I Have a Million Beasts

Chapter 150: dignified

In the same way, whoever plays chess and who plays chess always depends on strength. And Sunan's current strength, the dean may not even have the qualifications to become a Sunan chess piece.

   After realizing this, the dean had no room for resistance.

   Because of Sunan’s current strength, even the dean in his heyday was not qualified to fight Sunan.

   The dean thinks he knows Sunan, and he thinks he can control the whole situation, but he is just deceiving himself. Because Sunan didn't even release the power of the Earth Lord God when he was competing with him.

   Let me know who you are! Your past and what you are doing. "Sunan continued to say coldly. "If you don't want to disappear from this world forever, I hope you understand what I mean.

   Okay! I said. "" The dean said dejectedly, that deep sense of frustration made him no longer able to pluck up the courage to communicate with Sunan face to face on an equal basis.

   When the energy-type alien beasts came to the earth, there were also some owners of other planets who came here.

   The earth is no longer the one before the rebirth of Sunan. This place is full of temptations, and there are also various kinds of abundant energies, these energies are the objects that those people chase.

Dean    is one of them, and he is also attracted by the inexhaustible energy of the earth's rich and diverse species.

   He has the same identity as Moses, from a planet other than the earth. However, his level is obviously higher than Moses. Because he, like Sunan, is also the main **** of a certain planet.

   Although this planet has been exhausted and collapsed into a singularity under the operation of the vast universe.

   The dean who lost his energy became an interstellar wanderer. Like the group of interstellar predators led by Chikoka, they shuttled and wandered through the universe.

   In fact, they are all the same in essence, which can explain why the dean can extract monster genes from the monsters controlled by the interstellar predators.

   Interstellar predators belong to the primary stage, they only use wild investigations to destroy the ecological balance of a planet. They only cultivate monsters, squeeze energy, and finally leave after the energy withers.

   And the dean obviously considered a longer term than the interstellar predator. He wanted to use monster genes to strengthen the properties of the planet's organisms.

   For example, Zhang Meng, the dean used monster genes to change his original biological state. It is equivalent to providing Zhang Meng with a new life form to become more powerful.

   After the dean makes them stronger, he uses them to control the entire earth, and finally turns the earth into his own.

   Moreover, this monster gene will change according to the strength of each person's body. The dean himself can also be strengthened by monster genes, restoring his strength in his heyday.

   In contrast, Sunan who has the system is obviously much more powerful than the two of them.

   Because Sunan can directly control creatures through breeding, and then through evolution, these creatures become stronger.

   These creatures are not only limited to animals, all living things can do it. Gila is a successful experiment that Sunan deliberately made.

Dean   's remarks allowed Sunan to learn more about it and gave him a more comprehensive understanding of his system.

   If what the dean said is true, Sunan can use monster genes to speed up the process of raising pets, and then use the system to upgrade and strengthen.

   But I have to save these for later, because the fighting on the Kunnan River Valley has already started, can Zhang Meng hold on?

   Thousands of dense cows gathered into a sea of ​​red monsters, wrapped around them, galloping.

   Chang Meng faced all of this alone, in the huge collision, and the roar of the cattle, Zhang Meng's figure looked particularly lonely.

   Liu Fuxin and Du Zijian, like Zhang Meng before the gene fusion, fell into a void. At this time, the two people completely lost their combat effectiveness.

  In other words, during this period of time, Zhang Meng not only had to fight against the whole cattle herd alone, but also took care of the safety of these two brothers, so that they could survive without protection.

The    Luan herd is not just a quantitative advantage. Like all herds, they have leaders and wisdom. Under the leadership of the leader, he exerts a strong combat effectiveness.

   This is not a simple combination, it contains a lot of tactics and tactics.

   dense cattle formations were used to deal with huge herds in ancient times. Taking it out to deal with Zhang Meng's trio alone shows how much Bhutanese people value these trio.

   These luan cattle are equivalent to heavy cavalry bing in ancient wars, using their huge, heavily armed bodies to charge the enemy. The purpose is to break the opponent's formation.

   Facing the impact of Luan cattle, Zhang Meng’s giant bear stood in front of him like a rock.

   However, in front of the huge herd of Luan cattle, these resistances of his were like boring arms as a car, and instantly fell apart.

   Zhang Meng was hit by the lead Luan Niu so much that he flew into the air like a kite with a broken wire, not knowing where the wind is going.

   At this moment, Du Zijian's eyes suddenly opened, and the whole body exploded with golden light. Under this golden light, Du Zijian's figure grew sharply

   Du Zijian, who was originally the slenderest of the three, turned three meters high into a giant praying man.

   His two hands turned into emerald green sickles, and wings grew out of his back. His two legs were strong and vigorous. He stood in a "z" shape with his upper body shaking slightly.

