications began to shoot fire, and the crowd fell down as if reaping wheat.


This is just an appetizer. After the two sides opened fire, the situation was even more tragic.

The shock wave tore apart the living people, and from the sound of the explosion, stumps and broken arms flew into the sky from time to time.

Looking at this scene like purgatory on earth, Lu Yao couldn't help but sigh:

"If there is no strong national protection, the dust of the times will really turn into a mountain... Smash people to death!"

Although the scene is not good-looking, but overall we still have the advantage—

The driven civilians fled to death. The state soldiers had trenches as bunkers, and the opponent's artillery had little effect.

Lu Yao judged in his heart: "The original machine gun; the range and accuracy of the artillery are also average; combined with the battleships seen in the port... it is barely at the level of a war."

The current battle situation is quite anxious. Although there are many people in the Mahayana Sect, they will not be able to take advantage of the fortifications arranged in advance in Yunzhou.

In particular, Yunzhou's artillery was mounted at the top of the city, and it was very condescending to take advantage of it. While causing heavy casualties to the opponent, it also destroyed several artillery positions.

If it goes on like this, you can lie down and win.

But Li Shoucheng, the commander of the Mahayana Sect, is not a vegetarian either.

At this moment, he instructed his deputy: "I'll destroy Shungou's artillery, and you bring your brothers to take down Yunzhou! I'll take you all to have a good time in the city for three days!"

The deputy flattered: "Yunzhou is a piece of fat! Military commander~ You can also marry 88 fairies as wives like the king of heaven~"

Li Shoucheng laughed a few times and left with a few henchmen.


The firearms on both sides shot at each other, and the battlefield was full of pungent black-gray gunpowder.

Lu Yaozheng was watching the reloading of the otherworld artillery with great interest.

One person carried a calf-sized cannonball into the barrel, and the other person pushed it inward with a pole, and finally pulled the rope and opened fire.

At this moment, a group of state soldiers carrying a strange big box came from behind Yunzhou City.

They lowered their heads and did not show their faces. They would rather take a detour than go to a crowded place, and go straight to the city wall.

Soon they met the pacesetter who was guarding. The pacesetter also found that the group was abnormal, and immediately raised his gun to question!

The next second, the killing began.

I saw a big man carrying a big box, suddenly pulled out two revolvers and fired at the same time!

The bullets swept out, accurately hitting the surrounding pacesetters, killing a dozen people on the spot!

The big man roared, "I am Li Shoucheng, a Mahayana teacher! Follow the dog and die!"

While shouting, he led his subordinates towards the artillery location, with an obvious purpose.

Wen Zhizhou hurriedly shouted: "Hurry up and stop them! This is to destroy the artillery, and they must not be allowed to succeed!"

That's right, but none of the warriors on the city wall dared to move, and at most they wanted to shoot two shots.

Even General Xu Can only roared, "Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!" He shouted loudly, but his legs were rooted and motionless.

Because of Li Shoucheng of the Mahayana Teaching, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is a famous blood-changing realm! The few people around me were full of blood, and they acted swiftly. They were all refining and washing the marrow!

These people like me are courting death when they go up. And there is really no way to escape to the concession, so why send it to death?

And what happened next made everyone dare not stand up.


I saw that the two pacesetters turned the muzzle of Mark Qin's machine gun and fired at Li Shoucheng and others.

However, they were shot in the chest and shot out sparks. After the coat was damaged, the dark steel armor inside was exposed, which was 2 cm thick!

This team is actually wearing such heavy steel armor!

Li Shoucheng raised his hand to kill the pacesetter who operated the machine gun with two shots, and then kicked open the big box he had been carrying, which was full of "Lewis-type machine guns" flashing with cold light!

This is Innet's standard weapon, weighing more than 30 pounds.

Li Shoucheng and the others ignored it as if nothing, picked up one of them, and immediately shot them all around. All of a sudden, the single-shot 98K was completely suppressed, and there were blood and corpses everywhere.

This elite team was invulnerable and ferocious with firepower, as if they were in a no-man's land, they killed under the city wall.

Li Shoucheng fired a round at Wenzhizhou, and the leader of the horizontal training pacesetter immediately blocked in front, receiving 4 rounds of 7.7mm caliber bullets, and fell to the ground with several blood holes on his body.

Li Shoucheng laughed and said, "The Holy Soldier obeyed the order—destroy the Shungou Artillery!"

Several subordinates shouted: "Follow the command of the army!"

After speaking, he strafed the artillery, killing and injuring countless artillerymen.

Just when Wen Zhizhou was in despair, and the surrounding warriors and officials were about to escape to the concession to save their lives, a strange sound of gunfire came, and the head of one of Li Shoucheng's subordinates turned into eight petals!

Lu Yao is here!
