I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 1006: Lin Quandao

A Xiuxian's family, if the strength is not good, it will be a problem after the inheritance is ignored. One hundred years later, Xiao Mu could not rise up, so the owner of the Foundation period only had letters from Mu. He could not exist at all. Maybe this Poe would change his surname.

The three cultivating families are peaceful and harmonious on the surface, but if one of the families falls down, the moral sentiment of the past will disappear.

A monk, in addition to daily practice, is a path of introspection and enlightenment. Therefore, there is no monk who is not a meticulous person. Mu Qing is the wood that focuses on the future. This is an unavoidable plan for the future. He thought for a long time before saying it. You told him.

That boy is not old but very mature. Uncle your old man told him about this in person that day. This person is not right or left, and he is also difficult to fight.

A foreign monk who didn't know the situation of Daxia Xiu Xianjie, said that he would scare him even more. Sunan thinks that Sunan should postpone it for a while, Sunan doesn't know, he said.

Mu Qing'er said slowly and slowly said that big business is not a place for a monk at all. He is a year-old young man who can practice seven levels of Qi, and the old man thinks his qualifications are average, but he is only interested in helping.

The uncle of the clan said very much, a country boy who took care of the Lin family in Sunan, he might achieve something. Otherwise, according to his qualifications, as long as there is a little chance, you can have today's cultivation base. If you want to cultivate in the Great Xia Immortal Realm in the future, it will be a difficult step.

If such a young man joins a wooden family, it will benefit both the wooden family and young people. But the letter also knows that the homeowners are not looking at the young people, but repairing each other.

After some thinking, Sunan does not think anyone can become a family member of Sunan. Sunan thinks that Sunan should send someone to look up his background and his true thoughts. If this does not know what is good for him, why should Sunan become a member of the Sunan family! Uncle, what do you think?

At the same time, Renyi did not know that someone was plotting against him. For a Sanshou who does not have Daxia, joining the Qing family may be a good choice. However, Lin was absent-minded, because Yuan and the others were going home soon.

During the day, Lin Yi took Yuanfeng and stones for a walk on the hillside. During dinner, he and Monsanto and others crowded around a table, and he went home alone in the evening. So, in a blink of an eye, it was the seven days of seeing off.

In the early morning, Renyi came out of his room, but she was standing there, standing in the courtyard, her face glowing and excited, but she didn't want to say anything, her eyes were full of color.

The skin of Mu Qing'er in front of him is whiter than before, and the appearance of aura has more meaning than dust. Lin Yi looked down and smiled, "Miss Cheng, congratulations." He saw that she had successfully condensed her qi, and now she is practicing her qi.

Oh, you are welcome! This is a gift for you! Killed a lot of monks on the road, this thing can not be kept, then help.

Seeing that Mu Qing'er hadn't awakened from joy, Lin Yi smiled and shook his head, and briefly explained the usage of the dry kun bag, and then wanted to visit. The latter heard that the people of the Heavenly Sect were leaving today, and the joy on his face disappeared a lot, and he went to see him off.

These days when I came to Poe, I sent the disciples for a long time, but when the Lin family saw it, there was no surprise, naturally no one left. Therefore, the Sunan people can only rest on the **** for a few days, and then they will embark on a long journey home.

When Lin Yi and Mu Qing'er arrived at the inn, they had packed their luggage and waited at the door. When they came and left each other, they couldn't talk anymore.

Xu Zixuan hugged Mu Qing'er before crying. The sisters have been separated for more than ten years, and they are unlikely to meet again. Monsanto and Jitang, as well as the rest of the disciples, couldn't help sighing as they watched the separation.

Wood also cared about the face of distant relatives, not only gave some pills, but also a few flying swords, and asked Wood to post the letter. However, the owner of the wooden house stood far aside, obviously having nothing to say with these quack doctors.

So he gave him a gift. The other nodded slightly. So in a word, let everyone bid farewell to the city, he actually left first.

Uncle! Choked, walked towards Rin Yi's face. Then Shi Jian and Kai Anlin smiled, patted Yuan Feng on the shoulder, and whispered that you must be careful! These days he refined some jade pendants, plus the elixir he bought from him, and those two Yuanfeng would take the long sword weapons that he could not use. Even if Xuan Yuan Temple ceased to exist later, Yuan and others could rely on these things to protect themselves without fear.

Starting from the beginning, Yuan Feng said, he was relieved, Xuan Yuanguan has Sunan and Sunan in it! Those letters Sunan will also be delivered to the door one by one, he wrote to Tianpuku and his son, His uncle and his family, Mr. Su, and Mr. and Mrs. Che Hai. Although Sunan didn't know when to go back and brought back a letter to greet him, let's also talk about the sadness of leaving home!

Sunan was also here and interrupted him.

Kang An was determined to worship, but changed his mind for a while and worshipped Yuan as a Taoist priest. This is considered to be the pain of the emperor of the Shang Dynasty. If the worship becomes an ordinary Jianghu school~lightnovelpub.net~, I am afraid it will touch the court. As a Taoist who lives in seclusion in the mountains, maybe you can really avoid being killed.

Renyi was also surprised. What he said was a joke, and it turned out to be true. It is too early to accept Guo'an as a disciple. Only when he is really tired of the world and come back, will he give up his Highness' wealth and let him decide.

Nevertheless, Kun An already considers herself a disciple of Xuan Yuanguan, and respects Lin Yi and Yuan. But under the age, Renyi and Yuan Feng also had to let go.

Seeing, Renyi said that both you and Sunan know that it is also a kind of destiny! On the way back, Yuan Feng gave you a piece of jade as self-defense, and Shi Jian, who protected you from speechlessness, made a solemn gesture. Said: Take care of a row of people and it is not easy to delay. While talking, walk along the street and cross the stone bridge downhill to the outside of the town.

When the others arrived, he provided a wooden crane. After reciting a word, the wooden crane grew longer, and Shu ran in to spread the ten-foot giant. He didn't even watch Monsanto and the others. He said, "Come on.

Wood's wings vibrated slowly, and the cloud seemed to be churning under its wings. Its huge body is more than a foot above the ground. The head and long neck of the crane in front of it move down in a vivid way to shock people. Looking at each other, you are afraid to move your feet.

This should be a magical flight, enough to take a dozen people to fly together. As soon as Ren thought of this festival, he walked and said, "It is not easy to walk in the mountains and forests.

Knowing that people shouldn't let people watch jokes, Monsanto embraced Lin Quan Dao Shengbao and took the lead in Muhe. Apparently, the disciples were not far behind to devote themselves to it.

Yuan wiped away his tears and knelt down to give Lin Diao his head. Then he pulled up Jia'an, who also wanted to kneel behind him and kowtow, jumping off the wooden crane. Shi Jian followed him. The fifteen people on the back of the crane did not look crowded.