   At the moment Zhang Meng was hit and flew into the air, the wings behind Du Zijian spread out and rose into the air to catch Zhang Meng steadily in the air.

   Zhang Meng, who was in the body of a giant bear, was not imitated under this impact, but the huge impact of the Luan herd made Zhang Meng really unable to draw this powerful force away.

   But Zhang Meng confronted him head-on, hitting the stone with an egg, but he bought time for the fusion of the monster genes in Du Zijian and Liu Fuxin.

   Similarly, Liu Fuxin's body began to change the moment Du Zijian was in the air. Liu Fuxin's body crawled on the ground, the golden light dissipated, and a five-meter-long chameleon appeared on the ground.

   The tail of this chameleon has reached three meters in length, and its huge tail is like a steel whip, sweeping towards the Luang cattle very hard.

   Bull formations, because of their huge numbers, they can only show their powerful impact when they form a formation.

   Like heavy riding bing, they are not exerting individual strength, but relying on the impact of the group to achieve amazing destructive effects.

   Therefore, their weakness is that they must maintain consistent actions. Moreover, it is difficult to imitate flexible scheduling and change formation in the middle.

   After hitting and flying Zhang Meng, the billowing torrents carried forward. Fortunately, Liu Fuxin guarded the expedition team at the edge of the impact of the Luang cattle herd, and did not cause much damage.

   Du Zijian also brought Zhang Meng down. The four members of the expedition team looked at the scene in front of them, as if they had fallen into a dream, and did not know what words to use to describe the scene in front of them.

  The battle is not over yet.

   After the impact, the Luan cattle herd began to change their formation after the momentum subsided. Of course, the change of the formation was very simple. It was just that the back team changed to the front team sign and turned around.

   At this time, they are located on the high ground in the southwest corner, which is the opposite corner of the previous impact location.

   But this time, they adjusted their positions, confronted Ruo Zhang Meng, Liu Fuxin, and Du Zijian where they were, and launched another charge.

   This is the attack method of Luan Bull Array, simple but practical. Relying on the power of the group for rounds of impact, until the opponent's fighting spirit is exhausted, and then defeated.

   If you want to defeat this group of luan cattle, you must head-on, resist their impact, and then start killing.

   The blood of the beast in Chang Meng's body was boiling. Perhaps it was because the monster gene was fully awakened in the previous battle. At this moment, Zhang Meng's body was as hard as steel armor.

   The giant bear’s 駆 was fixed in the middle, his legs separated, and plunged into the ground fiercely.

   Two giant palms are placed on the chest, showing an extended posture, a bit like a sumo wrestler.

   Liu Fuxin was beside him, his huge tail flicking from time to time. The color on his body mixed with the soil, bright and dark until he lost his trace.

   No one knows where he went or where he was lying in ambush. And when will the fatal blow be launched.

   Du Zijian’s feather wings have been retracted, and the giant praying mantle stands on Zhang Meng’s right. Two mantis knives, glowing with a green cold light, are sharply serrated, a sharp weapon for harvesting life.

   Du Zijian was behind Zhang Meng, because Zhang Meng had to withstand the impact of Luan cattle's collar and suppress the momentum of Luan cattle.

  Once they are successfully blocked, the giant Wang of Du Zijian’s incarnation will rush in with the sword of the **** of death and relentlessly harvest the lives of these luan cattle~lightnovelpub.net~bang!""The two teams finally collided together again.

   Although the number of Luan 857 cattle is huge, what was unexpected this time was that Zhang Meng abruptly caught the shock.

   I saw Zhang Meng’s giant bear pressing forward, and two giant palms firmly grasped the horns of the leading bull. Zhang Meng's hind feet sank deeply into the soil, already submerging the soles of the feet

   However, Luan Niu Tau-ling could no longer go deep, and Zhang Meng blocked his way forward.

  In this way, the Luan cattle herd lost the command of the leader, and the middle road was blocked. Using Zhang Meng and the leading Luan cattle as the dividing line, they galloped towards both sides.

   This is like in the middle of an anxious stream, a huge rock suddenly appeared, which forcibly split the anxious stream into two.

   Du Zijian grasped the good situation, spread his wings and flew into the battle group.

   Luan Niu Tau led the Luan cattle behind them because they couldn't move forward, they squeezed and stepped on each other, and they were already restless. Losing the initial momentum, their destructive power is reduced by most.

   At this time, Du Zijian came in with two huge praying mantis knives, like a wolf entering the sheep pen, and blood was splashed all over the place.

   Liu Fu suddenly appeared behind Luan cattle, his tail whipping like a whip, driving away the cattle and making them more chaotic.

   The whole Kunhe Valley was red with blood, and the sorrow of Luan cattle was all around.

   A group of people fled hurriedly in the jungle, their faces are very solemn.