I Have a Martial Arts World

v2 Chapter 331: left public please

The situation in the Western Xinjiang is very good, and the war is about to end.

At this time, Rakshasa suddenly put pressure on the issue of Western Xinjiang, threatening to continue to increase troops and launch a "total war".

Moreover, the government of Shun Dynasty was in financial difficulties at this time, and it was unable to support the Western Expedition Army, and then being threatened by the bordering powers, he actually persuaded.

A strange voice came from the DPRK, and Li Zhongtang took the lead and said:

[Western Xinjiang is transformed into a land outside, the vast desert is thousands of miles of red land, the land is extremely thin and sparsely populated, and its value is not high. At this moment, it is even more worthwhile to fight with Rakshasa. It is better to give up the operation and pay for the suspension, that is, pay for the coastal defense.]

He suggested giving up the western border and using the money saved as "coastal defense".

At this time, the Beiyang Marine Division, who was crippled, has not been able to recover. It is actually more expensive to repair a battleship than to buy a new one!

And Izumo has recovered with the help of Innet.

There are quite a few officials who hold this idea. In their eyes, the Western Xinjiang is a "barren land", and it is not worthwhile to go to war. Even if it's good, it's fine, but Yili doesn't want it.

As a result, the voice of "reconciliation" was unprecedentedly loud.

Emperor Yong'an immediately recruited Duke Zuo to return to the court to report his duties and discuss the matter. It seems that he was persuaded by the "Peace Party".

And Zuo Gong did not pay attention to the recall of the court at all, and also completely ignored all kinds of voices of "take it as soon as you see it."

Instead, he directly ordered the army to move forward, take Yili directly, and fight Rakshasa to the death!

If you can do it, you don't need to talk. No matter what, call it first!


[A discerning person can see that Rakshasa is the weakest among the foreign powers. He is deceiving people. The court actually wants to give up the peace talks in the Western Xinjiang.]

[How can it be that simple, this is the princes competing for military spending...]

At this moment, Lu Yao's family is escorting the army to Ili together with Yu Yanmei.

The generals next to him expressed their views on the dispute between the DPRK and China.

However, the expressions of the crowd were very relaxed, as if they were certain that Duke Zuo would win.

Lu Yao knew very well that Zuo Gong's method was the most correct at this time.



There was a sound of shouting horns, and countless people were pushing a 280MM coastal defense gun forward.

The artillery produced by Gard weighs 27 tons. Fortunately, it can be disassembled into three parts for transportation.

Sometimes when encountering a difficult road, Lu Yao doesn't mind coming over to help push it.

Along the way, the officers and soldiers had a good impression of him.

Lu Yao is also full of expectations. He wants to see the battle of the golden body powerhouse with his own eyes and gain insight.

But even when they came to "Yining City", the capital of Yili, there was no sign of the Rakshasa people.

The towns along the way were abandoned one after another, and the entire march was like an armed parade.

Li Pei said: "Lang Jun, this Duke Rakshasa gave up all the towns along the way and fled quickly, obviously he didn't want to fight."

Lu Yao nodded: "Well, Duke Zuo mobilized the army to pose for a showdown, and the monsters were cowardly."


In Yining City, Rakshasa's "Duke Patkin" didn't run anymore, and if he ran again, he completely gave up on Ili.

This will damage its reputation, be detrimental to its political career, and even hinder its acquisition of a real title.

The title is of great use to the blood clan, so it must be resisted symbolically.

At this moment, Duke Patkin straightened his collar, intending to casually discuss with the human race masters in Shunguo, and then retreat on the grounds of insufficient troops.

As for beating to death, that is impossible. I still have hundreds of years of life to enjoy, how can I fight with others.

With great strength and a long youth, you can enjoy a good life, so why take risks.

It's not impossible if you really want to fight, as long as there are enough benefits.

But for the sake of the tsar...let's forget it.


Under the city of Yining, Lu Yao also saw Zuo Jicun and Zuo Gong who were leading the war in the Western Xinjiang.

