I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 1015: Disdain

I thought that a stick would be smashed to the ground. I didn’t expect that the opponent would die when they dared to counterattack. Although its sword flew and people were smashed to the ground, the interlaced sword strength still made Wan Qingshan’s arms. It's numb, can't help but make him secretly afraid.

Immersion gold rod can be said to be a kind of strength falling ten, common law, the spirit does not dare to encounter it head-on. But such a little-known foreign boy was so fearless, no wonder he could kill two of his disciples. This person can't stay, the dust that will crush it when he dies!

Wan Qingshan once again raised the heavy golden rod in his hand, fell into the ground and smashed it.

Lin Yi's eyes were closed, unconscious.

Just as Renyi was about to approach "Vanishing Point", a rainbow-like sword flew through Renyi, stopping the falling golden rod. The roars of the two interlaced, making a deafening noise.

Fei Jian waited a bit backwards, buzzing, and looked at the golden rod that blocked the heavy decline.

Dumbfounded, before taking back the golden rod, Wan Qingshan’s heart was drenched, and he dodged and shouted angrily that you are

But before he could see who was coming, a cold light was behind him.

It is just a spiritual monk. He raised his hand and killed it. Therefore, Wanlv shirt was angry, and did not think of sacrificing the legitimate defense of the baby. Suddenly he was attacked, before he had time to think, he dodged and brushed the sword lightly, holding a piece of blood under his ribs, he cried out in pain.

Sunan wants to be immortal, and one has a stomachache! The two monks who came with him were the elders of the clan, and they both established the foundation of the clan. Knowing that someone had killed a disciple of the Sunan nearby was a major event for everyone in the Sunan. So they followed the master, only to find that the assailant was only a monk in training period, and the remaining two Danyuan disciples had gone away, except for the three old people in the thatched hut and the hut.

The owner of the house was very angry and they had to watch. Who wants the waves to hit suddenly, someone hits suddenly, and imitates the owner. The two dared not ignore them and rushed over.

Seeing this sneak attack on his own people, the incredible Wan Qingshan repeatedly questioned. The man turned out to be an old man, wearing a Taoist suit, three long beards, and a faint feeling of murder between his eyes. Who is this? It looks weird, but there is a trace of resentment in his eyes that is familiar. If Lin wakes up at this time, he can't think of the person who saved him, which is a bit mysterious. Its decoration is unpredictable, and now it has become a master of the mid-term foundation of architecture. Is the name "White Three" true again?

Bai San glanced at the ground, then slowly raised his head, waved his hand, and hovered two ice flying swords aside. With one sleeve, the wolf-toothed sword that was broken in two arrived in his hand.

Gently touching the sword body, exuding a strong warmth from white eyes, as if in memory, as if in aftertaste. After a long period of time, without hiding the pain, the "zero seven zero" was instantly turned into anger, flashing more than that in his eyes.

The white here and now is still the timid, cheap, and patchy poor old man. He got up and was not afraid when he was laying the foundation in front of the three masters. He raised his hands and feet and gave a small qi of sand. After borrowing for a long time, he was finally released.

Raising the broken sword, the white trio stared, coldly saying not to kill you! Who is Sunan? Sunan wants to kill you day and night

The eyes of each other are like cones, seeming to pierce the dusty memories of the evergreen shirt. He took a step back, with a suspicious expression on his face, and said verbatim that you are not dead.

San Ye raised his head, sneered, and touched the palm of his face. The old man's appearance was gone, but he had three strands of green beard, and his eyes flashed with the light of a middle-aged man.

Ye Yu, it's you who returned Sunan's daughter to Sunan's true face when they looked at each other. The facial expressions in Wanlvcun shirts became fierce. The other two monks from 10,000 families seemed to remember something, and their faces showed shocked and nervous expressions. The white trio, or Ye Yu, looked up at the sky, laughed loudly, and then the desolate laughter suddenly stopped. He glared at the green forest, cursing! You know what they said. You cannot kill your own son. You also sent someone to hunt down your biological daughter. If you don’t play with dirty hands, how could Qiao'er be reproduced and die? How could Joeson die in another place

Ye Yu sobbed with anger, the corners of his eyes cracking. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then opened his eyes again. Sunan promised Joe that in Sunan's lifetime, Sunan will kill you to avenge her.

After listening to the other party, Wan Qingshan's heart was filled with unspeakable bitterness. The past year was like a cloud.

That year, Man Qingshan was sixty years old. Also in that year, the Wanqingshan Success Foundation became one of the few architects. In the same year, something unspeakable happened.

Before the establishment of the Evergreen Shirt, the romantic Hongxia Ridge was a famous pervert. One day, he met a Li mortal woman in the city. He became lustful and polluted her body. Later, he didn't care. Who knew that two years later, this woman named Fang gave birth to a daughter named Qiao'er.

In this city, it is ridiculous to have children without a wife~lightnovelpub.net~ These two women are having a hard time, so they begged Chang Qing Shan to open the door to let Chang Qing Shan recognize her daughter.

No matter where he was willing to admit that he already had a family, and thought that this woman had ruined his reputation, he expelled the two women from Chixia Town. Unexpectedly, the elder of the clan knew about this matter, and found that the girl named Qiao Sen had the qualifications to cultivate immortals, and reprimanded Sunan with the Changqing village shirt.

At this time, Wanqingshan was not the owner of this house, and couldn't help but see the behavior of the family elders and had to find these two women to settle down. But he still thinks that this woman is a mortal, and either beat or scolded. Within a few years, the poor woman died of depression and left her daughter.

Later, Wanqingshan's daughters grew up slowly, and they were allowed to enter and became a monk. It just so happens that Qiaoer is not popular and is often insulted by other children in Wanqingshan.

Although Qiao'er is a tease of fate and has enough strength, she always practices silently, hoping to get away from her pain one day.

More than ten years later, by chance encounter, the children met Ye Yu, who is today's three people. At that time, Ye Yu was handsome and good-spoken. Although he was decorated by loose decoration, he was a master of the basic period. Qiao'er is also beautiful and sad pale, people's love and pity. The two have a crush on each other, and they have a secret life.

Ye Yu is very tall and a master in the basic period, he came to the door. It is based on this foundation and their hearts that they think their daughter will crawl someday. Naturally, they dismissed such an inadvertent repair. However, he did not refuse, but changed the name of the other party to join. Then, let him think.

Ye Yu naturally refused, and ran away in a rage. Thousands of people followed the general fire, and the monks came out to catch the bold couple of dogs.