I Have a Martial Arts World

v3 Chapter 817: God's will

"There is a future when you live, and when you die, nothing is left!"

This sentence is An Qisheng's life creed.

It is precisely because of this life creed that he is one of the few cultivators who can live until his lifespan is exhausted.

In the universe, everything has its own limit and has its own lifespan.

People, metals, are all the same.

An Qisheng is now like an overtired metal, the whole person has reached the limit, and it may disintegrate and die at any time.

This kind of death cannot be accurately predicted, only a rough estimate can be made, and there is no means to delay it.

An Qisheng had a premonition that his death was within a year, so he should be able to catch up with the decisive battle.

But with his appearance, he certainly can't fight for a long time.

Fortunately, I have had contacts with Ying Zheng, and I know the working principle of the golden man, so I should be able to repair the two wrecks.

"That way...it won't be a drag."

An Qisheng raised his hand a little, extracted countless gold from the [Longevity World], and began to repair the wreckage of the golden man.

At this moment, looking at these two familiar giant magic weapons, An Qisheng couldn't help but recall the past...

If I went to fight with Ying Zheng again, would the ending be different?

It's not really interesting to live for 2000 years, it's better to die vigorously...

Thinking of this, An Qi laughed at himself: "It's rare to be hard-hearted when I'm about to die..."

He shook his head and continued the work in his hand, and the two golden men with only heads gradually became complete.

But for some reason, An Qisheng couldn't concentrate, and he fell into memory again, and his thoughts drifted farther and farther... Recalling the time when he first started to practice.

When Jin entered Dingjing, all things in the world suddenly slowed down, which shocked me a lot; when the fetal breath was the first time the power of the mind was released, the freedom of the soul when it came out of the body was unrestrained...

The most impressive things in this life are all brought about by practice, and fate has changed because of this.

No longer a mortal rotten to dust, he has seen countless magnificent waves.

"Cultivation... It's good. If there is an afterlife... I want to be a monk..."

An Qisheng muttered to himself, and his body gradually turned into mottled spots of light, dissipating between heaven and earth.

His time was up, and he realized it, but there was no unwillingness or pain on his face, only regret.

"After all, I missed the decisive battle... It seems that I am going to break my promise..."

In the last few seconds of his life, An Qisheng still has a lot to do.

As soon as he dies, his spiritual realm will be revealed to the outside world.

So he first put the [Longevity Realm] in a suitable place to avoid collision with the Shenzhou Realm.

At the same time, transfer the control of the entire world to Lu Yao...

In the end, An Qisheng only had time to leave a few words for his demon concubine, and the changes disappeared into the sky and the earth.

The only remaining Yang God Immortal Venerable in the Shenzhou Realm is gone.

At this moment, [Longevity Realm] suddenly manifested in the real world.

An Qisheng made arrangements before his death. This huge planet with a diameter of nearly 15,000 kilometers runs smoothly on the opposite orbit of the Shenzhou realm.

The two planets do not interfere with each other like twin brothers.

At the same time, a huge sadness filled the 【Longevity World】.

Yao Yutu, Jiemin, and even the small animals among them couldn't help but burst into tears and grief.

This is the vision of heaven and earth "same grief in thousands of miles" triggered by the death of the master of the spiritual realm.

Everyone also instantly knew that their ancestors had passed away, and they cried even more sadly.


This sad emotion also spread to the realm of China.

An Qisheng was born and raised in the realm of Shenzhou, and once he died, he also triggered the vision of "same grief in thousands of miles".

At the same time, the life of the entire planet felt a huge sadness from the bottom of the heart, even the coldest person couldn't help but burst into tears.

Lu Yao already knew all this.

Just now, he suddenly received a spiritual sense, which is the complete control of the [Longevity Realm].

So I have the mental preparation, and when I see this "sadness in ten thousand miles" again, I will naturally understand everything.

"God's will tricks people..." Lu Yao sighed deeply.

The whole sky was gloomy, full of sadness and bleakness.

When a few raindrops fell, Yao Yutu, who had been separated soon, came to the door again.

This time, with confusion on her face, she lost her temper and saluted a little stiffly:

"My master Xian has gone. He apologized for his absence, and entrusted the [Longevity Realm] to you, saying that you can devour and refine it as a resource for fighting the evil god."

Lu Yao looked up at a huge star that suddenly appeared in the sky. The two places were separated by 500,000 kilometers, and they could see each other very clearly.

"I have already received An Xianzun's wishes, but I will not damage the [Longevity World] in the slightest. This is what he has transformed in his life, so he will keep it prosperous and benefit future generations."

While speaking, Lu Yao raised his hand and pointed, and his spiritual realm shot a beam of light towards the [Longevity Realm], sending a lot of inspiration to the past.

This is all from the "beautiful girl/women's special attack team" who traveled through the heavens to search, and immediately made the somewhat desolate world a little greener.

Seeing that Lu Yao really didn't mean to swallow, he even gave an inspiration.

Yao Yutu couldn't help being stunned and shocked!

After the death of the developer ~lightnovelpub.net~, the most respected approach is of course to make his spiritual realm prosperous.

But this is a whole world, and who would be willing to let it go!

Yao Yutu instantly understood why this person could be trusted by the master!

She was so moved that she fell to the ground, kowtowed her head and cried:

"Lu Xianzun is very benevolent and righteous, the slave family is the master, and all the people of the world, thank you for your kindness!"

Lu Yao waved his hand to get him up, and said, "Go back to take care of the realm first. If there is anything, please call me at any time."

Yao Yutu said respectfully: "The slave family saves it. By the way, there are two golden figures left by my master here."

She took out two half-finished gold figures.

Lu Yao glanced at it, although it was not finished yet, the design ideas and concepts were already obvious, and he could repair it himself.

Coupled with the "Tai Shi Chaos" that An Qisheng had given before, Lu Yao couldn't help but sigh:

"An Xianzun has already made great efforts, but it's just good luck to make people, so what can I do for it."

Tears flowed from Yao Yutu's eyes again, and he knelt down and kowtowed a few times before returning to take care of the realm.


And this scene was also seen completely by the Great Sage Xuangui.

When he saw "Ten Thousand Miles of Sadness", he sent a message, but Lu Yao received Yao Yutu first.

At this moment, the Great Sage Xuangui couldn't help admiring Lu Yao's open-mindedness, and he would not lose the principle even if there were great benefits ahead.

But the war is imminent, and it is not good for one's own side to lose a major general first.

The Great Sage Xuangui said hesitantly: [Xianzun Lu, what should I do next? 】

Lu Yao said: "Next... let you transform first!"

As soon as the voice fell, a green swirling door of light appeared in the courtyard.

The women are back with a full harvest!

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