I have only seen it once through a drone before, and this is the first time I have seen a real person.

I saw that he had a strong physique, bright eyes, and a square face. At first glance, he was a straight person.

However, there is a faint aura of decay in his body, giving people the feeling of being at the end of a formidable force.

Lu Yao suddenly understood in his heart - this Duke Zuo has not much life expectancy. He wanted to completely resolve the issue of Xijiang before he died.

At this moment, Duke Zuo glanced at the gathered army, and said loudly: "Everyone, this generation of Rakshasa is just bluffing. Today, I will work together to break the gold and restore the lost ground!"

After all, he jumped to Yining City and shouted, "Patkin, how dare you fight me!!"

This loud shout was like a thunderclap in the clear sky, and the ears of the shocked people were buzzing.

The Rakshasa defenders in Yining City wanted to turn their artillery to bombard Zuo Gong.

And Lu Yao had already adjusted the 280mm coastal defense gun that was delivered, and the power of his mind immersed in the shell and opened fire suddenly.

A shell weighing 350 kilograms roared out of its chamber, flew over a distance of 6 kilometers with a terrifying whimper, and accurately fell into the artillery position on the top of the city.

First, a dazzling fire lit up, followed by a deafening explosion. The Rakshasa artillerymen within 50 meters turned to dust on the spot, and several Rakshasa artillery pieces were lifted from the city head.

The soldiers cheered one after another, and Duke Zuo also looked over and nodded in greeting.

Lu Yao has already grabbed the second shell and loaded it.

And Patkin finally showed up on the city walls.

This Duke-level blood clan powerhouse, with dark red flame-like ripples burning all over his body, glanced coldly at the cannon on Lu Yao's side.

The person who was swept by his gaze immediately felt as if he had been doused with ice water.

Yu Yanmei hurriedly reminded Lu Yao: "When a fight starts, you can bombard this monster. Even if you can't kill it, you can reduce its power and create opportunities for Zuo Gong."

Lu Yao nodded to show his understanding.

Yu Yanmei also drew her sword and prepared to support Duke Zuo for a while.

And Zuo Gong's imposing aura suddenly Dasheng firmly locked Patkin, and the churning True Qi formed a cyclone, displacing the soil and rocks under his feet.

The form is on the verge of breaking out, and there will be a battle soon!

But then, the blood race powerhouse did an unexpected thing.

It suddenly turned into a blood shadow, flew into the sky and escaped...

Under the watchful eyes of the public, this Rakshasa powerhouse actually escaped like this...

Yu Yanmei put back her sword and sneered in the direction of her escape: "These monsters bully the soft and fear the hard, and they don't even have the courage to follow the left bus driver."

Li Pei said with a smile: "I guess it knows it too - Duke Zuo really dared to drag it to death."

And Lu Yao suddenly remembered a sentence ~lightnovelpub.net~ and said: "Imperialism is a paper tiger."

As the saying goes, the only way to die is through hardships through the ages.

All sentient beings are afraid of death, and the intelligent beings who have obtained extraordinary power are even more afraid of death.

How to make people who have gained great power willing to go to the battlefield is a headache for all countries.


The army immediately occupied Yining City.

There were only a small number of troops in the city, and Patkin had already sent away the essence and cronies. It also proved that it did not intend to fight recklessly in the early morning.

At this point, the entire war in the Western Xinjiang has come to an end.

But for Zuo Gong, this is only the first step of the plan, and the rest is the focus.

Not only did he want to recover the Western Xinjiang, but he also planned to "set up" this place as a province. This is not a matter of one generation, but a great cause that will benefit the future.


Seeing that the matter ended successfully, Lu Yao's family also planned to leave.

This trip has been very rewarding, and Lu Yao himself is quite satisfied, and he feels that his visit is not in vain.

Just one day before everyone left, Zuo Gong's son, Zuo Xiaowei, suddenly came to visit and said politely, "Master Lu, my father has an invitation."


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